
Projectsort descending Location(s) Agency Institution Start Date End Date PI
Assessment of Vesicular Horizon Soil Properties and Occurrences in California
University of California - Riverside 09/01/2007 12/31/2008
Graham, Robert
Assistance with Professional Training of Afghan Cultural Heritage Officials, Archaeology Program, FY 2009-2010
WASO Archeology Program
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/25/2009 07/01/2012
Jeffery, R Brooks
Avian Contaminants and Parasites Along the Dolores River in SW Colorado
US Geological Survey
The University of Arizona 08/01/2014 09/30/2017
Marsh, Stuart E
Avian Protection Plan and Risk Assessment DPG
Dugway Proving Ground
New Mexico State University 08/15/2018 07/14/2019
Burns, Zia G
Avian Wildlife Monitoring on the Colorado River Limitrophe
US Geological Survey
The University of Arizona 06/15/2014 10/31/2015
Marsh, Stuart E
AZ Removal of Nonnative Fish in the Upper Gila River Watershed for Habitat Improvement
09/23/2019 09/22/2022
AZ Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys within the Bill Williams Watershed (DSCESU)
Arizona Game and Fish Department 09/19/2019 09/18/2022
Backcountry preservation plan at CAGR
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 08/20/2021 08/20/2021
Brooks Jeffery
Barracks ruins restoration/stabilization
National Park Service
Cornerstones Community Partnerships 12/15/2021 12/31/2023
Jake Barrow
Baseline & Landscape Co-evolution Subagreement
US Geological Survey
The University of Arizona 10/01/2010 09/30/2015
Flessa, Karl W
Baseline inventory and assessment of newly acquired lands
National Park Service
Archaeology Southwest
Jeff Clark
Baseline Survey and Habitat Model Validation for Threatened Mexican Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis lucida) at Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Carlsbad Caverns National Park (New Mexico)
National Park Service
New Mexico State University 12/01/2009 04/30/2012
Ward, James
Bat Species Richness and Abundance (12-year Study): Surveys and Comparative Analysis at the Ajos-Bavispe Forest Reserve, Chiricahua National Monument, and Fort Bowie National Historic Site
Ajos-Bavispe Forest Reserve, Chiricahua National Monument, Fort Bowie National Historic Site
National Park Service
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum 08/01/2002 12/05/2006
Krebbs, Karen
Bat Surveys

Fort Carson

Department of Defense
Arizona Game and Fish Department 06/08/2020 03/31/2022
Bat Use of Montezuma Castle National Monument, Tonto National Monument, and Tuzigoot National Monument, Arizona
Montezuma Castle, Tuzigoot and Tonto National Monuments (Arizona)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 06/01/2001 07/30/2004
Petryszyn, Yar Melanie Bucci