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Josh holds a BA in Geography (2008) and a MS in Natural Resources (2011) from the University of Arizona. Josh's research focused on fire behavior modeling in the Valles Caldera National Preserve. After graduation, Josh spent four years working for Saguaro National Park in Tucson and developed an interest in the establishment patterns of the saguaro cactus. He...

Don Falk is Professor in the University of Arizona School of Natural Resources and the Environment, with joint appointments in the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research and the Institute of the Environment. He holds degrees from Oberlin College, Tufts University, and the University of Arizona, where he received his PhD in 2004.
Don’s research...

I am interested in recovery of ecosystems after fire and the different trajectories ecosystems take after fires. With large fuel buildups from years of fire suppression, many fire-adapted ecosystems that are experiencing larger, more extreme fires. It is unclear how, and if these ecosystems are recovering, and what influences the resilience of these systems. ...

Research interests include tree, stand, and species-level ecological response to environmental variation and human influences on montane forests in the southwestern US.

My interests and experiences lie at the intersection of science, natural resource policy, and environmental change. Current research topics include natural and anthropogenic forest disturbances such as wildfire, prescribed burning, and insect outbreaks, coupled with forest restoration techniques and land-use priorities. I have broad interests in nature society...

I am a forest ecologist at the University of Arizona School of Natural Resources and the Environment and the UA Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research. For the past five years I have been doing research and advising cooperators with the Coronado National Forest, the Nature Conservancy, and The Department of Defense on the effects of forest disturbance interactions in...

Tyson recently defended his PhD in August of 2013. He will graduate in December with a major in Watershed Management, and minor in Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis. His research focuses on the applications of aerial LiDAR to quantify forest structure and disturbance legacies.

Subject: Environmental anthropology and historical disturbance ecology
Methods: Geographic information systems (GIS), dendrochronology, historical and archaeological records,
Interests: Human relationships with natural disasters (e.g. earthquakes), disturbances (e.g. forest fire...
My Master’s project involves researching and analyzing the state of the knowledge of fire effects on vegetation in lowland riparian zones in the southwestern United States. Through my GRA, I am doing this work in close collaboration with a team of natural resources experts partnering with the Desert Landscape Conservation...

I'm currently studying the response of drought stressed trees to prescribed fire in southwest Ponderosa pine forests.