Delgado Lab Projects
1. The Voices Project
A two-part study to explore ways school climate can reduce inequality and/or serve as a protective factor for Latino youth. The mixed-method design of this project includes first a qualitative study to inform the definition, articulation, and validation of a measure of school climate for Latino youths and, second, a quantitative study to explore whether school climate functions as an inequality reducer/protective factor.
2. The ALCANCE Project
A mixed-method longitudinal study to qualitatively and quantitatively examine the role of Latino students’ identities in relation to their academic socialization and support, school belonging, and academic outcomes.
3. Project Student Success
A study to examine the relations among ecological assets (i.e., educational values, ethnic identity, familism, and friendship networks), positive youth development (i.e., character, connection, confidence, caring, and competence), and academic achievement (i.e., educational aspirations, expectations, self-efficacy, and performance) in a sample of Latino early adolescents.