

Halldorson M, Weiss J, Sherman J, Rauluk V (2024) Arizona Statewide Commercial Viticulture Needs Assessment. Arizona Cooperative Extension, az2081



Weiss J, Halldorson M, Rauluk V, Duval D, Sherman J (2023) Recurring Topics of Breakout Group Discussions at the 2023 Arizona Viticulture Summit. Arizona Cooperative Extension, az2081



Weiss J, Roudaut MB (2022) Summary of the 2021 'Growing Season in Review' Workshops for Arizona Wine Grape Growers, 14pp


Garfin G, Falk DA, O'Connor CD, Jacobs K, Sagarin RD, Haverland AC, Haworth A, Baglee A, Weiss J, Overpeck J, Zuñiga-Terán AA (2021) A new mission: Mainstreaming climate adaptation in the US Department of Defense. Climate Services, 22,



Weiss J, Crimmins M, Garfin G (2020) La Niña 2020-2021: An Overview of What It Might Mean for Arizona, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Climate Fact Sheet, 3pp

Wasley E, Jacobs K, Weiss J, Preston N (2020) Executive Summary, Mapping Climate Exposure and Climate Information Needs to Water Utility Business Functions [project 4729], The Water Research Foundation, 10pp


Wasley E, Jacobs K, Weiss J (2020) Mapping Climate Exposure and Climate Information Needs to Water Utility Business Functions Appendix E: Water Utility Business Risk and Opportunity Profiles, The Water Research Foundation, 53pp


Wasley E, Jacobs K, Weiss J, Richmond M (2020) Water Utility Business Risk and Opportunity Framework: A Guidebook for Water Utility Business Function Leaders in a Changing Climate, The Water Research Foundation, 24pp


Wasley E, Jacobs K, Weiss J (2020) Climate Data and Information Spectrum for Case Studies, The Water Research Foundation


Weiss J, Roudaut MB, Meadow A (2020) Review of the 2019 Winegrape Growing Season in Arizona, Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS), University of Arizona, 5pp


Weiss J, Roudaut MB, Meadow A (2019) 'Growing Season in Review' Workshops for Arizona Winegrape Growers - Southeastern Arizona, workshop slides, Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS), University of Arizona

Weiss J, Roudaut MB, Meadow A (2019) 'Growing Season in Review' Workshops for Arizona Winegrape Growers - Verde Valley, workshop slides, Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS), University of Arizona


Garner AJ, Weiss JL, Parris A, Kopp RE, Horton RM, Overpeck JT, Horton BP (2018) Evolution of 21st century sea-level rise projections. Earth’s Future, doi:10.1029/2018EF000991


Meadow AM, LeRoy S, Weiss J, Keith L (2018) Climate Profile for The City of Flagstaff, Arizona, Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS), University of Arizona


Weiss J, Crimmins M, DuBois D, Garfin G (2018) El Niño 2018-2019? An Overview of What It Might Mean for New Mexico, CLIMAS Climate Fact Sheet, 3pp


Weiss J, Crimmins M, Garfin G, Brown P (2018) El Niño 2018-2019? An Overview of What It Might Mean for Arizona, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Climate Fact Sheet, 3pp

Weiss J, Roudaut MB (2018) An Introduction to “Improved Understanding of Climate Variability and Change Relevant to Orchards and Vineyards in Arizona and New Mexico” – Yavapai College Verde Valley Campus, Arizona, Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS), University of Arizona, 5pp



Crimmins MA, Ferguson DB, Masayesva A, Meadow A, Weiss JL, Faulstich H (2017). Drought Monitoring to Support Planning for the Hopi Tribe: Final Report 2010-2016. Climate Assessment for the Southwest Technical Report


Crimmins MA, Ferguson DB, Meadow AM, Weiss JL (2017) Discerning "flavors" of drought using climate extremes indices. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56, 989-1001, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0270.1


Elias E, Schrader TS, Abatzoglou JT, Rango A, Crimmins M, Weiss J (2017) County-level climate change information to support decision-making on working lands. Climatic Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-017-2040-y


Weiss J (2017) Climate, Arizona, and Horticulture: What Mattered in 2016 for Maricopa County Master Gardeners, and What Could Matter in Coming Decades, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension document, 5pp


Weiss J, Crimmins MA (2017) DroughtView: Satellite-based drought monitoring and assessment. Arizona Cooperative Extension, az1737, 6pp


Colburn LL, Jepson M, Weng C, Seara T, Weiss JL, Hare JA (2016) Indicators of climate change and social vulnerability in fishing dependent communities along the Eastern and Gulf Coasts of the United States. Marine Policy 74, 323-333, doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2016.04.030


Weiss J, Crimmins MA (2016) Better coverage of Arizona’s weather and climate: Gridded datasets of daily surface meteorological variables. Arizona Cooperative Extension az1704, 7pp

Weiss J, Crimmins M, Garfin G, Brown P (2016) El Niño 2015-2016 : Will It Affect Snowfall in Arizona’s Highcountry?, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Climate Fact Sheet, 7pp

Weiss J, Crimmins M, Garfin G, Brown P (2016) El Niño 2015-2016 : Will It Affect the Wildland Fire Season in Arizona?, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Climate Fact Sheet, 7pp


Crimmins MA, Ferguson DB, Weiss JL, Faulstich H (2015) Hopi Climate: An Overview to Support Drought Monitoring and Management. Climate Assessment for the Southwest, Tucson AZ, 9pp


Weiss J, Crimmins M, Garfin G, Brown P (2015) El Niño 2015-2016 : An Overview of What It Might Mean for Arizona, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Climate Fact Sheet, 2pp

Weiss J, Crimmins M, Garfin G, Brown P (2015) El Niño 2015-2016 : Will It Affect Minimum Temperatures across Arizona?, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Climate Fact Sheet, 4pp

Weiss J, Crimmins M, Garfin G, Brown P (2015) El Niño 2015-2016 : Will It Influence Tropical Cyclones that Affect Arizona?, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Climate Fact Sheet, 3pp

Weiss J, Crimmins M, Overpeck J (2015) Developing an Event Database for Cut-off Low Climatology over Southwestern North America. In: Machine Learning and Data Mining Approaches to Climate Science, V. Lakshmanan, E. Gilleland, A. McGovern, and M. Tingley, eds., Springer, 195-204



Holmgren CA, Betancourt JL, Peñalba MC, Delgadillo J, Zuravnsky K, Hunter KL, Rylander KA, Weiss JL (2014) Evidence against a Pleistocene desert refugium in the Lower Colorado River Basin. Journal of Biogeography, doi:10.1111/jbi.12337


Weiss J (2014) Potential Changes in Future Regional Climate and Related Impacts – A Brief Report for the Central New Mexico Climate Change Scenario Planning Project. U.S. DOT-Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Climate Assessment for the Southwest, Tucson AZ, 9pp



Parris A, Bromirski P, Burkett V, Cayan D, Culver M, Hall J, Horton R, Knuuti K, Moss R, Obeysekera J, Sallenger A, Weiss J (2012) Global Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the US National Climate Assessment. NOAA Tech Memo OAR CPO-1, 37pp,


Strauss BH, Ziemlinski R, Weiss JL, Overpeck JT (2012) Tidally-adjusted estimates of topographic vulnerability to sea level rise and flooding for the contiguous United States. Environmental Research Letters 7, 014033 doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/1/014033


Weiss JL, Betancourt JL, Overpeck JT (2012) Climatic limits on foliar growth during major droughts in the Southwestern USA. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, G03031, doi:10.1029/2012JG001993


Weiss JL, Overpeck JT, Cole JE (2012) Warmer led to drier: Dissecting the 2011 drought in the Southern U.S. Southwest Climate Outlook 11(3), 3-4



Jordan E, Weiss J (2011) Identifying public perceptions of weather- and climate-related risks in southeast Arizona. A report for the Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS), 14pp


Weiss JL, Overpeck JT, Strauss B (2011) Implications of recent sea level rise science for low-elevation areas in coastal cities of the U.S.A. Climatic Change 105, 635-645, doi:10.1007/s10584-011-0024-x



Overpeck JT, Weiss JL (2009) Projections of future sea level becoming more dire. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106, 21461-21462, doi:10.1073/pnas.0912878107


Weiss JL, Castro CL, Overpeck JT (2009) Distinguishing pronounced droughts in the Southwestern United States: Seasonality and effects of warmer temperatures. Journal of Climate 22, 5918-5932 doi:10.1175/2009JCLI2905.1



Weiss JL, Overpeck JT (2005) Is the Sonoran Desert losing its cool? Global Change Biology 11, 2065-2077, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.01020.x



Weiss JL, Gutzler DS, Allred Coonrod JE, Dahm CN (2004) Long-term vegetation monitoring with NDVI in a diverse semiarid setting, central New Mexico, U.S.A. Journal of Arid Environments 58, 248-271, doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2003.07.001


Weiss JL, Gutzler DS, Allred Coonrod JE, Dahm CN (2004) Seasonal and interannual relationships between vegetation and climate in Central New Mexico, U.S.A. Journal of Arid Environments 57, 507-534, doi:10.1016/S0140-1963(03)00113-7