Strengthening our mission and values through dedicated leadership.
Shane C. Burgess
Executive Leadership
Jon Chorover
Jim Davis
Jeffrey Ratje
Zelieann R. Craig
James Hunt
Jean McLain
Michael Staten
Jia Hu
School Directors
Judith Brown, Interim Director and Professor, School of Plant Sciences
Laura Scaramella, Director, Norton School of Human Ecology
D. Scott Merrell, Director and Professor, School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Kathryn Stoner, Professor and Director, School of Natural Resources and the Environment
Kenneth Wilund, Director and Professor, School of Nutritional Sciences and Wellness
Department Heads
Joan Curry, Interim Department Head and Professor, Environmental Science
Murat Kacira, Interim Department Head and Professor, Biosystems Engineering
Laura Scaramella, Interim Department Head, Agricultural Education, Technology and Innovation
Bruce Tabashnik, Department Head and Professor, Entomology
Gary Thompson, Department Head and Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics