The most widely used method of reducing manure is
land application. Not only does this reduce the amount of manure
(solid or liquid) that is stored onsite, but it can also make the
soil more productive. Organic matter, such as manure, can increase
nutrient values of the soil. It can also improve soil structure,
which leads to increased infiltration and less leaching of irrigation
water. However, if the manure is applied improperly, it can become
a potential pollutant. Therefore, we have developed this page to
help you understand more about nutrient management.
Arizona Training for Certified
Nutrient Management Planners
Agricultural Waste Management
Field Handbook - and other information from NRCS
Nutrient Management in Arizona
(part of the producer's notebook)
NRCS Field Office
Technical Guide
Draft Phosphorous Assessment
CNMP Technical Guidance
National Agronomy Manual (NAM)
Fertilizer Management in Arizona (UA pub. 1991)
Animal Waste Nutrient
Management (Oklahoma State University) - this site contains
good information on sampling.
Methods of Manure Analysis Manual (PDF file, 1304KB) - University
of Wisconsin publication
New! Martin,
E. Application of Animal Manure/Compost in an Irrigated
Oat/Corn Rotation (6
slides/page PDF file, 497KB); Full
sized PDF file, 2.2MB; Accompanying
Paper, 387KB 2003 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Las Vegas,
Nevada. July 30, 2003
New! Martin,
E. and K.A. Tanksley Application of Animal Manure/Compost
in an Irrigated Alfalfa Production System (6
slides/page PDF file, 657KB); Full
sized PDF file, 1.8MB; Accompanying
Paper, 127KB 2003 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Las Vegas,
Nevada. July 30, 2003