Council of Alumni and Friends Awards

Council of Alumni and Friends Awards

One of the indicators of the quality of a School and its Programs is the endeavors and accomplishments of its alumni. Recognizing and honoring our graduates for their body of work in the profession and for their contributions to enhancing the lives of individuals, families and communities is an important aspect of the work of the Council of Alumni and Friends of the John and Doris Norton School of Family and Consumer Sciences. Your assistance in identifying individuals who deserve to be recognized by our School, our College and our University is vital to the success of our work. You are the ones who have known our graduates as students and have watched them as they have developed into outstanding professionals and community leaders.

View brief descriptions of the awards and previous recipients of the awards.

View the award nomination form (online) or download the form (pdf)

Submit a separate form for each individual you nominate. The nomination form may be used for awards presented by the Council of Alumni and Friends at the annual Homecoming Luncheon, by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the Spring Awards Banquet and by the University of Arizona Alumni Association. On each nomination form indicate the award that you believe would best recognize the individual you are nominating.

Nominating packets will be completed for recognition by the Council and/or forwarded to the CALS Awards Committee and/or the Alumni Association. Nominees not selected for an award this year will be held for future consideration.

Norton School FCS Council of Alumni & Friends Awards
Emerging Professional
Professional Achievement
Judy Hansen Mellor Alumni Service Award
FCS Special Recognition

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) Awards
Early Achiever
CALS Outstanding Achiever
CALS Alumni Achievement
Eugene G. Sander Lifetime Achievement - Individual
Eugene G. Sander Lifetime Achievement - Organization
Extensionist of the Year
Friend of CALS
Heritage Family Award
Carol Knowles Award for Excellence in Development and Alumni Relations

University of Arizona Alumni & Association (UAAA) Awards
Advocacy Award
Alumni Achievement Award
Alumni Association Recognition Award
Bear Down Award 
Distinguished Citizen Award
Extraordinary Faculty Award
Global Achievement Award
Honorary Alumnus/Alumna Award
Leo B. Hart Humanitarian Award
Marvin D. “Swede” Johnson Service to Students Award
Outstanding Young Alumni Volunteer Award
Professional Achievement Award
Public Service Award
Sidney S. Woods Alumni Service Award
Slonaker Award Alumni
Veterans Award for Distinguished Service
Young Professional Achievement Award

You may also submit completed nomination using our online form, or via postal mail, or email by completing and printing the downloadable form and sending it and the other documents to FCS Awards Committee c/o Dan McDonald, 4210 N Campbell Ave., Tucson, AZ 85719 or email

Institutes and Centers

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