Living Accession 6-197
Leucaena retusa
Botanical Name
Seed Accession No.
040011DELEP Field
CAC Field 6Status
UnknownSurvived For
Planted 34 years ago
Survival and Performance
DateNo. PlantsNotes
1991(2)2 individuals planted in Aug
1992(2)data missing
1993(2)no freeze damage, 1=5' tall, healthy, flower, 1=3' tall, girdled by rabbits-regrowing but subsequently died
1994(1)7' tall, no freeze damage, girdled by rabbits, healthy regrowth from base
1995(1)6' tall, healthy, no freeze damage
1997(1)data missing
2001(1)data missing-this plant has been killed to the ground by rabbits several times and appears to have been overlooked
2004(1)5' tall, no freeze damage, healthy
2006(1)6’ tall, no freeze damage, healthy but some dead stems typical for this species, flowers/fruit
2007(1)5.5’ tall, no freeze damage, healthy with typical twig death