Educational Foundations

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Arizona

Examining a Psychology for Learning

How do people learn? What influences how people involve themselves in the teaching-learning process? There are time proven principles and laws of psychology which will, if utilized in a positive way, influence how much and how well people learn. For a principle to be a "true" principle, it must be applicable to many situations. A principle, as used in this book, connotes a "fundamental truth which is applicable to many situations." Principles differ from laws since a law is "an absolute truth which has withstood the test of time."

Since the art and science of teaching is a "learned" or an acquired ability, it can be perfected and improved through (a) actual experience in teaching, and (b) the application of psychological principles and laws of learning which affect how people learn more and better. Learning principles, either individually or in concert with each other, when applied in a positive learning environment tend to "turn students on!" The prerequisite to good teaching is an enthusiastic teacher who can interest students in the subject matter being presented! Before learning can occur, however, students must want to learn. They must be motivated to learn! Students only learn through their own efforts. Teachers cannot learn for their students - they can only provide the opportunity for students to learn! What makes students was to interact and to learn?

-The Power of Positive Teaching. By Floyd G. McConnick, Jr.

Motivation Primary Principles of Interest Secondary Principles of Interest
Natural Impulses that Stimulate Interest Education, Teaching, Learning Law of Practice
Law of Effect Law of Association Organization and Structure of Subject Matter
Reward and Reinforcement Techniques of Teaching Hierarchy of Human Needs
Involving More Senses



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