Learning Styles

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Arizona

The wide range of individual differences surely must mean that there is no single method for nurturing creativity; ideally the experiences we provide should be tailor-made, if not for individual students, at least for different types of students. We should remember that the same fire that melts the butter hardens the egg.

-In Search for Human Effectiveness: Identifying and Developing Creativity. By D. MacKinnon

Educators are keenly aware that each student possesses unique needs, interests and abilities and that each child should have an opportunity of pursue an effective instructional program at a pace that is challenging and interesting.

-Individualized Instruction: Implications for the Gifted. By J. Jeter, and J. Chauvin

Experiential Learning Theory Learning Style Inventory Chart
Diverger Teaching Techniques: Divergers Divergers
Converger Teaching Techniques: Convergers Convergers
Assimilator Teaching Techniques: Assimilators Assimilators
Accommodator Teaching Techniques: Accommodators Accommodators



Syllabus   Building a Basis for Education   Planning Process   Writing Objectives   Testing   Interpreting Test Data   Educational Foundations   Teaching Effectiveness    Learning Styles   Problem Solving and Lecturing   Using Discussions   Conducting Demonstrations    Applications of Learning

This website was last updated on Thursday, August 16, 2001 10:43 AM.  This is version 1.1.  If you have any questions about this site, please email ddavies@ag.arizona.edu.  If you have any questions about the course, please email Dr. James Knight at jknight@ag.arizona.edu.