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Details about poster presentation are now posted in the posters page. Click the "poster information" link on the left navigation bar above for details!

Check out the information about shuttle service from Tucson and Phoenix airports to Marriott in the "shuttle from airports" link on the left navigation bar above for details!

Details about talks in the conference are now posted in the oral presentations page. Click the "Oral presentations" link on the left navigation bar above for details!



Abstract submission to FSPRIII is closed.


**Three faculty judges will identify top three posters for a cash award of $500 (first prize), $300 (second prize) and $200 (third prize). The prizes will be announced and awarded during the conference banquet dinner (October 18th, 2008). **

**All abstracts submitted on or before September 15, 2008 are guaranteed to be included in the program book**

**Abstract submission deadline for confirmed speakers is September 15, 2008 which will also be included in the program book**


Abstract preparation guidelines:

The abstract should be in clear and concise English.

• Margins should be: top 1cm; bottom 1cm; left 1cm; right 1cm. Font size should be 12pt, and Times New Roman font. Text should be justified and single spaced. Please leave one blank line (hit one return) between the title and the authors and then between the authros and the body of the abstract or between the paragraphs.

• Title of abstract: Please use upper and lower case and capitalize each word, except for words such as "the, as, of, with, a, in, and, from, by, etc." Then type in the author's name(s), department and institution(s) affiliation, city, and country. Underline the presenting author's name only. Avoid degrees and titles.

• Maximum word limit for body of the abstract (excluding the title, authors’ names, department and institute affiliations): 250

Please submit completed abstracts as a word document only by email to Ravi Palanivelu ( In the email, please indicate one of the six sessions (as can be seen in the meeting program) that will be the most appropriate for your abstract.

• The acceptance note will be sent to authors well before the deadline for early registration.