The University of Arizona

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Jesse Minor

Stories of the Sky Islands: Exhibit Development Resource Guide for Biology and Geology at Chiricahua National Monument and Coronado National Memorial

Hudson, A.M., Minor, J.J., and Posthumus, E.E. 2013. Stories of the Sky Islands: Exhibit Development Resource Guide for Biology and Geology at Chiricahua National Monument and Coronado National Memorial. Final Report to National Park Service, Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit Agreement H1200-05-0003, Task Agreement J8680090020. May 17, 2013: 92 pp.


Forest Disturbances in Sky Island Systems

Sky Island Mountains of the American Southwest and Northern Mexico are the most ecologically diverse forested systems in North America. We are studying how fire, insect outbreaks, climate and human land uses drive changes in these complex systems across scales of time and space.


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