Academic advisors help you access campus services, select courses that align with your degree plan, and support your academic goals. You should meet with your advisor at least once a semester to ensure you’re on the right path for your graduation timeline. Schedule appointments online through CatCloud.
Incoming students should connect with our recruitment team for questions.
Advisors by major
General Advising & Undecided Majors
Nancy Rodriguez Lorta
Reed Battles
Arianna Buchanan
Serena Valle
Agribusiness Economics & Management
Danielle Buhrow
Serena Valle
Agricultural Technology Management & Education
Dava Jondall
Serena Valle
Animal Sciences
Christina Garcia
Applied Biotechnology
Serena Valle
Biosystems Analytics & Technology
Dava Jondall
Biosystems Engineering
Dava Jondall
Environmental & Water Resources Economics
Danielle Buhrow
Serena Valle
Environmental Science
Amanda Flexas-Williamson
Katie Hughes
Santiago Tso
Fashion Industry Science & Technology
Arianna Buchanan
Human Development & Family Science
Arianna Buchanan
Elizabeth Collins
Natural Resources
Amanda Flexas-Williamson
Katie Hughes
Katelyn Loomis
Nutritional Sciences Programs
Julian Mirano
Michelle Mendoza
Manny Bracamonte
Fanisia Bundage
Desireé Esquivel
Jessica Zepeda
Personal & Family Financial Planning
Arianna Buchanan
Tiffany Ortega
Plant Sciences
Serena Valle
Retailing & Consumer Science
Arianna Buchanan
Amye Chaparro
Tiffany Ortega
Sustainable Plant Systems
Serena Valle
Veterinary Science
Jasmine Acosta
Dari Salvo
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