Family Link is an annual publication designed to keep you up-to-date about the accomplishments and activities of the Frances McClelland Institute for Children, Youth, and Families. We encourage you to explore our web site for more in-depth information about our research and the many programs we co-sponsor with other academic departments and organizations throughout the year
To see read our most recent Family Link, please click here.
Cardiovascular Disease Risk for Women & Girls: Gender, A Compelling Social Determinant
Author: Kim Peace-Tuskey, MSW
Riesgo de Enfermedad Cardiovascular en Mujeres y Niñas: Género, Un Determinante Social de Peso
Autora: Kim Peace-Tuskey, MSW
Author: Kim Peace-Tuskey, MSW
Autora: Kim Peace-Tuskey, MSW
Adolescents and Covid-19: School Re-Openings and Mental Health and Academic Challenges
Authors: Bianca Levario, graduate student in Masters of Educational Policy, Eniola Idowu, graduate student in Masters of Public Health, Cynthia Blockburger, Ph.D. candidate in Educational Leadership & middle school teacher, Dr. Katharine Zeiders, Associate Professor in Norton School of Family & Consumer Sciences, and Dr. Ada Wilkinon-Lee, Associate Professor in the Department of Mexican American Studies
Adolescentes y Covid-19: Reaperturas Escolares y Desafíos Académicos y De Salud Mental
Autoras: Bianca Levario, estudiante de posgrado en Maestría en Política Educativa, Eniola Idowu, estudiante de posgrado en Maestría en Salud Pública, Cynthia Blockburger, candidata a doctorado en liderazgo educativo y maestra de secundaria, Dra. Katharine Zeiders, Profesora Asociada de la Escuela Norton de Ciencias de la Familia y el Consumidor, y Dra. Ada Wilkinson-Lee, Profesora Asociada del Departamento de Estudios Mexicoamericanos
Mental Health & School-Aged Youth
Authors: Lia D. Falco, Ph.D., Austin Guida, and Connor Kendzora, University of Arizona College of Education
La Salud Mental y Los Jóvenes de Edad Escolar
Autoras: Lia D. Falco, Ph.D., Austin Guida, y Connor Kendzora, Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Arizona
Authors: Jim Kiser and Shirley Kiser
Caregiving Changes For Working Families Raising Young Children During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Authors: Madeleine deBlois, ScD; Kara Haberstock Tanoue, MA; & Michele Walsh, PhD
Young Children, Families & Teachers During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Authors: Leah Durán, Ph.D. and Rebecca Lopez
Avaliable now: From Policy to Practice, "Sexting" and SB 1266: Why the Law Matters for Families and Youth (Issue Number 1, 2011)