to measure and map riparian habitat and determine landcover change
in the delta in 2002
Measuring and mapping riparian habitat
research (Nagler et al., 2001c, submitted) established a strong
correlation between percent vegetation cover measured on the ground
and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of Red/NIR
band images taken from a low-level(150 m) airplane survey of the flood plain (r2 = 0.84). Further, the major plant associations (groundcover
species, saltcedar-arrowweed, emergent plants and native trees)
contributing to different habitat values could be visually differentiated
on the images. Comparison of NDVI values for common landscape features
(water, soil, vegetation) for aerial images and a TM of the same
scene taken near the time of the flight gave nearly identical values, showing that results can be accurately scaled
from ground, to aerial and then satellite images (Zamora, Nagler
et al. 2001, in press).
We will build on this data to develop vegetation
maps and habitat maps at four seasons of the year, corresponding
to summer (June 21), fall (Sept. 21), winter (Dec. 21) and spring
(March 21), each year for the three years of the study. We will
use the MQUALS sensor package (Huete et al., 1999) to acquire overlapping,
1,000 m aerial images of the floodplain, using multi-band (blue,
red and NIR) and visible-band digital cameras. The MQUALS system
incorporates paired, ground and airborne sensors such that voltages
can be converted into actual reflectance values for radiometric
measurements. We will use visual interpretation of the images to
construct a vegetation base map, dividing each image (representing
ca. 100 ha) into 100, 1-ha mapping units, categorizing each unit
as soil, water or vegetation, and if vegetation as groundcover,
shrub, native tree or emergent aquatic species. Using NDVI and other
vegetation indices and cluster analyses, we will develop methods
to accurately map units based on spectral properties, then we will
scale up to larger-scale mapping units for TM images of the same
scenes. Ground truthing will consist of locating representative
sample areas on the ground and quantifying vegetation (by type),
soil and water using line-intercept methods. Other biophysical measurements
on the ground will include: global and local Leaf Area Index by
LiCor2000 calibrated by physical measurement of LAI for subsamples
of each species and, reflectivity spectra of leaves of each plant
type as well as soil, water and litter at 490-990 nm in 10 nm increments
by hand-held radiometer.
A larger scale habitat map will be developed by
classifying each image representing 100 ha into habitat classes
as defined by Ohmart et al. (1988) for the lower Colorado River.
These classes include open and closed gallery forest, shrub-dominated,
aquatic and emergent marsh associations, each divided into sub-categories
and each with particular wildlife habitat values for relevant species.
This type of mapping has been conducted for the lower Colorado River
in the United States using visual interpretation of conventional
aerial photographs, but has not been done by spectral methods or
scaled to satellite images.
Within two weeks of each seasonal flight, a TM-3 and MODIS image
of the floodplain will be acquired. Digital numbers will be converted
to exoatmospheric reflectance values, and NDVI values calculated
for each pixel of the image. The TM will not have sufficient detail
to differentiate different plant associations, but when overlaid
on the photomosaic there will be a correspondence between NDVI values
and underlying vegetation units. The photomosaic base map and corresponding
classified ETM+ and MODIS images can then be used for subsequent
change analysis, over seasons and years. This analysis assumes that
the basic vegetation structure in the delta changes only slowly,
an assumption which has proven valid over twenty years of monitoring
on the US stretch of the lower Colorado River. Therefore, an aerial-based
photomosaic used to classify vegetation types will be valid for
many years, while more frequently acquired satellite images can
be used to detect changes in biomass coverage and intensity with
vegetation units (Glenn et al., 2001c)."
Change detection
detection involves the use of multitemporal data sets to discrminate
areas of land cover and/or soil related change. We are interested
in separating out the changes of interest from all changes taking
place. We expect that the use of vegetation indices will isolate
changes in temporal and spatial vegetation variations. We will also
search for the appropriate band combinations and to differentiate
flooding events and vegetation responses. Careful attention will
be placed to ensure that the changes in spectral reponses and/ or
indices are indeed attributable to a change in land cover and not
due to extraneous factors such as solar angle (time of day) or atmospheric
BoR reports of the historic flow events in the
last 20 years will provide information on the period and magnitude
of the anthropogenically-caused flooding. Correlating these pulse
floods with images of the delta in the post-flooding period gave
an overview of the effect of the flooding on semiarid riparian vegetation
extent and habitat, and provided a high correlation (r2 = 0.931)
between percent vegetation and the years of flow (Zamora
et al., in press). That study concluded that less than 1% of the
base flow of the river is required to support the regeneration of
native trees by washing salts from the banks and allowing mesophytic
species to be established, and thus it is possible to maintain a
biodiverse ecosystem in this inherently variable semiarid zone.
However, in years between flood events, when there is little to
no water available, salts build up in the soils producing a salinity
effect which reduces biodiversity; salt tolerant species such as
the exotic Tamarix ramosissima (salt cedar) begin to fill the delta
in a uniform pattern. We will produce maps of semiarid, riparian
vegetation (habitat) land cover and land use change in response
to available water (3-D model) contained in the flood plain at different
flood stages. A predictive model of these land-cover, land-use change
dynamics (cause and effect) will be built on the last 20 years of
available data (historic flood flow event reports, and vegetation
indices from satellite images). It will be used to make current
assessments of endangered species habitat and a mosaic showing areas
of fragmentation. The model will be useful for predicting the future
status of biodiversity in the delta based on a minimum water requirement
(Glenn et al., 2001c)."