on Publications
Author: Unknown
Title: Checklist of Mammals of the Sonoran Desert Borderland Reserves
Source: Dry Borders II Draft
Author: Unknown
Title: Birds in the Upper Gulf of California
Source: Dry Borders II Draft
Author: Unknown
Title: In Search of El Burro
Source: Dry Borders II Draft
Author: Editorial
Title: Application of the US Endangered Species Act across international
borders: the case of the Colorado River Delta, Mexico
Source: Environmental Science & Policy 3(2000) 67-72
Author: Aragon-Noriega
E.A., Calderon-Aquilera L.E.
Title: Does damning of the Colorado River affect the nursery area
of blue shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris (Decapoda: Penaeidae) in
the Upper Gulf of California?
Source: Revista De Biologia Tropical 48(4):867-871, 2000
Author: Anderson DC, Nelson SM
Title: Rodent Use of Anthropogenic and 'Natural' Desert Riparian
Habitat, Lower Colorado River, Arizona
Source: Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 15: 377-393
Author: Barbieri R
Title: Taphonomic implications of foraminiferal composition and
abundance in intertidal mud flats, Colorado River Delta (Mexico)
Source: Micropaleontology 47 (1): 73-86 Spr 2001
Author: Benenati EP, Shannon JP, Blinn DW, Wilson KP, Hueftle SJ
Title: Resevoir-river linkages: Lake Powell and the Colorado River,
Source: Journal of the North American Benthological Society 2000,
Author: Briggs MK, Cornelius S
Title: Opportunities For Ecological Improvement Along The Lower
Colorado And Delta
Source: Wetlands Vol.18 No.4 December 1998 pp.513-529
Author: Brower A, Reedy C, Yelin-Kefer J
Title: Consensus versus Conservation in the Upper Colorado River
Basin Recovery Implementation Program
Source: Conservation Biology Vol.15 No.4 August 2001 pp.1001-1007
Author: Broyles B, Felger RS, Nabhan GP, Evans L
Title: Our Grand Desert: A Gazetteer for Northwestern Sonora, Southwestern
Arizona, and Northeastern Baja California
Source: Journal of the Southwest (Dry Borders II Draft)
Author: Burquez A, Martinez-Yrizar A
Title: Conservation and landscape transformation in Sonora, Mexico
Source: J Southwest 39 (3-4): 371-398 Fal-Win 1997
Author: Carbajal, Monatano
Title: Bancos de arena en el delta del Rio Colorado
Source: Ciencias Marinas, Vol.25, No.4, 1999
Author: Carpenter Environmental Associates, Inc.
70 Hilltop Road
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Title: An Ecological Summary in Support of a Comprehensive Conservation
Plan for Endangered and Threatened Species within the Lower Colorado
River Basin
Source: May 1999 CEA 97076
Author: Carrillo-Guerrero Y, Shaw WW, De Steiguer E
Title: Non-Regulatory Restoration of Wetlands in the Colorado River
Delta, Mexico
Source: Unknown
Author: Carriquiry JD, Sanchez A, Camacho-Ibar VF
Title: Sedimentation in the northern Gulf of California after cessation
of the Colorado River discharge
Source: Sediment Geol 144 (1-2): 37-62 Sp. Iss. SI Oct 1 2001
Author: Ceballos, G. , E. Mellink y L. Hanebury
Title: Distribution and conservation status of prairie dogs Cynomys mexicanus and Cynomys
ludovicianus in Mexico
Source: Biological Conservation 63:105-112
Author: Cervantes-Sánchez, J. y E. Mellink
Title: Addition of Brandt's Cormorants to the nesting birds of San Jorge Island
Source: Western Birds 32:134-135
Author: Chavez G.V., Cedillo C.M.C
Title: Estructura de la comunidad bentonica (infaunal) en el delta
del Rio Colorado, Mexico
Source: Revista De Biologia Tropical 47(4): 809-812, 1999
Author: Clark M.P., Serreze M.C., McCabe G.J.
Title: Historical effects of El Nino and La Nina events on the seasonal
evolution of the montane snowpack in the Columbia and Colorado River
Source: Water Resources Research, Vol.37, No.3 Pgs741-757, March
Author: Cohen MJ, Henges-Jeck C, Castillo-Moreno G
Title: A preliminary water balance for the Colorado River delta,
Source: J Arid Environ 49 (1): 35-48 Sep 2001
Author: Cohn JP
Title: Resurrecting the Dammed: A Look at the Colorado River Restoration
Source: BioScience: Vol.51, No.12, pp. 998-1003.
Author: Douglas ME, Douglas MR, Lynch JM, McElroy DM
Title: Use of Geometric Morphometrics to Differentiate Gila (Cyprinidae)
within the Upper Colorado River Basin
Source: Copeia 2001(2), pp 389-400
Author: Echelle AA, Van den Bussche RA, Malloy TP, et al.
Title: Mitochondrial DNA variation in pupfishes assigned to the
species Cyprinodon macularius (Atherinomorpha : Cyprinodontidae):
Taxonomic implications and conservation genetics
Source: Copeia (2): 353-364 May 8 2000
Author: Flug M, P.E., Member, ASCE, Seitz HL, Associate Member, ASCE, Scott JF,
Member, ASCE
Title: Multicriteria Decision Analysis Applied to Glen Canyon Dam
Source: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (Sep/Oct
Author: Fortner B.
Title: Congress orders removal of tailings pile on Colorado River
Source: Civil Engineering, December 2000
Author: Galindo-Bect M.S., Glenn E.P., Page, H.M., Fitzsimmons K., Galindo-Bect L.A.,
Hernandez-Ayon J.M., Petty R.L., Garcia-Hernandez J., Moore D.
Title: Penaeid shrimp landings in the upper Gulf of California in
relation to Colorado River freshwater discharge
Source: Fishery Bulletin 98(1)
Author: Garcia-Hernandez J, Glenn EP, Artiola J, et al.
Title: Bioaccumulation of selenium (Se) in the Cienega de Santa
Clara wetland, Sonora, Mexico
Source: Ecotox Environ Safe 46 (3): 298-304 Jul 2000
Author: Garcia-Hernandez
J, Hinojosa-Huerta O, Gerhart V, et al.
Title: Willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii) surveys in the Colorado
River delta: implications for management
Source: J Arid Environ 49 (1): 161-169 Sep 2001
Author: Garcia-Hernandez J, King KA, Velasco AL, et al.
Title: Selenium, selected inorganic elements, and organochlorine
pesticides in bottom material and biota from the Colorado River
Source: J Arid Environ 49 (1): 65-89 Sep 2001
Author: Glenn E, et al.
Title: Conservation in Practice: New Life for the Colorado River
Delta, Mexico
Source: Dry Border II Draft
Author: Glenn EP, Cohen MJ, Morrison JI, Valdes-Casillas C, Fitzsimmons K
Title: Science and policy dilemnas in the management of agricultural
waste waters: the case of the Salton Sea, CA, USA
Source: Environmental Science and Policy 2(1999) 413-423
Author: Glenn E, Congdon C, Garcia J
Title: New Value for Old Water
Source: Natural Science April 1997 204-211
Author: Glenn EP, Felger RS, Burquez A, et al.
Title: Cienega-de-Santa-Clara - Endangered Wetland in the Colorado
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Source: Nat Resour J 32 (4): 817-824 Fal 1992
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Title: Status of wetlands supported by agricultural drainage water
in the Colorado River delta, Mexico
Source: Hortscience 34 (1): 39-45 Feb 1999
Author: Glenn EP, Lee C, Felger R, et al.
Title: Effects of water management on the wetlands of the Colorado
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Source: Conserv Biol 10 (4): 1175-1186 Aug 1996
Author: Glenn
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Title: Introduction
Source: Journal of Arid Environments (2001) 49:1-4
Author: Glenn E, Tanner R, Mendez S, et al.
Title: Growth rates, salt tolerance and water use characteristics
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Title: Effects of salinity on growth and evapotranspiration of Typha
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Author: Glenn EP, Zamora-Arroyo F, Nagler PL, et al.
Title: Ecology and conservation biology of the Colorado River delta,
Source: J Arid Environ 49 (1): 5-15 Sep 2001
Author: Glennon RJ, Culp PW
Title: The Last Green Lagoon: How and Why the Bush Administration
Should Save the Colorado River Delta
Source: Ecology Law Quarterly October 2001
Author: Grismer, L. L. y E. Mellink
Title: The addition of Sceloporus occidentalis (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae)
to the herpetofauna of Isla de Cedros, Baja California, México
and its historical and taxonomic implications
Source: Journal of Herpetology 28:120-126
Author: Gross EL, Patchett PJ, Dallegge TA, et al.
Title: The Colorado River system and neogene sedimentary formations
along its course: Apparent Sr isotopic connections
Source: J Geol 109 (4): 449-461 Jul 2001
Author: Haden GA, Blinn DW, Shannon JP, Wilson KP
Title: Driftwood: an alternative habitat for macroinvertebrates
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Source: Hydrobiologia 397: 179-186, 1999
Author: Henny CJ, Conant B, Anderson DW
Title: Recent Distribution and Status of Nesting Bald Eagles in
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Source: J Raptor Res 27 (4): 203-209 Dec 1993
Author: Henry CJ, Conant B, Anderson DW
Title: Recent Distribution and Status of Nesting Bald Eagles in
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Source: Journal of Raptor Research 27(4):203-209
Author: Henry RS
Title: Mammals of the Sonoran Desert Borderland Reserves
Source: Dry Borders II Draft
Author: Hernandezayon JM, Galindobect MS, Floresbaez BP, et al.
Title: Nutrient Concentrations are High in the Turbid Waters of
the Colorado River Delta
Source: Estuar Coast Shelf S 37 (6): 593-602 Dec 1993
Author: Hernández-Vázquez, S. y E. Mellink
Title: Coastal waterbirds of El Chorro and Majahuas, Jalisco, México, during
the non-breeding season, 1995-1996
Source: Revista de biología Tropical 49:359-367
Author: Hinojosa-Huerta O
Title: Conservation of Wetland Avian Communities in the Colorado
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Source: Dissertation Framework May 23, 2001
Author: Hinojosa-Huerta O, DeStefano S, Shaw WW
Title: Distribution and abundance of the Yuma clapper rail (Rallus
longirostris yumanensis) in the Colorado River delta, Mexico
Source: J Arid Environ 49 (1): 171-182 Sep 2001
Author: Hollingsworth, B. D. y E. Mellink
Title: Crotalus exsul lorenzoensis (San Lorenzo Island rattlesnake). Arboreal behavior
Source: Herpetological Review 27:143144
Author: Horowitz A.J., Elrick K.A., Smith J.J.
Title: Annual suspended sediment and trace element fluxes in the
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Author: Horstman KC
Title: Images over the Southwest
Source: Journal of the Southwest
Author: Jaramillo-Legorreta AM, Rojas-Bracho L, Gerrodette T
Title: A new abundance estimate for vaquitas: First step for recovery
Source: Mar Mammal SCI 15 (4): 957-973 Oct 1999
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Title: Diagenesis of Pliopleistocene Sedmiments of the Colorado
River-Delta, Southern-California
Source: J Sediment Petrol 56 (1): 89-98 Jan 1986
Author: Jimenez, C. M. , E. Mellink y J. Villaescusa-Celaya
Title: DDT and its metabolites in Western Gull eggs from Southern California
and northwestern Baja California
Source: Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 55:374-381
Author: Kowalewski M, Avila Serrano GE, Flessa KW, Goodfriend GA
Title: Dead delta's former productivity: Two trillion shells at
the mouth of the Colorado River
Source: Geology; December 2000; v.28 no.12 p.1059-1062
Author: Lanham S.
Title: The Wine of the Colorado River
Source: Dry Borders II Draft
Author: Lavin M.F., Sanchez S.
Title: On how the colorado river affected the hydrography of the
upper Gulf of California
Source: Continental Shelf Research 19(1999) 1545-1560
Author: Luévano E. , J. , E. Mellink, E. García M. y R. Aguirre
Title: Dieta y traslapo dietario del venado cola blanca, jabalí de collar,
cabra y caballo, durante el verano en la Sierra de la Mojonera,
Vanegas, S. L. P.
Source: Agrociencia, serie Recursos Naturales Renovables
Author: Maimone-Celorio, M.R. y E. Mellink
Title: Shorebirds and benthic fauna of tidal mudflats in Estero de Punta Banda, Baja
California, México.
Source: Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences1(3):105-122
Author: Martin-Barajas A, Vazquez-Hernandez S, Carreno AL, et al.
Title: Late neogene stratigraphy and tectonic control on facies
evolution in the Laguna Salada Basin, northern Baja California,
Source: Sediment Geol 144 (1-2): 5-35 Sp. Iss. SI Oct 1 2001
Author: Martinez PJ, Johnson BM, Hobgood JD
Title: Stable Isotope Signatures of Native and Nonnative Fishes
in Upper Colorado River Backwater and Ponds
Source: The Southwestern Naturalist 46(3):311-322
Author: Martinez-Delgado, E. , E. Mellink, J. R. Aguirre-Rivera y E.
Title: García-Moya
Removal of piñon seeds by birds and rodents in San Luis Potosi,
Source: Southwestern Naturalist 41(3):270-274
Author: McKinney T, Robinson AT, Speas DW, Rogers RS
Title: Health Assessment, Associated Metrics, and Nematode Parasitism
of Rainbow Trout in the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona
Source: North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21:62-69
Author: McKinney T, Speas DW
Title: Observations of size-related asymmetries in diet and energy
intake of rainbow trout in a regulated river
Source: Environmental Biology of Fishes 61: 435-444, 2001
Author: Meldahl KH
Title: Geographic Gradients in the Formation of Shell Concentrations
- Pliopleistocene Marine Deposits, Gulf of California
Source: Paleogeogr Paleocl 101 (1-2): 1-25 Mar 1993
Author: Mellink, E.
Title: Pseudo-eggs of Brown and Blue-footed Boobies in the Gulf of California, México.
Source: Marine Ornithology
Author: Mellink, E.
Title: El límite sur de la región mediterránea de Baja
California, con base en sus tetrápodos endémicos.
Source: Acta Zoológica Mexicana 85:11-23.
Author: Mellink, E.
Title: Effect of the 1997-1998 El Niño and 1998-1999 La Niña events
on the numbers of breeding sea lions and waterbirds in the Upper
Gulf of California, México.
Source: Geofísica Internacional.
Author: Mellink, E. y A. Orozco-Meyer
Title: A group of gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) in the northeastern
Gulf of California, México
Source: Southwestern Naturalist 47:129-132.
Author: Mellink, E., G. Ceballos y J. Luévano
Title: Population demise and extinction threat of the Angel de la Guarda deer mouse
(Peromyscus guardia)
Source: Biological Conservation 180:107-111. En prensa.
Author: Mellink, E., A. Orozco-Meyer, B. Contreras y M. González-Jaramillo
Title: Observations on nesting seabirds and insular rodents in the Middle
Sea of Cortés in 1999 and 2000
Source: Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 101:28-35.
Author: Mellink, E.
Title: History and status of colonies of Heermann's Gull in Mexico
Source: Waterbirds 24:188-194.
Author: Mellink, E. y. P.S. Martin
Title: Mortality of cattle on a desert range: paleobiological implications
Source: Journal of Arid Environments 49:671-675.
Author: Mellink, E., J. Domínguez y J. Luévano
Title: Diet of Eastern Pacific Brown Boobies Sula leucogaster brewsteri on Isla
San Jorge, north-eastern Gulf of California, and an April comparison
with diets in the Middle Gulf of California
Source: Marine Ornithology 29:39-44.
Author: Mellink, E.
Title: Breeding of Brown Boobies in the Gulf of California: Seasonality
and Apparent Effects of El Niño
Source: Waterbirds 23:89-99.
Author: Mellink, E.
Title: Captain Edward William Funcke: hunting from sea to desert
Source: Journal of San Diego History 46:35-51.
Author: Mellink, E. y V. Ferreira-Bartrina
Title: On the wildlife of wetlands of the Mexican portion of the Rio Colorado
Source: Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 99:115-127
Author: Mellink, E.
Title: Ampliación de la distribución del tlacuache (Didelphis virginiana) en
Baja California
Source: Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología 3:148
Author: Mellink, E. y J. Luévano
Title: Status of beavers (Castor canadensis) in Valle de Mexicali, Mexico
Source: Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 97:115-120.
Author: Mellink, E. , J. Luévano e I. Zuria
Title: Nota sobre los pelecaniformes, ciconiiformes, gallitos marinos (Sterninae)
y rayadores (Rynchopinae) de la Costa Chica de Oaxaca, México
Source: Ciencias Marinas 24:367-388.
Author: Mellink, E.
Title: International collaboration for the collection of biological materials: toughts
from a Mexican perspective
Source: Proceedings of the San Diego Society of Natural History 33:38-39.
Author: Mellink, E. , E. Palacios y S. González
Title: Non-breeding waterbirds of the delta of the Río Colorado
Source: México Journal of Field Ornithology 68:113-123
Author: Mellink, E. , E. Palacios y S. González
Title: Notes on the nesting birds of the Ciénega de Santa Clara saltflat,
northwestern Sonora, México
Source: Western Birds 27:202-203
Author: Mellink, E.
Title: Status of the muskrat in the Valle de Mexicali and Delta del Rio Colorado,
California Fish and Game 81:33-38.
Author: Mellink, E.
Title: The potential effect of commercialization of reptiles from Mexico's
Baja California Peninsula and its associated islands
Source: Herpetological Natural History. 3:95-99.
Author: Mellink, E.
Title: Uso del habitat, dinámica poblacional y estacionalidad reproductiva
de roedores en el Altiplano Potosino
Source: Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología. 1:1-8.
Author: Mellink, E. , A. Quintanilla N. y E. Riquelme V.
Title: Características del zacate salado (Distichlis spicata L. Greene) producido en el
ex-Lago de Texcoco
Source: I Contenido de minerales Revista Chapingo, Zootecnia 1:87-89.
Author: Mellink, E. y S. Valenzuela
Title: Efecto de la condición de agostaderos sobre los roedores y lagomorfos
en el Altiplano Potosino, San Luis Potosí, México
Source: Acta Zoológica Mexicana 64:35-44
Author: Mellink, E.
Title: Grazing and mexican ducks in central Mexico
Source: Euphonia 3:5-7.
Author: Mellink, E. y A. M. Rea
Title: Taxonomic status of the California Gnatcatchers of northwestern Baja California,
Source: Western Birds 25:50-62
Author: Mellink, E.
Biological conservation of Isla de Cedros, Baja California, Mexico:
assesing multiple threats
Source: Biodiversity and Conservation 2:62-69.
Author: Mellink, E. y J. Contreras
Title: Western gray squirrels in Baja California
Source: California Fish and Game 79:169-170.
Author: Mellink, E. y H. Madrigal
Title: Ecology of mexican prairie dogs, Cynomys mexicanus, in El Manantial, northeastern
Source: Journal of Mammalogy 74:631-636.
Author: Mellink, E. y E. Palacios
Title: Notes on breeding coastal waterbirds in northwestern
Source: Sonora Western Birds 24:29-37
Author: Mellink, E.
Title: El establecimiento de limites cinegéticos y el manejo de la
codorniz de California, en Baja California
Source: Ecológica 2:13-18.
Author: Mellink, E.
Title: The status of Neotoma anthony of Todos Santos Islands, Baja California,
Source: Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 91:137-140.
Author: Mellink, E. y S. Valenzuela
Title: Comunidades aviares y su modificación por el pastoreo en agostaderos
del municipio de Salinas, S. L. P.
Source: Agrociencia, Serie Recursos Naturales Renovables 2:87-94
Author: Mellink, E.
Bird communities associated with three traditional agroecosystems
in the San Luis Potosi Plateau, Mexico
Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 36:37-50.
Author: Mellink, E.
Title: Rodent communities associated with three traditional agroecosystems in
the San Luis Potosi Plateau, Mexico
Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 33:363-375.
Author: Mellink, E. y S. Valenzuela
Title: Estudio preliminar sobre los habitats acuáticos y ribereños
de la Planicie Occidental Potosina y sugerencias para su manejo
Source: Agrociencia, serie Recursos Naturales Renovables 1:59-71.
Author: Mellink, E. y E. Palacios
Title: Observations on Isla Guadalupe in November 1989
Source: Western Birds 21:177-180.
Author: Mellink, E. , M. G. Jasso R. y J. R. Aguirre R.
Title: Utilización de las aves de jaula silvestres en el Altiplano Potosino-Zacatecano
Source: Agrociencia 71:239-254
Author: Mellink, E. , J. R. Aguirre R. y E. Garcia M.
Title: Ethnozoology of the San Luis Potosi-Zacatecas Plateau, Mexico
Source: Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute, Alpine, Tex. 16pp.
Author: Mellink, E. , J. R. Aguirre R. y E. Garcia M.
Title: Utilización de la fauna silvestre en el Altiplano Potosino-Zacatecano
Source: Colegio de Postgraduados. Chapingo, Méx. 101pp.
Author: Mellink, E.
Title: Agricultural disturbance and rodents: three farming systems in the Sonoran Desert
Source: Journal of Arid Environments 8:207-222
Author: Michel SM
Title: Defining hydrocommons governance along the border of the
Californias: A case study of transbasin diversions and water quality
in the Tijuana-San Diego metropolitan region
Source: Nat Resour J 40 (4): 931-972 Fal 2000
Author: Millan-Nunez et al.
Title: Alta productividad primaria en el delta del Rio Colorado
Source: Ciencias Marinas, Vol. 25, No.4, 1999
Author: Muffler LJP, Doe BR
Title: Composition and Mean Age of Detritus of Colorado River Delta
in Salton Trough Southeastern California
Source: J Sedminet Petrol 38 (2): 384-& 1968
Author: Nabhan, G. P. , A. M. Rea, K. Reichhardt, E. Mellink y C. F. Hutchinson
Title: Papago influences on habitat and biotic diversity: Quitobac oasis ethnoecology
Source: Journal of Ethnobiology 2:124-143
Author: Nagler PL, Glenn EP, Huete AR
Title: Assessment of spectral vegetation indices for riparian vegetation
in the Colorado River delta, Mexico
Source: J Arid Environ 49 (1): 91-110 Sep 2001
Author: Navarro-Serment CJ
Title: Marine Mammals of the Northern Sea of Cortez
Source: Dry Borders II Draft
Author: Nelson S.M.; Anderson D.C.
Title: Butterfly (Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea) Assemblages Associated
with Natural, Exotic, and Restored Riparian Habitats Along the Lower
Colorado River, USA
Source: Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 15: 485-504
Author: Newlin BD, Jenkins MW, Lund JR, Howitt RE
Title: Southern California Water Markets: Potential and Limitations
Source: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. Jan/Feb
Author: Olivera-Gómez y E. Mellink
Title: Spatial and temporal variation in counts of the Antillean manatee (Trichechus
manatus manatus) during distribution surveys at Bahia de Chetumal,
Source: Aquatic Mammals 28:__-__
Author: Palacios, E. y E. Mellink.
Title: Breeding bird records from Montague Island, northern Gulf of California
Source: Western Birds 23:41-44
Author: Palacios, E. y E. Mellink
Title: Nesting waterbirds on Islas San Martín and Todos Santos, Baja California
Source: Western Birds 31:184-189
Author: Palacios, E. , D. W. Anderson, E. Mellink, and S. González-Guzmán
Title: Distribution and abundance of Burrowing Owls on the peninsula and islands of
Baja California
Source: Western Birds 31:89-99
Author: Palacios, E. y E. Mellink
Title: Breeding birds of Esteros Tóbari and San José, Southern Sonora
Western Birds 26:99-103
Author: Palacios, E. , E. Mellink y L. Alfaro
Title: Registro del comportamiento alimenticio de una ballena gris en la costa de
San Quintín, Baja California en mayo de 1990
Revista de Investigación Científica de la Universidad
Autonoma de
Source: Baja California Sur 2:82-83
Author: Palacios, E. y E. Mellink
Title: Additional records of breeding birds from Montague Island, northern Gulf of
Source: Western Birds 24:259-262
Author: Palacios, E. y E. Mellink
Title: Status of the Least Tern in the Gulf of California
Source: Journal of Field Ornithology 67:48-58
Author: Patten DT, Harpmen DA, Voita MI, Randle TJ
Title: A managed flood on the Colorado River: Backround, objectives,
design, and implementation
Source: Ecological Applications 11(3) 635-643
Author: Patten, M.A., E. Mellink, H. Gómez de Silva y T.E. Wurster
Title: Status and taxonomy of the Colorado Desert avifauna of Baja California.
En Erickson, R. A. and S. N. G. Howell (editors)
Birds of Baja California: Status, distribution, and taxonomy.
Source: Monographs in Field Ornithology 3:29-63
Author: Peresbarbosa-Rojas, E. y E. Mellink
Title: Nesting Waterbirds of Isla Montague, Northern Gulf of California, México:
Loss of Eggs due to Predation and Flooding, 1993-1994
Source: Waterbirds 24:265-271
Author: Peresbarbosa, E. y E. Mellink
Title: More records of breeding birds from Montague Island, northern Gulf of
Source: Western Birds 25:201-202
Author: Pitt J, Luecke DF, Cohen MJ, et al.
Title: Two nations, one river: Managing ecosystem conservation in
the Colorado River delta
Source: Nat Resour J 40 (4): 819-864 Fal 2000
Author: Peresbarbosa E., Mellink E.
Title: Nesting waterbirds of Isla Montague, Northern Gulf of California,
Mexico: Loss of eggs fue to predation and flooding, 1993-1994
Source: Waterbirds 24(2): 265-271, 2001
Author: Poff NL, Allan JD, Bain MB, Karr JR, Prestegaard KL, Richter
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Title: The Natural Flow Regime: A Paradigm for River Conservation
and Restoration
Source: Bioscience. Dec.1997. Vol.47 No.11
Author: Pomeroy KE, Shannon JP, Blinn DW
Title: Leaf Breakdown in a Regulated Desert River: Colorado River,
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Source: Hydrobiologia 434: 193-199. 2000
Author: Postel SL
Title: Entering an era of water scarcity: The challenges ahead
Source: Ecol Appl 10 (4): 941-948 AUG 2000
Author: Pulwarty RS, Melis TS
Title: Climate extremes and adaptive management on the Colorado
River: Lessons from the 1997-1998 ENSO event
Source: Journal of Environmental Management (2001) 307-324
Author: Reichhardt, K. L. , E. Mellink, G. P. Nabhan y A. Rea.
Title: Habitat heterogeneity and biodiversity associated with indigenous agriculture
in the Sonoran Desert
Source: Etnoecológica 2:21-34
Author: Riddle BR, Hafner DJ, Alexander LF
Title: Comparitive Phylogeography of Baileys' Pocket Mouse (Chaetodipus
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of the Baja Peninsular Desert
Source: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Vol. 17 No. 2, November.
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Author: Robinson AT, Childs MR
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