Teaching Techniques:Convergers

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Arizona


Give many facts
Compliment their work
Keep emotions low
Let them be perfectionists
Give them credit


Be careful teasing
Give reassurance
Let them check work
Help them to finish
Ask their opinion


Workbooks, lab manuals, job sheets
Lectures accompanied with overhead transparencies, drawings, or models
Demonstration teaching
Hands-on materials
Field trips
Programmed instruction

Expect Them To

Follow step-by-step directions exactly
Use various drill techniques to practice what they have learned
Give correct answers from text


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This website was last updated on Thursday, August 16, 2001 10:43 AM.  This is version 1.1.  If you have any questions about this site, please email ddavies@ag.arizona.edu.  If you have any questions about the course, please email Dr. James Knight at jknight@ag.arizona.edu.