Academic and Functional literacy
Percent of children who enjoy school
Percent of children who participate in and enjoy art and music
Demonstrates competence in pre-academic and academic skills
Percent of children who demonstrate early literacy skills
Percent of children who demonstrate age-appropriate pre-math and mathematics skills
Percent of children who can listen and attend to academic tasks on an age-appropriate level
Percent of children who are motivated and actively involved in learning tasks
Demonstrates competence in using technology
Outcome Indicator Source of data
Teacher ratings using scales, checklists, or questionnaires
Scores on school readiness screening
Applied from NCOE Ysseldyke model
Percent of children who demonstrate basic competence in sending electronic mail and navigating the World Wide Web
Percent of children who demonstrate basic competence in using other types of technology, including video cameras, videocassette recorders, and stereo equipment
Percent of children who demonstrate basic competence in the use of personal computers