In their own words: CALES Spring 2024 Outstanding Students

Each semester, the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences (CALES) recognizes undergraduate and graduate students who have gone above and beyond within their fields of study. These Outstanding Students, nominated by faculty within the college, have demonstrated their commitment to both their academics and their community. We’re proud to have you in our college!
This semester, 28 students will be honored with this award during the CALES Undergraduate Convocation on May 11, 2024, and the CALES Graduate Convocation on May 13, 2024. For more information about Convocations, please visit the website.
We asked each of these Outstanding Students to reflect on their time in CALES and share their most memorable highlights. Recounting their experiences with inspirational faculty and staff, life-changing research opportunities, meaningful extracurriculars, and favorite courses -- here are the 2024 Outstanding Students in their own words:
The Spring 2024 College Outstanding Seniors
Livi Lawrence
CALES Outstanding Senior (Arizona Online)
Environmental Science

Memorable highlights:
“During my time in CALES, I was lucky to become acquainted with Dr. Rivka Fidel, Dr. Scott Cowell, Dr. Joey Blankinship, and Mr. Sam Rathke. These compassionate individuals offered me their unwavering support in times of need. They taught me that there is light to be found even in the darkest of nights. Learning with them will always be my most cherished memory from my time as a student in CALES.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Livi plans to gain experience with regenerative agriculture and strengthening local food security. “I have a passion for understanding the natural world and improving public health. As of right now, I’m open to exploring many disciplines and am excited to see how my career will take shape!”
Nadira Sage Mitchell
CALES Outstanding Senior
Natural Resources

Memorable highlights:
“First and foremost, I thank my parents Agnes Attakai and David Mitchell for laying the foundation that has enabled me to excel academically and engage actively in the community. My success in CALES would not have been possible without my academic advisor, Katie Hughes, and professors Jesse Alston and Michael Bogan, who provided opportunities to gain experience outside of the classroom.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Nadira will be working as a research assistant for the Mescalero Apache Tribe's Tribal Wildlife Management Plan.
Brandy Michelle Rice
CALES Outstanding Senior (Yuma)
Human Development & Family Science

Memorable highlights:
“I have so many great memories and lessons to take with me from CALES. This university played such a pivotal role in shaping me into who I am today. When I first began my journey with CALES, I was so timid and fearful of being rejected by my younger classmates. To my surprise, CALES fosters a culture of belonging and acceptance. Faculty and colleagues alike are warm and welcoming, which provided me with a sense of belonging that I had never experienced before.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Brandy has accepted a mentoring/counseling position with a trauma-focused organization that aims to provide support and resources to survivors. Ultimately, she wants to pursue a master’s degree to become a trauma therapist.
The Spring 2024 Department Outstanding Seniors
Jaclynn Burns
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior
Fashion Industry's Science & Technology

Memorable highlights:
“Reflecting on my time in CALES, I am filled with gratitude for the positive experiences, invaluable lessons and incredible opportunities that have shaped my academic journey. I am deeply grateful for the guidance and support I received along the way from the dedicated staff and faculty members.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Jaclynn will pursue her dreams of working in the fashion industry and creating her own brand.
Samara Cuevas
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior
Nutritional Sciences

Memorable highlights:
“One of my favorite memories in CALES that I will forever cherish is working at the Student Nutrition Advising Center (SNAC). I created the most incredible bonds with the advisors and Cindy Kaiser, who have been the greatest support throughout my time in college! Also, the friends and people I have met coming in and out of SNAC were the best!”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Samara will take the MCAT and apply to medical school.
Nguyen Dang
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior
Food Safety

Memorable highlights:
“I am so glad that I was able to be a Peer Mentor and Ambassador in CALES and to give back to the community that I love. Thank you to Dr. Ravishankar for being patient and guiding me through the knowledge. Thank you to my peers in my research labs for all the jokes and laughs over the past three years. I am sure that I will miss these memories, but I am forever grateful for what CALES has done for me during my undergraduate years!”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Nguyen will continue his career at the UA and pursue Applied Biosciences with a focus on Industrial Microbial Biotechnology. “Then, I hope to bring my knowledge to support my family back in Vietnam!”
Natalie D'Angelo
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior
Biosystems Engineering

Memorable highlights:
“Throughout all four years [at the UA], I have worked on projects like rainwater harvesting and pond design with some of my best friends through the Engineers Without Borders club on campus. Working on the club's San Carlos Apache Tribal Nation project, my favorite part has been connecting with the community through field visits and working with our non-profit partner (Nalwoodi Denzhone Community) to make their regenerative agriculture-based life center vision come to fruition. In my senior year, I have really enjoyed the hands-on aspect of the engineering senior design project, as I have worked on a prototype machine that separates hemp fibers from the stalk to reduce plant waste and facilitate the creation of bio-based products.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Natalie will enter the workforce, designing water and agricultural systems with a conservation/restoration focus.
Omar Felix
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior (Yuma)
Personal & Family Financial Planning

Memorable highlights:
“My favorite memory from CALES was when I got the opportunity to visit San Diego for the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Conference! This was an educational/fun trip where I got out of my comfort zone, visited a new city, and made new friendships that were unforgettable!”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Omar will continue his Wildcat journey and pursue a master’s degree.
Ela Fuentevilla
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior
Veterinary Science

Memorable highlights:
“A favorite memory of mine is working in my undergraduate research position, expanding my knowledge on livestock by working with sheep. This has been one of my most valuable experiences at the University of Arizona, allowing me to learn about the livestock and research industries while collaborating with an amazing team of faculty and other students. Participating in clubs during my time at CALES provided me with valuable leadership experience and introduced me to peers with similar interests. Specifically, my involvement in the Pre-Veterinary Club and mentoring allowed me to learn from others while also giving back to the CALES community. I am so grateful to have been a part of the CALES community and expanded my network through courses, friendships and research.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Ela will continue working at both the Oracle Pet Clinic and the UA Agriculture Research Center to further her veterinary medicine knowledge. Her ultimate goal is to earn a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine.
Roberta Gracia
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior
Environmental & Water Resource Economics
Memorable highlights:
"My journey with CALES and AREC has been incredibly enriching and enjoyable, especially the courses that have both challenged and inspired me. I am profoundly grateful to all the professors who have guided and supported me throughout this educational adventure."
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Roberta plans to continue her studies with AREC as she wraps up her second year in the master’s in Econometrics and Data Analysis program.
Madison Gerdes
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior
Environmental Science

Memorable highlights:
“I loved my time in CALES and at UA. I transferred from another major and immediately knew I made the right call, as I felt right at home among my fellow environmental scientists. Some of my favorite memories are from our departmental events and the time I've spent with the close-knit group of friends I found in my major. I'm sad my time in CALES is over, but I can't wait to take what I've learned here, both academic and otherwise, into the real world with me.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Madison plans to pursue a master's program and research in the field of global ecology, studying the interconnected web of our global ecosystems.
Brandon Anthony Green
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior
Sustainable Plant Systems

Memorable highlights:
“Most of my favorite memories took place in and around the Controlled Environment Agriculture Center (CEAC). I remember starting my Introduction to Hydroponics class and being introduced to the tomatoes I'd be taking care of that semester. It was such a relief to be doing some hands-on work, and this felt like a real preview of what I could do with my professional life. It was exciting. Now, as I prepare to behead and tear down the tomatoes I've been cultivating since August, I see it as closing the book on my college career.
Three people come to mind when I think of mentors, and that includes Dr. Triston Hooks, Dr. Tanya Quist, and my advisor Daniel Jimenez. These three individuals taught me to be curious, to persevere, and to never give up. Without them, I do not know that I would be graduating, let alone leaving this school with confidence that I have a bright future.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Brandon is hoping to work in a botanical garden or controlled environment agriculture setting and return for a graduate degree in 2025.
Joseph Andrew Guler
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior (Yuma)
Biosystems Engineering

Memorable Highlights:
“During my time in CALES at the University of Arizona, I have had the opportunity to learn from and work with several professors, advisors and companies that have positively shaped my education and career outlook. Several faculty members have shared their knowledge and insight throughout the courses I took, allowing me to make it my own, for which I am forever grateful. Some of my favorite memories include my time at Blue River Technology during my internship, traveling around the country for six months and experiencing the rich agricultural diversity that the U.S. has to offer, as well as my current graduate research in the Accelerated Masters Program on Guayule cultivation along the lower basin of the Colorado River for water risk mitigation.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Joseph will continue his career at the UA, pursuing a master’s (and eventually a PhD) in Biosystems Engineering while working as an engineer.
Kristen Kopplin
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior
Applied Biotechnology

Memorable highlights:
“I am incredibly grateful to be a part of CALES as it is a college that provides numerous opportunities. I have had the opportunity to work for CALES as a peer mentor where I was able to work closely with other students and support them in their academic endeavors using the student resources CALES has. I also work as an intern at a local Tucson brewery (Moto Sonora), where I have gotten hands-on experience in beverage fermentation which has helped direct me to my career field of interest. I would like to especially thank Dr. Samantha Orchard for sparking my interest in biotechnology, as it was her class that led me to switch my major. My time in college has been full of ups and downs, but the support from CALES has been an incredible gift that has helped me on my road to graduation. I am so proud to be a part of this college. Bear Down, Go Cats!”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Kristen hopes to work in the field of regulatory affairs in the food & agriculture industry.
Dustin Loso
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior

Memorable highlights:
“CALES gave me the opportunity to get the most out of my time at UA. I got to be a part of a community of passionate students with incredibly diverse interests while developing my own leadership and communication skills. I'll always be grateful to everyone in CALES, and especially my fellow Microbiology majors!”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Dustin will continue his education at the University of Toronto to pursue a PhD in Molecular Genetics with a continued focus on Microbiology.
Jazmin Morales Navarrete
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior (Yuma)
Sustainable Plant Systems

Memorable highlights:
“My time at CALES has been incredibly valuable, it is a place where I met great friends, who were there for me no matter what. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity I have had at the University, especially Yuma campus. I thank my mentors for introducing me to the agriculture industry and for allowing me to feel welcome all the time. It will certainly be bittersweet to leave the UA and the amazing friends. I am excited to see what the future holds for me, but it’s definitely hard to be leaving such a great university. I cherish all the deep friendships I’ve formed and will carry with me the many lessons I’ve learned. A special thank you to both Dr. Brenes and Dr. Hodges!”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Jazmin hopes to pursue a master’s degree and work on her CCA credentials and pesticide license.
Jhon del Aguila Pasquel
CALES Meritorious Teaching Award (PhD)
Environmental Science

Memorable highlights:
“I have really enjoyed courses that allowed me to acquire specific skills and tools I can apply to my own dissertation work. For example, Statistical Analysis of Ecological and Environmental Data helped me to understand what steps to follow to address my research questions.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Jhon will pursue a post-doc on the topic of climate change linked to biogeochemistry in tropical forests.
Jaime Pulido
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior
Retailing & Consumer Science

Memorable highlights:
“I am extremely grateful for all my instructors, Amye Chapparro (my academic advisor), and the mentorship I received from Jay Sampson, which has been a cornerstone of my journey. Everyone's unwavering support, invaluable advice and countless hours dedicated not just to my education but also to my personal growth have shaped me in more ways than words can describe.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Jaime is moving to Chicago, IL, to work for Uber as an account representative.
Mahek Nirav Shah
CALES Meritorious Teaching Award (MS)
Human Development & Family Science

Memorable highlights:
She says: “Over the last two years of being in the HDFS program at the University of Arizona, the aspect that stands out to me is that the people matter the most in a research-focused graduate program. My advisor, the graduate faculty members that I have learned from, the undergraduate professors that I have worked with as a teaching assistant, and my colleagues are truly the people who have defined my graduate experience, and I am extremely grateful for their unique contributions.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Mahek will be pursuing a PhD in Human Development and Family Science at the University of Arizona with her advisor, Dr. Melissa Curran.
Maicy Wear
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior
Personal & Family Financial Planning

Memorable highlights:
“My time at CALES was one to remember. My favorite memory was competing in the Financial Planning Associate National Competition. I got to challenge my knowledge about what it takes to create an impactful financial plan. The professors and other students are what I am going to miss the most, with continuous support and push to be better I wouldn’t be where I am today without them. They provided me with guidance that led to internship opportunities at Morgan Stanley and Underhill Financial Advisors. Lastly, the research I did highlighting women in financial planning, and collaborating with Charles Schwab to host a women’s financial planning panel, are going to prepare me for success in my future career.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Maicy will move back to Portland, Oregon, and pursue her dream career as a financial advisor associate.
The Spring 2024 Exceptional Performance and/or Service Award
Ariana Bootier
Exceptional Academic Performance and Service to the Community Award
Animal Sciences

Memorable highlights:
“My favorite accomplishment while being a CALES student is collaborating with the college and my peers to run an Honors Thesis Parasitology Learning Lab in a live-animal setting. Sharing knowledge and working with my peers in a team-based environment at Al-Marah Equine was such a gratifying experience. I am grateful to my veterinary mentor, Dr. Cyprianna Swiderski, for guiding me and supporting my drive to provide an engaging learning experience for students. This experience continues to remind me of my passion for mentoring individuals with a drive in animal science and veterinary science. I believe that a multidimensional integrative learning approach holds the key to student success.”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Ariana will be attending the University of Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine.
Taylor Roman Cavallaro
Exceptional Academic Performance and Service to the Research Mission Award
Plant Sciences

Memorable highlights:
"My experiences in CALES have left me with many wonderful memories:
- Working on Mt. Lemmon with Dr. Tanya Quist and the Campus Arboretum
- Fieldwork with Dr. Betsy Arnold (in southern Arizona and the Canadian Arctic)
- Developing and executing my own research project in Arctic fungal ecology
- Presenting a poster at a national meeting hosted by the American Society for Microbiology (ABRCMS 2023)
- Giving an award-winning research talk at the West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference in 2024
- Helping out my fellow students as a Preceptor in Dr. Miesfeld's biochemistry class."
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Taylor will attend Stanford University to pursue a PhD in the Department of Biology.
Jaylen Pallanes
Exceptional Academic Performance and Perseverance Award
Human Development & Family Science

Memorable highlights:
“My experience at CALES has been nothing short of spectacular. As a first-generation college student, I was concerned about what college would be like, but at CALES, I never felt alone. I was always welcomed, greeted and encouraged to keep going. Some of my favorite moments have been joining the Student Orientation Leaders, CALES, Norton, and HDFS Ambassador programs, where I've met some incredible people. One of my favorite experiences was conducting research with Dr. Melissa Barnett and Dr. Payal Khosla, which resulted in a presentation to the National Council of Family Relations on bridging the gap between what we discover in research and how we can apply it to the law. Thank you to all the faculty and staff at CALES and Norton you have made my undergraduate college experience extraordinary!
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Jaylen will pursue a career in the field of family law and juvenile justice.
Ashton Redd
Exceptional Academic Performance and Service to the Teaching Mission Award
Agribusiness Economics & Management

Memorable highlights:
“It is difficult to put four years’ worth of memories, friendships and lessons into words. I am beyond grateful to have been a part of CALES during my time in college as it has provided me with so many opportunities in all areas of my life; especially the friendships. Thank you to the AREC Department especially for the close-knit community that has been built!”
Post-graduation plans:
After graduation, Ashton has accepted a position at VandWater with Bestifor Farms located in Kansas. VandWater is a software platform that was created to aid farmers and producers in their water management needs to help accomplish usage-related goals (conservation) while keeping them in compliance with state regulations.
CALES Outstanding Students, no submission:
Norma Ezrre
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior - Yuma
Nutritional Sciences
Siyu Liu
CALES Outstanding Senior - International
Environmental Science
Brandon Torres
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior
Agricultural Technology Management & Education
Ivanna Valenzuela
CALES Departmental Outstanding Senior - Yuma
Agricultural Systems Management
Some submissions may be edited for length or clarity.