Water Quality and Animal
Feeding Operations in Arizona: A Producer's Notebook
5. Nutrient
In Arizona, nitrogen (N) is the primary nutrient
of regulatory concern. In some other states, phosphorus (P) is
the primary nutrient of concern. Therefore, this section of the
notebook provides information on both N and P management. This
section was included to help AFO owners to better understand how
to apply nutrients to any cropland they may have.
Two items regarding nutrient management are
included in the front pocket of this notebook. One is a brochure
on the CORE 4 Program, titled "What’s a Crop Nutrient Management
Plan?" This is part of a program by the Conservation Technology
Information Center; a non-profit, public-private partnership dedicated
to advancing economic and environmentally beneficial agricultural
management systems.
For more information, call 765-494-9555 or
go to: http://www.ctic.purdue.edu
The second item is a nutrient management reference
book titled "Nitrogen Fertilizer Management in Arizona" by
Doerge, Roth, and Garderner, 1991. It contains information on nurtient
management relevant to Arizona climate, soils, and crops.
Two additional items follow in this section.
They are:
Page updated 7/02