Teaching Techniques: Divergers

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Arizona


Smile more
Shake hands
Write things down
Involve them
Use essay exams
Avoid closed assignments


Show emotion
Speak their name
Don’t assume understanding
Compliment them
Use written directions
Keep open mind


Movies and filmstrips with recording
Group discussions among students
Lectures with discussion of material presented
Short assignments which act as springboards for class activities

Expect Them To

Listen to, learn from, and respond to their fellow students
Be aware of color, sounds, and moods in their environment
Observe body language and intonation


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This website was last updated on Thursday, August 16, 2001 10:43 AM.  This is version 1.1.  If you have any questions about this site, please email ddavies@ag.arizona.edu.  If you have any questions about the course, please email Dr. James Knight at jknight@ag.arizona.edu.