Water Quality and Animal
Feeding Operations in Arizona: A Producer's Notebook
Worksheet #12: Reporting Discharges
(Excel version, 9KB)
(see part IV. B. 1. c. viii. of Arizona General NPDES permit)
Give EPA verbal notification of a discharge within 24 hours at (415)
744-1905. A written notification is required within 5 days of discharge
to the address at the bottom of Worksheet 12, page 2. This worksheet
is designed to be used for a single discharge event and satisfies
the requirements for Discharge Notification and Monitoring, Parts
V.A. and V.B. of the permit.
Cause of Discharge:
Description of Discharge:
Date and Time of Discharge (start and end):
Start Date and Time: ___________________________________________________
End Date and Time: ____________________________________________________
In what water body did discharged manure water go and how did it
get there from the containment structure?
An estimate of the flow and volume discharge:
If the discharge was caused by a precipitation event, specify amount
and type of event: (information from http://www.nws.noaa.gov/, http://ag.arizona.edu/azmet/
or an on-site weather gauge)
Name of person recording the discharge:
Steps being taken to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence:
This worksheet was developed by the Arizona Department of Agriculture,
Agricultural Consultation and Training Program, in collaboration
with Natural Resources Conservation Service, University of Arizona,
& AZ Conservation Districts, for use in record keeping requirements
for the Arizona NPDES General Permit.
Worksheet #12: Reporting Discharges
(page 2)
Discharge Monitoring (Parts V.B., V.C. and V.D.)
Time and Date of Discharge: _____________________________________________
Time and Date of Sampling: _____________________________________________
Reason for Sampling Delay, if any:
Sample taken by: _____________________________________________________
Request a copy of the Chain of Custody sheet from the laboratory
and attach to this report.
Parameters to be tested: |
Results (attach laboratory results or fill in this table):
Fecal Coliform Bacteria |
5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) |
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) |
Ammonia (NH3) |
Nitrites (as N) |
Nitrates (as N) |
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN as N) |
Total Phosphorus (P) |
Send written notification of discharge to:
EPA, Region 9
Attn. AZG800000, WTR-7
75 Hawthorne St.
San Francisco, CA 94105
This worksheet was developed by the Arizona Department of Agriculture,
Agricultural Consultation and Training Program, in collaboration
with Natural Resources Conservation Service, University of Arizona,
& AZ Conservation Districts, for use in record keeping requirements
for the Arizona NPDES General Permit.
Page updated 7/02.