National Park Service Required Forms

If you're interested in doing a NPS task agreement through the CESU, please contact Sallie Hejl at for current guidance and forms.


The general process includes an NPS review of the draft task agreement and budget, which is followed by the PI working with staff in his/her institution to fill out the SF-424, SF-424a, and SF-424b. The NPS ATR next submits the approved TA package (including these documents and other forms) to NPS Financial Assistance, who executes the award.


The National Park Service Intermountain Regional Contracting and Financial Assistance Office states that any no-cost extension requests that are submitted AFTER the project end date will not be approved.

The OMB circulars that implement CFR regulations, requires modifications to occur no later than 30 days before the project end, so it is quite possible that NCE's received less than 30 days before the project end date will not be accepted.