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update (12 September 2011)
2011 Publications
McDowell, N. G., D. J. Beerling, D. D. Breshears,
R. A. Fisher, K. F. Raffa, and M. Stitt. 2011.
CThe interdependence of mechanisms underlying climate-driven vegetation mortality.
Trends in Ecology and Evolution doi:10.1016/j.tree.2011.06.003.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
2010 Publications
Adams, H. D., A. K. Macalady, D. D. Breshears,
C. D. Allen, N. L. Stephenson, S. R. Saleska, T. E. Huxman, and N. G. McDowell.
Climate-Induced tree mortality: Earth system consequences.
EOS 91(17): 153-154.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Allen, C. D., A. I. Macalady, H. Chenchouni, D. Bachelet, N. McDowell, M. Vennetier,
T. Kitzberger, A. Rigling, D. D. Breshears, E. H. Hogg, P. Gonzalez,
R. Fensham, Z. Zhang, J. Castro, N. Demidova, J-H Lim, G. Allard, S. W. Running,
A. Semerci, and N. Cobb. 2010.
A global overview of drought and heat-induced tree mortality reveals emrging climate
change risks for forests.
Forest Ecology and Management 259(4): 660-684.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Bresears, D. D., and J. A. Ludwig. 2010.
Near-ground solar radiation along the grassland-forest continuum: Tall-tree canopy
architecture imposes only muted trends and heterogeneity.
Austral Ecology 35(1): 31-40.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Koepke, D. F., T. E. Kolb, and H. D. Adams. 2010.
Variation in woody plant mortality and dieback from severe drought among soils,
plant groups, and species within a northern Arizona ecotone.
Oecologia 163: 1079-1090.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Law, D. J., and D. M. Finch. 2010.
Hydrologic, abiotic and biotic interactions: Plant density, windspeed, leaf size
and groundwater all effect oak water use efficiency.
Ecohydrology DOI: 10.1002/eco.172.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Ravi, S., D. D. Breshears, T. E. Huxman, and P. D'Odorico. 2010.
Land degradation in drylands: Interactions among hydrologic-aeolian erosion and
vegetation dynamics.
Geomorphology 116(3-4): 236-245.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Reiley, D. K., D. D. Breshears, P. H. Zedler, M. H. Ebinger, and
C. W. Meyer. 2010.
Soil carbon heterogeneity in piñon-juniper woodland patches: Effect
of woody plant variation on neighboring intercanopies is not detectable.
Journal of Arid Environments 74: 239-246.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Royer, P. D., D. D. Breshears, C. B. Zou, N. S. Cobb, and S. A.
Kurc. 2010.
Ecohydrological energy inputs in semiarid coniferous gradients: Responses to management-
and drought-induced tree reductions.
Forest Ecology and Management 260: 1646-1655.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Urgeghe, A. M., D. D. Breshears, S. N. Martens, and P. C. Beeson.
On the ecohydrological optimality of herbaceous capture of run-on.
Rangeland Ecology and Management 63(5): 497-504.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Villegas, J. C., D. D. Breshears, C. B. Zou, and D. J. Law.
Ecohydrological controls of soil evaporation in deciduous drylands: How the hierarchical
effects of litter, patch and vegetation mosaic cover interact with phenology and
Journal of Arid Environments 74(5): 595-602.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Wang L. X, K. K. Caylor, J. C. Villegas, G. A. Barron-Gafford,
D. D. Breshears, and T. E. Huxman. 2010.
Partitioning evapotranspiration across gradients of woody plant cover: Assessment
of a stable isotope technique.
Geophysical Research Letters 37: L09401.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Zou, C. B., P. D. Royer, and D. D. Breshears.
Density-Dependent shading patterns by Sonoran saguaros.
Journal of Arid Environments 74(1): 156-158.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
2009 Publications
Adams, H. D., M. Guardiola-Claramonte, G. A. Barron-Gafford,
J. C. Villegas, D. D. Breshears, C. B. Zou, P. A.
Troch, and T. E. Huxman. 2009.
Temperature sensitivity of drought-induced tree mortality portends increased regional
die-off under global-change-type drought.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America106(17): 7063-7066.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Adams, H. D., M. Guardiola-Claramonte, G. A. Barron-Gafford,
J. C. Villegas, D. D. Breshears, C. B. Zou, P. A.
Troch, and T. E. Huxman. 2009.
Reply to Leuzinger et al.: Drought-induced tree mortality temperature sensitivity
requires pressing forward with best available science.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America 106(38): E107-E107.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Adams, H. D., M. Guardiola-Claramonte, G. A. Barron-Gafford,
J. C. Villegas, D. D. Breshears, C. B. Zou, P. A.
Troch, and T. E. Huxman. 2009.
Reply to Sala et al.: Temperature sensitivity in drought-induced tree mortality
hastens the need to further resolve a physiological model of death.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America 106(26): E69-E69.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Barger, N. N., H. D. Adams, C. Woddhouse, J. C. Neff, and G. P.
Asner. 2009.
Influence of livestock grazing and climate on pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) dynamics.
Rangeland Ecology and Management 62: 531-539.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Breshears, D. D., O. B. Myers, C. W. Meyers, F. J. Barnes, C. B.
Zou, C. D. Allen, N. G. McDowell, and W. T. Pockman. 2009.
Tree die-off in response to global change-type drought: Mortality insights from
a decade of plant water potential measurements.
Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 7(4): 185-189.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Breshears, D. D., J. J. Whicker, C. B. Zou, J. P. Field,
and C. D. Allen. 2009.
A conceptual framework for dryland aeolian sediment transport along the grassland-forest
continuum: Effects of woody plant canopy cover and disturbance.
Geomorphology 105(1-2): 28-38.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Breshears, D. D., O. B. Meyers, and F. J. Barnes. 2009.
Horizontal heterogeneity in the frequency of plant-available water with woodland
intercnopy-canopy vegetation patch type rivals that occurring vertically by soil
Ecohydrology 2(4): 503-519.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Dominguez, F., J. C. Villegas, and D. D. Breshears.
Spatial extent of the North American Monsoon: Inreased cross-regional linkages via
atmospheric pathways.
Geophysical Research Letters 36.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Henebry, G. M., A. D. Richards, D. D. Breshears, J. Abatzoglou,
J. I. Fisher, E. A. Graham, J. M. Hanes, A. Knapp, L. Liang, B. E. Wilson, and J.
T. Morisette. 2009.
Phenological trend estimation: A reply to Sagarin.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7(6): 296-196.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Miao, S., C. B. Zou, and D. D. Breshears. 2009.
Vegetation responses to extreme hydrological events: sequence matters.
The American Naturalist 173: 113-118.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Morisette, J. T., A. D. Richardson, A. K. Knapp, J. I. Fisher, E. A. Graham, J.
Abatzoglou, B. E. Wilson, D. D. Breshears, G. M. Henebry, J. M.
Hanes, and L. Liang. 2009.
Phenological research in the 21st century.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7: 253-260.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Smettem, K. R. J., and D. D. Breshears. 2009.
Ecohydrology Bearings: Invited commentary to challenge paradigms, question assumptions,
prioritize needs and enhance interdisciplinary dialogue.
Ecohydrology 2(3): 381-382.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Whicker, J. J., J. E. Pinder, and D. D. Breshears. 2009.
Thinning semiarid forests amplifies wind erosion comparably to wildfire: Implications
for restoration and soil stability.
Journal of Arid Environments 73(6-7): 691-692.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
2008 Publications
Breshears, D. D., T. E. Huxman, H. D. Adams, C.
B. Zou, and J. E. Davison. 2008.
Vegetation synchronously leans upslope as climate warms.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 105(33):
Breshears, D. D., N. G. McDowell, K. L. Goddard, K. E. Dayem, S. N. Martens,
and C. W. Meyer and K. M. Brown. 2008.
Foliar absorption of intercepted rainfall improves plant water status and enables
drought recovery.
Ecology 89:41-47.
Breshears, D. D. 2008.
Structure and function of woodland mosaics: consequences of patch-scale heterogeneity
and connectivity along the grassland-forest continuum. In: Western North
American Juniperus Communities. O. W. Van Auken, ed.
Ecological Studies Series Springer.
Kempes, C. P.,O. B. Myers, D. D. Breshears, and J. J. Ebersole. 2008.
Comparing response of Pinus edulis tree-ring growth to five alternate moisture
indices using historic meteorological data.
Journal of Arid Environments 72: 350-357.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
McDowell, N., W. T. Pockman, C. Allen, D. D. Breshears, N. Cobb, T. Kolb,
J. Sperry, A. West, D. Williams, and E. A.Yepez. Tansley Review. 2008.
Mechanisms of plant survival and mortality during drought: Why do some plants survive
while others succumb to drought?
New Phytologist 178: 719-739.
Rich, P.M., D. D. Breshears and A. B. White. 2008.
Phenology of mixed woody-herbaceous ecosystems following extreme events: net and
differential responses. Special section on Phenology.
Ecology 89: 342-352.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Wei, H. M. A. Nearing, J. J. Stone, and D. D. Breshears. 2008.
A Dual-Monte-Carlo approach to estimate model uncertainty: application to the Rangeland
Hydrology and Erosion Model.
Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
51: 515-520.
Whicker, J. J., J. E. Pinder III, and D. D. Breshears. 2008.
Thinning semiarid forests amplifies wind erosion comparably to wildfire: Restoration
and soil stability.
Journal of Arid Environments 72: 494-508.
Villegas, J. C., C. Tobón, and D. D. Breshears. 2008.
Fog interception by non-vascular epiphytes in Tropical Montane Cloud Forests: Dependencies
on gauge type and meteorological conditions.
Hydrological Processes DOI: 10.1002/hyp.6844.
2007 Publications
Betancourt, J. L. M.D. Schwartz, D. D. Breshears, C. A. Brewer, G. Frazer,
J. E. Gross, S. J. Mazer, B. C. Reed, and B. E. Wilson. 2007.
Evolving plans for the USA National Phenology Network.
EOS Vol. 88, No. 19.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Whicker, J. J., J. E. Pinder III, Shawki A. Ibrahim, J. M. Stone, D. D. Breshears,
and K. N. Baker. 2007.
Uranium partition coefficients (Kd) in whole and fine fraction of surface soil at
two mountain forest sites reveal long equilibrium times and site differences.
Health Physics 93(1): 36-46.
Zou, C. B., G. A. Barron-Gafford, and D. D. Breshears. 2007.
Effects of topography and woody plant canopy cover on near-ground solar radiation:
relevant energy inputs for ecohydrology and hydropedology.
Geophysical Research Letters 34: L24S21,doi:10.1029/2007GL031484![](images/reader_icon.gif)
2006 Publications
Breshears, D. D. 2006.
The grassland-forest continuum: trends in ecosystem properties for woody plant mosaics?
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4(2): 96-104![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Newman, B. D, B. P. Wilcox, S. R.Archer, D. D. Breshears, N. D. Clifford,
C. J. Duffy, N. G. McDowell, F. M. Philips, B. R. Scanlon and E. R. Vivoni. 2006.
Ecohydrology of water-limited environments: a scientific vision.
Water Resources Research 42: W06302, doi:10.1029/2005WR004141![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Whicker, J. J., J. E. Pinder III, D. D. Breshears, and C. F. Eberhart. 2006.
From dust to dose: effects of forest disturbance on increased inhalation exposure.
Science of the Total Environment 368 (2-3): 519-530
Whicker, J. J., J. E. Pinder III, and D. D. Breshears. 2006.
Increased wind erosion from forest wildfire: overlooked implications for contaminant-related
Journal of Environmental Quality 35(2): 468-478![](images/reader_icon.gif)
2005 Publications
Betancourt, J.L., M.D.Schwartz, D. D. Breshears, D.R. Cayan, M. D. Dettinger,
D. W. Inouye, E. Post, and B. C. Reed. 2005.
Implementing a U.S. National Phenology Network.
EOS 86(51)![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Breshears, D. D., N. S. Cobb, P. M. Rich, K. P. Price, C. D. Allen,
R. G. Balice, W. H. Romme, J. H. Kastens, M. L. Floyd, J. Belnap, J. J. Anderson,
O. B. Myers, and C. W. Meyer. 2005.
Regional vegetation die-off in response to global-change-type drought.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 102:15144-15148
Breshears, D. D. 2005.
An ecologist's perspective of ecohydrology. Commentary (Not peer-reviewed).
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
Breshears, D. D., J. W. Nyhan, and D. W. Davenport. 2005.
Ecohydrology monitoring and excavation of semiarid landfill covers a decade post-installation.
Special section: Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Vadose Zone Journal 4: 798-810 (doi:10.2136/vzj2004.0038).
Fair, J. M., and D. D. Breshears. 2005.
Drought stress and fluctuating asymmetry in Quercus undulata leaves: Confounding
effects of absolute and relative amounts of stress?
Journal of Arid Environments 62: 235-249.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Field, J. P., K.W. Farrish, B.P. Oswald, M.T. Romig, E.A.Carter. 2005.
Forest site preparation effect on soil and nutrient losses in East Texas.
American Society of Agricultural Engineers 48 (2):861-869![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Hastings, B. K., D. D. Breshears, and F. M. Smith. 2005.
Spatial variability of rainfall erosivity and sediment yield within a semiarid woodland.
Special section: Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Vadose Zone Journal 4: 500-504
Huxman, T. E., B. P. Wilcox, D. D. Breshears, R. Scott, K. Snyder, E. A.
Small, K. Hultine, W. Pockman, and R. B. Jackson. 2005.
Woody plant encroachment and the water cycle: an ecohydrological framework. Special
section: Ecohydrology of Semiarid Landscapes.
Ecology 86: 308-319.
Ludwig, J.A., B. P. Wilcox, D. D. Breshears, D. J. Tongway, and A. C. Imeson.
Vegetation patches and runoff-erosion as interacting ecohydrological processes in
semiarid landscapes. Special section: Ecohydrology of Semiarid Landscapes.
Ecology 86: 288-297.
Martens, S. N. and D. D. Breshears. 2005.
Assessing contaminant transport vulnerability in complex topography using a distributed
hydrologic model. Special section: Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Vadose Zone Journal 4: 811-818 (doi:10.2136/vzj2004-0037).
Stimson, H. C., D. D. Breshears, S. L. Ustin, and S. C. Kefauver. 2005.
Spectral sensing of foliar water conditions in two co-occurring conifer species:
Pinus edulis and Juniperus monosperma.
Remote Sensing of Environment 96: 108-118.
Zou, C.B.,P.W. Barnes, S. Archer, and C. McMurtry. 2005.
Soil moisture redistribution as a mechanism of facilitation in savanna tree-shrub
Oecologia 145: 32-40![](images/reader_icon.gif)
2004 Publications
Johnston, C. A., P. Groffman, D. D. Breshears, Z. G. Cardon, W. Currie, W.
Emanuel, J. Gaudinski, R. B. Jackson, K. Lajtha, K. Nadelhoffer, D. Nelson Jr.,
W. M. Post, G. Retallack, R. Stallard, and L. Wielopolski. 2004.
Carbon cycling in soil.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2: 522-528.
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Loik, M. E., D. D. Breshears, W. K. Lauenroth, and J. Belnap. 2004.
A multi-scale perspective of water pulses in dryland ecosystems: climatology and
ecohydrology of the western USA. Special section: Precipitation Pulses in Arid Ecosystems.
Oecologia 141: 269-281.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
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Peters, D. P., J. E. Herrick, D. L. Urban, R. H. Gardner, and D. D. Breshears.
Strategies for ecological extrapolation.
Oikos 106: 627-636.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
2003 Publications
Breshears, D. D., J. J. Whicker, M. P. Johansen, and J. E. Pinder III. 2003.
Wind and water erosion and transport in semiarid shrubland, grassland, and forest
ecosystems: quantifying dominance of horizontal wind-driven transport. Special Issue:
Wind Erosion Field Studies: Contributions to a Joint Meeting of ICAR5 and GTCE-SEN.
Wiley Award for Best Paper of 2003 in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 28: 1189-1209.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
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Ebinger, M. H., M. L. Norfleet, D. D. Breshears, D. A. Cremers, M. J. Ferris,
P. J. Unkefer, M. S. Lamb, K. L. Goddard, and C. W. Meyer. 2003.
Extending the applicability of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for total soil
carbon measurement. Special symposium section: Approaches and technologies for detecting
changes in forest soil carbon pools.
Soil Science Society of America Journal 67: 1616-1619.
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Field, J. P., K. W. Farrish, E. A. Carter. 2003.
Soil and Nutrient Losses Following Site Preparation Burning in a Harvested Loblolly
Pine Site.
American Society of Agricultural Engineers 46 (6):
House, J., S. Archer, D. D. Breshears, R. J. Scholes, and the NCEAS Tree-grass
Interactions Participants. 2003.
Conundrums in mixed woody-herbaceous plant systems.
Journal of Biogeography 30: 1763-1777![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Johansen, M. P., T. E. Hakonson, F. W. Whicker, D. D. Breshears. 2003.
Pulsed redistribution of a contaminant following forest fire: Cesium-137 in runoff.
Journal of Environmental Quality 32: 2150-2157.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Wilcox, B. P., D. D. Breshears, and H. J. Turin. 2003.
Hydraulic conductivity in a piñon-juniper woodland: influence of vegetation.
Soil Science Society of America Journal 67:1243-1249.
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Wilcox, B. P., D. D. Breshears, and C. D. Allen. 2003.
Ecohydrology of a resource-conserving semiarid woodland: effects of scale and disturbance.
Ecological Monographs 73: 223-239.
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2002 Publications
Breshears, D. D., and C. D. Allen. 2002.
The importance of rapid, disturbance-induced losses in carbon management and sequestration.
Ecological Sounding.
Global Ecology and Biogeography 11: 1-5.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Whicker, J. J, D. D. Breshears , P. T. Wasiolek, T. B. Kirchner, R. A. Tavani
, D.A. Schoep , J.C. Rodgers. 2002.
Temporal and spatial variation of episodic wind erosion in unburned and burned semiarid
Journal of Environmental Quality 31: 599-612.
2001 Publications
Beeson, P. C., S. N. Martens, and D. D. Breshears. 2001.
Simulating overland flow following wildfire: mapping vulnerability to landscape
disturbance. Special issue: Wildfire and surficial processes.
Hydrological Processes 15: 2917-2930.
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Cremers, D. A., M. H. Ebinger, D. D. Breshears, P. J. Unkefer, S. A. Kammerdiener,
M. J. Ferris, K. M. Catlett, and J. R. Brown. 2001.
Measuring total soil carbon with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS).
Journal of Environmental Quality 30: 2202-2206.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Johansen, M. P., T. E. Hakonson, and D. D. Breshears. 2001.
Post-fire runoff and erosion following rainfall simulation: contrasting forests
with shrublands and grasslands. Special issue: Wildfire and surficial processes.
Hydrological Processes 15: 2953-2965.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
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Martens, S. N., D. D. Breshears, and F. J. Barnes. 2001.
Development of species dominance along an elevational gradient: Population dynamics
of Pinus edulis and Juniperus monosperma.
Journal of Plant Sciences 162: 777-783.
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Zou, C.B., C. Penfold, R. Sands, R.K. Misra and I. Hudson. 2001.
Effects of soil air-filled porosity, soil matric potential and soil strength on
primary root growth of radiata pine seedlings.
Plant and Soil 236: 105-115.
2000 Publications
Martens, S. N., D. D. Breshears, and C. W. Meyer. 2000.
Spatial distributions of understory light along the grassland/forest continuum:
effects of cover, height, and spatial pattern of tree canopies.
Ecological Modelling 126: 79-93.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Zou, C.B., R. Sands, and O. J. Sun. 2000.
Physiological responses of radiata pine roots to soil strength and soil water deficit.
Tree Physiology 20: 1205-1207 (PDF only available at request)
Zou, C.B., R. Sands, G. Buchan, and I. Hudson. 2000.
Least limiting water range: A potential indicator of physical quality of forest
Australia Journal of Soil Research 38: 947-58.
1999 Publications
Breshears, D. D., and F. J. Barnes. 1999.
Interrelationships between plant functional types and soil moisture heterogeneity
for semiarid landscapes within the grassland/forest continuum: a unified conceptual
Landscape Ecology 14: 465-478.
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Reid, K. D., B. P. Wilcox, D. D. Breshears, and L. MacDonald. 1999.
Runoff and erosion for vegetation patch types in a piñon-juniper woodland.
Soil Science Society of America Journal 63:1869-1879.
1998 Publications
Allen, C. D., and D. D. Breshears. 1998.
Drought-induced shift of a forest-woodland ecotone: rapid landscape response to
climate variation.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America 95: 14839-14842.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Breshears, D. D., J. W. Nyhan, C. E. Heil, and B. P. Wilcox. 1998.
Effects of woody plants on microclimate in a semiarid woodland: soil temperature
and evaporation in canopy and intercanopy patches.
International Journal of Plant Sciences 159: 1010-1017.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
![](Pub_image/Breshears et al INJPS 1998.gif)
Davenport, D. W., D. D. Breshears, B. P. Wilcox, and C. D. Allen. 1998.
Sustainability of piñon-juniper woodlands—a unifying perspective of soil erosion
thresholds. (Viewpoint)
Journal of Range Management 51: 231-240. Article is available
upon request.
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1997 Publications
Breshears, D. D., P. M. Rich, F. J. Barnes, and K. Campbell. 1997.
Overstory-imposed heterogeneity in solar radiation and soil moisture in a semiarid
Ecological Applications 7: 1201-1215.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
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Breshears, D. D., O. B. Myers, S. R. Johnson, C. W. Meyer, and S. N. Martens.
Differential use of spatially heterogeneous soil moisture by two semiarid woody
species: Pinus edulis and Juniperus monosperma.
Journal of Ecology 85: 289-299.
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Martens, S. N., D. D. Breshears, C. W. Meyer, and F. J. Barnes. 1997.
Scales of above-ground and below-ground competition in a semiarid woodland as detected
from spatial pattern.Journal of
Vegetation Science 8: 655-664. Article is available upon
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Wilcox, B. P., and D. D. Breshears. 1997.
Interflow in semiarid environments: an overlooked process in risk assessment.
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 3: 187-203. Article
is available upon request.
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1996 Publications
Davenport, D. W., B. P. Wilcox, and D. D. Breshears. 1996.
Soil morphology of canopy and intercanopy sites in a piñon-juniper woodland.
Science Society of America Journal 60: 1881-1887. Article
is available upon request.
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1994 Publications
Yeakley, J. A., R. A. Moen, D. D. Breshears, and M. K. Nungesser. 1994.
Response of North American ecosystem models to multi-annual periodicities in temperature
and precipitation. Landscape
Ecology 9: 249-260. Article is available upon request
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1993 Publications
Breshears, D. D., F. W. Whicker, and T. E. Hakonson. 1993.
Orchestrating environmental research and assessment for remediation.
Ecological Applications 3: 590-594.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
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1992 Publications
Breshears, D. D., T. B. Kirchner, and F. W. Whicker. 1992.
Contaminant transport through agroecosystems: assessing the relative importance
of environmental, physiological, and management factors.
Ecological Applications 2: 285-297.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
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1990 Publications
Whicker, F. W., T. B. Kirchner, D. D. Breshears, and M. D. Otis. 1990.
Estimation of radionuclide ingestion: The pathway food-chain model. Special issue:
Environmental radiation exposures from nuclear testing in Nevada
Health Physics 59: 645-657. Article is available upon
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1989 Publications
Breshears, D. D., T. B. Kirchner, M. D. Otis, and F. W. Whicker. 1989.
Uncertainty in predictions of fallout radionuclides in foods and of subsequent ingestion.
Health Physics 57: 943-953. Article is available upon
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Brisbin, I. L., D. D. Breshears, K. L. Brown, M. Ladd, M. H. Smith, M. W.
Smith, and A. L. Towns. 1989.
Relationships between radiocaesium components of terrestrial and aquatic food webs
of a contaminated streambed and floodplain community.
Journal of Applied Ecology 26: 173-182.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
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1988 Publications
Breshears, D. D., M. H. Smith, E. G. Cothran, and P. E. Johns.1988.
Genetic variability in white-tailed deer.
Heredity 60: 139-146. Article is available upon request.
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Terrestrial Ecology Lab
228 Biological Science Building East
University of Arizona, 1311 E 4th Street, Tucson, AZ 85721
Ph: 520-621-7259
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