Living Accession 6-075
Acacia sp.
Botanical Name
Seed Accession No.
890153DELEP Field
CAC Field 6Status
UnknownSurvived For
Planted 36 years ago
Survival and Performance
DateNo. PlantsNotes
1989(4)4 individuals planted in Sep
1990(4)no freeze damage, healthy
1991(4)3' tall, no freeze damage, 1=some rodent chewing, healthy
1992(4)3'-7' tall, no freeze damage, healthy, vigorous, first flowers in June 1992
1993(4)7-10' tall, some stems froze back 1' from tip (to 1/8" diameter), healthy, flowers/fruit
1994(4)9-11' tall, no freeze damage, healthy, flowers/fruit 1993
1997(4)14-18' tall, minor twig die-back to 1', vigorous, healthy, flowers/fruit
2001(4)1=dead-declined in 2000 probably due to gophers. This plant exhibited weak growth in 2001 but then died, 3=17-18' tall, healthy, flowers/fruit
2004(3)20-22' tall, no recent freeze damage, healthy, flowers/fruit
2006(3)2=16’/18’ tall, no freeze damage but many dead stems-drought?, 1=17’ tall, no freeze damage, healthy, flowers/fruit
2007(3)18’/18’/18’ tall, major die-back on all (2-6’ from stem tips)-freeze and perhaps lack of irrigation, 1=healthy, 2=fair condition