Community satisfaction with the program services that children receive
Percent of program staff who understand program and rate it as effective, efficient, coordinated, and responsive in meeting child and family needs
Percent of program staff who are satisfied with their own level of involvement with program decision making and delivery of services
Percent of community stakeholders who are satisfied with their own level of involvement with program decision making and delivery of services
Child satisfaction with the program experience
Percent of children who enjoy their participation in program setting
Percent of parents/guardians who understand program structure and rate it as effective, efficient, coordinated, and responsive in meeting child needs
Percent of parents/guardians who understand program services and rate it as effective, efficient, coordinated, and responsive in meeting family needs
Percent of parents/guardians who are satisfied with their own level of involvement in program decision making
Parent/guardian satisfaction with the program services that children receive
Percent of community stakeholders who understand program and rate it as effective, efficient, coordinated, and responsive in meeting child and family needs
Teacher/parent observation of child in program setting
Child survey or interview
Survey/interview with program staff, advisory board members and community stakeholders
Parent survey or interview
Outcome Indicator Source of data
Applied from NCOE Ysseldyke model