Personal and Social Adjustment
Percent of children who deal appropriately with frustration and unfavorable events
Percent of children who express feelings and needs in socially acceptable ways
with personal challenges, frustrations, and stressors
Percent of children who demonstrate or acknowledge their self-worth
Percent of children who perceive themselves as capable of learning
Percent of children who demonstrate an appropriate range of affection and other emotions
Percent of children who respect and show concern for others
Percent of children who interact appropriately with other children
Percent of children who interact appropriately with adults
Gets along with other people
Respects cultural and individual differences
Percent of children who recognize and respect similarities and differences between self and others
Percent of children who have friends and are part of a positive social network
Parent/guardian or teacher survey, interview, or ratings using scales or checklists
Parent/guardian or teacher observations
Parent/guardian or teacher survey, interview, or ratings using scales or checklists
Child survey or interview
Parent/guardian or teacher survey, interview, or ratings using scales or checklists
Structured observation of child behavior in program setting
Outcome Indicator Source of data
Applied from NCOE Ysseldyke model