Project | Location(s) | Agency | Institution | Start Date | End Date | PI | |
Status Assessment and Management of Lowland Leopard Frogs (Rana yavapaiensis) in Saguaro National Park |
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 03/02/2002 | 12/01/2007 |
Steidl, Robert
Biotic Integrity of Riparian Wildlife Communities in Western Riverside County, California |
Department of Defense
University of California - Riverside | 04/01/2002 | 09/30/2002 |
Scott, Thomas
Fire Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for Carlsbad Caverns National Park |
Carlsbad Caverns National Park (New Mexico)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 06/02/2002 | 02/05/2005 |
Halvorson, William
Vascular Plant and Vertebrate Inventory of Casa Grande Ruins National Monument (Open-File Report 2005-1185) |
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Arizona
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 06/02/2002 | 06/02/2006 |
Powell, Brian
Vascular Plant and Vertebrate Inventory of Tonto National Monument (Open-File Report 2007-1295) |
Tonto National Monument, New Mexico
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 06/02/2002 | 08/04/2005 |
Albrecht, Eric
Vascular Plant and Vertebrate Inventory of Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument (Open-File Report 2005-1187) |
Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument, New Mexico
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 06/02/2002 | 06/02/2006 |
Powell, Brian
Biological Inventory of Vascular Plants and Vertebrates in the Sonoran Desert Network |
[remainder of Title] (Listed separately on web database: Casa Grande Ruins NM, Gila Cliff Dwellings NM, Montezuma Castle NM, Ft. Bowie NHS, Saguaro NP, Tumacacori NHP, Tuzigoot NM, Organ Pipe NM, Tonto NM, Chiricahua NM) Tonto (OFR 2007-1295); Casa Grande (OFR 2005-1185); Fort Bowie (OFR 2005-1167); Gila Cliff Dwellings (OFR 2005-1187); Montezuma (OFR 2006-1163); Organ Pipe (OFR 2006-1076); Saguaro (OFR 2007-1296); Tumacacori (OFR 2005-1142); Tuzitoot (OFR 2005-1347); Chiricahua (OFR 2008-1023) (Sonoran Desert Network Parks (10 parks in SODN) |
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 06/02/2002 | 08/04/2005 |
Halvorson, William
Vascular Plant and Vertebrate Inventory of Saguaro National Park, Rincon District (Open-File Report 2007-1296) |
Saguaro National Park, Tucson, Arizona
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 06/02/2002 | 06/02/2006 |
Powell, Brian
Vascular Plant and Vertebrate Inventory of Tuzigoot National Monument (Open-File Report 2005-1347) |
Tuzigoot National Monument, Arizona
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 06/02/2002 | 06/02/2005 |
Powell, Brian
Vascular Plant and Vertebrate Inventory of Fort Bowie National Historic Site (Open-File Report 2005-1167) |
Fort Bowie National Historic Site, Arizona
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 06/02/2002 | 06/02/2006 |
Powell, Brian
Vascular Plant and Vertebrate Inventory of Tumacacori National Historic Park (Open-File Report 2005-1142) |
Tumacacori National Historic Park, Arizona
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 06/02/2002 | 06/02/2005 |
Powell, Brian
Vascular Plant and Vertebrate Inventory of Chiricahua National Monument (Open-File Report 2008-1023) |
Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 06/02/2002 | 08/04/2005 |
Powell, Brian
Internmountain Region Non-native Plant Inventory and Mapping Program: Big Bend, Organ Pipe Cactus, and San Antonio Missions |
Big Bend National Park (Texas), Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (Arizona), San Antonio Missions National Historic Park (Texas)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 06/03/2002 | 02/28/2006 |
Halvorson, William
Spatial Population Structure of Barking Frogs at Coronado National Memorial |
Coronado National Memorial (Arizona)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 07/02/2002 | 05/01/2003 |
Culver, Melanie
Bat Species Richness and Abundance (12-year Study): Surveys and Comparative Analysis at the Ajos-Bavispe Forest Reserve, Chiricahua National Monument, and Fort Bowie National Historic Site |
National Park Service
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum | 08/01/2002 | 12/05/2006 |
Krebbs, Karen