Controlled Environment Agricultural Center Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering The University of Arizona

Kacira Lab
Murat Kacira, Professor
Department of Ag. and Biosystems Engineering
Shantz Bldg. #38, Rm 504
The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721
  Controlled Environment Agriculture Center
1951 E. Roger Rd., Rm 104
The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85719
phone: (520) 626-4254   e-mail:

ABE 284 - Biosystems Thermal Engineering
Thermal systems involve the storage, transfer and conversion of energy. This course provides an integrated introduction to basic thermal engineering topics. A structured problem-solving approach emphasizes the interrelated roles of Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Heat and Mass Transfer relevant to real-world engineering analyses.

ABE/PLS 479/579 Applied Instrumentation for Controlled Environment Agriculture
This class teaches principles, methods, and techniques related to the measurement, recording and control of environmental factors in Controlled Environment Agriculture systems. The students learn about sensors, instrumentation and data acquisition with hands-on applications to monitor and control of some key environmental variables such as light intensity, light quality, temperature (air, plant), relative humidity, carbon dioxide, water flow, air speed, electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen etc. Students also design a simple controlled environment system and instrumentation to measure and control key variable as part of class project.