The Colorado River meanders through a 140-km passage
from the US-Mexico border through the heart of the Sonoran Desert
on it's way to the sea. This delta region of the river receives less
rainfall than any other location in North America but is nonetheless
an oasis when the river flows. Recently there has been a renewed interest
in the delta due to water releases from the U.S. to Mexico.
Following construction of Hoover Dam (1935) and
Glen Canyon Dam (1964), little or no water flowed to the Gulf of
California. Lake Powell, the last reservoir built on the river,
finally filled in 1981, and since then occassional flood flows have
resumed. During years of excess precipitation in the watershed,
as during the El Niño cycles of 1983-86, 1993, 1997-99, water
is spilled from the dam system to the sea, revitalizing the delta
habitats along the way.
these flood flows, the US has discharged appreciable quantities
of agriculture return flows into the southeastern part of the Delta
since 1977, creating a large, brackish marsh (Cienega de Santa Clara).
Local agricultural return flows in Mexico have created smaller wetlands
in the Delta.
It is this unique interplay of water, sediment,
and vegetation, both prehistoric and contemporary, unregulated for
the majority of it's existence and modified in striking ways during
the last century, that lures geographers, hydrologists, and biologists
to this incredible living laboratory.