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Pest Alerts. This area of the website provides links to press releases, regulatory updates and detection and control information related to new and potential invasive pest threats in Arizona and the desert Southwest. |
Pesticide Archives (old pesticide information)
* These labels and other infomation are not intended to replace the label on the container being used in the field and should be used only as a guide. The applicator must still follow the directions as written on the container label. Active Ingredient Information:
Pink Bollworm Eradication Program October 15, 2010. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that Movento (spirotetramat) has been registered, for a second time. Movento was first registered by EPA in June, 2008, but EPA issued a cancellation order for Movento registration in April, 2010 that made it unlawful for the manufacture (Bayer CropScience) to sell or distribute the product. However, the cancellation order allowed for the use, sale or distribution of existing supplies of Movento in possession of retailers, distributors and end-users under the provisions of the previously-approved label. The previous Movento registration was terminated because of a judicial action related to a procedural failure on the part of the EPA (failure to publish a notice of receipt of the spirotetramat registration application in the Federal Register). The new registration has been anticipated for several months, and the product will be available in the next growing season for use on several registered crops, as detailed in a statement issued by the EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs (PDF, 14KB). It is our understanding that pending state approval by the Arizona Department of Agriculture, local growers may purchase inventory and use Movento under the new label. For more information on the new Movento registration please view this press release (PDF, 101KB)from Bayer CropScience. August 18, 2007 August 16, 2010. Bayer CropScience announced today that it is cooperating with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) following the August 16, 2010 announcement to cancel uses of aldicarb, sold as Temik® brand insecticide/nematicide, on potatoes and citrus. Uses on all other crops will remain, but will be phased out over the next few years. According to the agreement with the EPA, farmers may continue to use existing stocks of Temik on citrus and potatoes until December 31, 2011, allowing inventories to clear the channel of trade. Uses on all other crops will be maintained with some additional label changes, until an orderly product phase-out is completed, consistent with Bayer's global replacement strategy regarding WHO Class 1 products. The company plans to discontinue marketing aldicarb in the United States and other markets worldwide by 2014. More details are available in the Issue Brief (PDF, 41KB) and in a Press Release (PDF, 193KB) from Bayer CropScience. August 5, 2010. On June 3, 2010 EPA informed Makhteshim Agan of North America (MANA) that all uses of endosulfan are ineligible for re-registration due to worker and ecological risks. On July 22, 2010, MANA and EPA signed a Memorandum of Agreement (PDF, 3.9 MB) that phases out all uses of endosulfan, including cancellation of aerial applications and changes to re-entry intervals (REI) and post-harvest intervals (PHI) for many Southwest desert crops. The details of the agreement were announced on August 3, 2010. This agreement includes provisions for use of existing stocks, which vary by crop and use. MANA is hosting a grower endosulfan conference call on Wednesday, August 18 2010 at 11:00 am MST & PDT. The call-in number is 1-877-861-7542. Use the conference code 1790192356. The Arizona Pest Management Center has posted previous reports related to Arizona endosulfan usage and other stakeholder communications with EPA related to endosulfan on the Arid Southwest IPM Network website. June 9, 2010. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking action to end all uses of the insecticide endosulfan in the United States. Endosulfan, which is used on vegetables, fruits, and cotton, can pose unacceptable neurological and reproductive risks to farmworkers and wildlife and can persist in the environment. Makhteshim Agan of North America, the manufacturer of endosulfan, is in discussions with EPA to voluntarily terminate all endosulfan uses. EPA is currently working out the details of the decision that will eliminate all endosulfan uses, while incorporating consideration of the needs for growers to timely move to lower-risk pest control practices. EPA's phaseout is based on new data and scientific peer review, which have improved EPA's assessment of the ecological and worker risks from endosulfan. More information is available on EPA's endosulfan webpage. April 5, 2010. EPA has issued the Final Cancellation Order for all pesticide products containing the active ingredient spirotetramat (e.g., Movento and Ultor). This order states that it is legal for the distribution channel to sell and distribute Movento and Ultor that is currently in their possession. Growers can continue to use Movento and Ultor according to the previously approved labeling. This Final Order supercedes the Interim Cancellation Order previously issued by EPA. Additional information is available in a letter from Bayer CropScience and on EPA's Spirotetramat web page. March 12, 2010. EPA has issued an Interim
Cancellation Order for all pesticide products containing the active ingredient spirotetramat (e.g., Movento and Ultor). Growers can continue to use material they have purchased and which is in their possession, but this order prohibits any sale or distribution of the products, March 11, 2010. Litigation in the New York courts has led to a termination of registrations for Movento (active ingredient spirotetramat), effective December 23, 2009. Since tolerances for this active ingredient are still in force, crops treated with Movento may still be marketed freely. Furthermore, Bayer has requested EPA to provide an existing stocks policy, which EPA hopes to have in place in the next few days and may permit the continued use of existing stocks of Movento. More Information on recent court decision from Bayer CropScience. January 25, 2010. Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Regulation Affects Farmers. All oil storage facilities, including farms, with more than 1,320 gallons of aggregate, above-ground storage are regulated by the SPCC Regulation. SPCC Rule requires facilities to possess and follow an SPCC plan. Storage containers 55 gallons and larger for petroleum products, vegetable oils, and animal fats are included. The final rule was published on Nov. 13, 2009 and became effective on Jan. 14, 2010. The EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response is responsible for the amendments and the contact person is R. Craig Matthiessen, 202-564-8016, matthiessen.craig@epa.gov. September 23, 2009. Disulfoton and Methamidophos Voluntarily Canceled. EPA has approved voluntary cancellations, requested by the registrants, of pesticide products containing disulfoton and methamidophos. The order cancels the last disulfoton and methamidophos products registered for use in the U.S. For all methamidophos products and most disulfoton products, the cancellations are effective December 31, 2009. Use of products may continue until existing stocks are exhausted. The registrants may sell and distribute existing stocks of most disulfoton products and all methamidophos products until December 31, 2010. More details available in EPA’s September 23, 2009 Federal Register notice. June 19, 2009. New Pyrethrins and Pyrethroid Information Available. Three new items on EPA's Web site will enhance the public's access to information about pesticides in the pyrethrin/pyrethroid class of insecticides. These items are 1) a new consolidated Web page on these chemicals, 2) a paper and related fact sheet on the Agency's analysis of whether an association exists between pyrethrin/ pyrethroid exposure and asthma and allergies, and 3) a description of new environmental hazard and general labeling for non-agricultural outdoor use pyrethroid products including tips for consumers to use in reducing the potential for pesticide runoff and drift. The new items are described further below. October 28, 2008. The Secure Handling of Ammonium Nitrate Act requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to regulate the sale and transfer of ammonium nitrate (AN) to prevent its misappropriation or use in an act of terrorism. In the future, DHS expects to undertake the following activities: (1) DHS would require AN (sales and distribution) facilities and prospective AN purchasers to apply for registration numbers from DHS in order to sell, transfer, and/or purchase AN. (2) DHS would conduct checks of identifying information on all prospective registrants against identifying information that appears in the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB). (3) DHS generally would plan to issue or deny registration numbers within 72 hours of receipt of a registrants complete registration application. (4) AN facilities would have to verify that potential AN purchasers are registered. (5) DHS would require AN facilities to keep records of sales or transfers of AN for at least two years. (6) AN purchasers would be required to report theft or loss of AN. (7) DHS would conduct or oversee regulatory compliance inspections and audits of AN facilities records. This proposed regulation is separate and distinct from the Chemical Facility Terrorism Standards (CFATS). Agricultural operations currently have an indefinite compliance exemption from the CFATS regulation. DHS plans to pursue preliminary supplemental CFATS rulemaking in 2009. March 10, 2008. EPA is proposing revisions of 40 CFR 172.3(c)(1), Exemptions from the requirements from large-scale tests and federal experimental use permits (EUP). December 19, 2007. EPA is extending the endosulfan comment period by 30 days. The new deadline will be Tuesday, Febuary 19. Notice of the extension will be published in the January 9 Federal Register. If you would like to provide comment to EPA on this issue, see the guidance document (PDF, 56KB) for a list of questions that EPA is seeking more information on as part of their assessment process. August 28, 2007. "Pyrethroid re-evalution will reach far beyond California." The California Department of Pesticide Regulations placed 20 synthetic pyrethroids in 608 products from 123 registrants under review, after the active ingredient was discovered in sediments - not the water - of California urban and rural waterways. Read the article from Southeast Farm Press. June 20, 2007. EPA issued five notices in the Federal Register of May 2, 2007, announcing the availability and seeking comments on EPA's revised human health risk assessments for the fumigants chloropicrin, dazomet, 1,3-dichloropropene, metam potassium, metam sodium, and methyl bromide. This notice announces EPA's decision to extend the comment period from July 2, 2007 to September 3, 2007, for the five actions. For more information view the Federal Register Notice. March 21, 2007. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency have given the first joint approval of a North American Free Trade Agreement harmonized label for a pesticide product. The pesticide product is called Far-Go Granular Herbicide in the United States (EPA reg. 10163-287) and Avadex MicroActiv Herbicide in Canada and is registered for use on wheat, barley, beets, lentils and peas. See press release. March 15, 2007. The California Department of Pesticide Regulations (CDPR) distributed a Notice of Proposed Regulatory Action that would revise the minimum qualifications for persons applying for a pest control adviser (PCA) license for the first time. Any interested person may present comments in writing about the proposed action to the agency contact person named below. Written comments must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 30, 2007. Comments regarding this proposed action may also be transmitted via e-mail at dpr07001@cdpr.ca.gov, or by facsimile (FAX) transmission at (916)324-1452. Linda Irokawa-Otani, Regulations CoordinatorQuestions on the substance of the proposed regulatory action, particularly technical or historical questions concerning this proposal, may be directed to: Mac Takeda, Manager March 2, 2007. Pink Bollworm Eradication Program Information from the Arizona Cotton Research and Protection Council: On 28 Feb 2007, Western Farm Press erroneously reported, "Western Arizona Pink Bollworm Eradication Program on Hold." In fact, the PBW eradication as planned is a "Go" in LaPaz and Mohave counties of Arizona for 2007, with the decision by the federal government to fund the sterile moth program. This expansion will also include Southern California and Mexico. Yuma County will not enter the eradication program until 2008. February 20, 2007. The label for Centric 40EG (EPA Reg. no. 100-1147, ai: thiamethoxam) has recently been amended. Label changes include revised total amount of Centric 40WG allowed per season on cotton and pecans. The revised specimen label can be viewed at http://www.syngentacropprotection.com/labels/ by selecting Centric 40WG from the drop-down Products menu. November 21, 2006. EPA Issues Final Rule on Aquatic Pesticide Applications. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a final rule clarifying two specific circumstances in which a Clean Water Act permit is not required before pesticides are applied. The two situations are when:
After considering two rounds of public comments, EPA concluded that the Clean Water Act does not require permits in these two situations. The final rule replaces EPA's Interpretive Statement on the Application of Pesticides to Waters of the United States in Compliance with FIFRA, published on Feb. 1, 2005. More information on EPA’s website. November 15, 2006. EPA announces the availability of EPA's revised risk assessments for the N-methyl carbamate pesticide aldicarb. In addition, this notice solicits public comment on risk reduction options for aldicarb, as well as an initial impacts and/or preliminary benefits assessment for a number of aldicarb uses. The public is encouraged to suggest risk management ideas or proposals to address the risks identified. EPA is developing an Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision (IRED) for aldicarb through the full, 6-Phase public participation process that the Agency uses to involve the public in developing pesticide reregistration and tolerance reassessment decisions. Subsequently, EPA will complete the cumulative assessment for N-methyl carbamate pesticides, including aldicarb. Additional risk mitigation for dietary concerns may be necessary for aldicarb at that time. Comments must be received on or before January 16, 2007. Information on how to provide comments is available on EPA’s website.
February 26, 2003 The growing budget crisis may soon threaten the on-line availability of the pesticide use (1080) data currently being made possible through the Arizona agricultural statistics office. While there is funding to continue through the end of this June, that may well not be true beyond. This information has provided useful data to assist university researchers in identifying priority areas needing attention. It has also proved of great value in supporting Arizona's emergency exemption program to allow use of unregistered pesticides to deal with novel pest control problems. The system has made it unnecessary for growers to report separately their uses of soil applied pesticides that are on the groundwater protection list to the Department of Environmental Quality. All of these pluses would be lost if the system was shut down. We would go back to the days when anyone wishing to utilize this data would need to go to the Arizona Department of Agriculture and manually dig through the reports stored in boxes.
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