Dr. Jason Field, Dr. Dave Breshears, and Dr. Ted Zobeck
Recent Live Interviews Regarding Dr. Field's Research:
ABC15 Phoenix
New Publication:
The Ecology of Dust, Dr. Jason P. Field et. al.
Field J. P., D. D. Breshears, J. C. Neff, G.
S. Okin, J. J. Whicker, T. H. Painter, S. Ravi, M. C. Reheis, R. L. Reynolds. 2009.
The Ecology of Dust. Frontiers in Ecology
and the Environment.
Press on Dr.
Field's Publication:more than 25 major newspapers from around
the United States featured Dr. Field's publication, please read the article by following
this link:Scientists take a new
look at impact of dust
University of Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona
Wichita, Kansas
Anchorage, Alaska
Boise, Idaho
Modesto Bee, Modesto,
Miami, Florida
Kansas City, Kansas
Bellingham, Washington
Fort Worth, Texas
Fresno, California
on Dr. Field's Publication:
Dr. Jason P.
Field's Related Papers on Soils and Erosion:
Field, J. P.., D. D. Breshears, and J.
J. Whicker. 2009. Toward a more holistic perspective of soil erosion: Why aeolian
research needs to explicitly consider fluvial processes and interactions.
Aeolian Research 1: 9-17.
Breshears, D. D., J. J. Whicker, C. B. Zou, J. P.
Field, and C. D. Allen. 2009. A conceptual framework for dryland aeolian
sediment transport along the grassland-forest continuum: Effects of woody plant
canopy cover and disturbance. Geomorphology 105: 28-38.
Field, J.P., K.W. Farrish, B.P. Oswald,
M.T. Romig, and E.A.Carter. 2005. Forest site preparation effect on soil and nutrient
losses in east Texas. American Society of Agricultural Engineers
48(2) :861-869
Field, J.P., K.W.Farrish, and E.A.Carter.
2003. Soil and nutrient losses following site preparation burning in a harvested
loblolly pine site. American Society of Agricultural Engineers 46(6):
Additional Papers of Jason's Currently in Review:
Field, J. P., D. D. Breshears, J. J. Whicker, and C. B. Zou. In
Review. Dust amplification and capture among vegetation patch types: Support for
underlying desertification assumptions.
Field, J. P., D. D. Breshears, J. J. Whicker, C. B. Zou. In Review.
How grazing and burning differentially alter wind and water erosion: Implications
for Rangelands.
Field, J. P., D. D. Breshears, J. J. Whicker, and C. B. Zou. In
Review. A dustier future under global -change-type erosion?
Dr. Breshears'
Lab Papers on Drought, Evapotranspiration, and Ecohydrology Themes:
McDowell, N. G., D. J. Beerling, D. D. Breshears, R. A. Fisher,
K. F. Raffa, and M. Stitt. 2011. The interdependence of mechanisms underlying
climate-driven vegetation mortality. Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Adams, H. D., A. K. Macalady, D. D. Breshears,
C. D. Allen, N. L. Stephenson, S. R. Saleska, T. E. Huxman, and N. G. McDowell.
2010. Climate-Induced tree mortality: Earth system consequences.
EOS 91(17): 153-154.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Allen, C. D., A. I. Macalady, H. Chenchouni, D. Bachelet, N. McDowell, M. Vennetier,
T. Kitzberger, A. Rigling, D. D. Breshears, E. H. Hogg, P. Gonzalez,
R. Fensham, Z. Zhang, J. Castro, N. Demidova, J-H Lim, G. Allard, S. W. Running,
A. Semerci, and N. Cobb. 2010. A global overview of drought and heat-induced
tree mortality reveals emrging climate change risks for forests. Forest
Ecology and Management 259(4): 660-684.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
D. D. Breshears, and J. A. Ludwig. 2010. Near-ground
solar radiation along the grassland-forest continuum: Tall-tree canopy architecture
imposes only muted trends and heterogeneity. Austral Ecology
35(1): 31-40.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Koepke, D. F., T. E. Kolb, and H. D. Adams. 2010. Variation
in woody plant mortality and dieback from severe drought among soils, plant groups,
and species within a northern Arizona ecotone. Oecologia
163: 1079-1090.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Law D. J., and D. M. Finch. 2010. Hydrologic, abiotic and
biotic interactions: Plant density, windspeed, leaf size and groundwater all affect
oak water use efficiency. Ecohydrology DOI: 10.1002/eco.172.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Ravi, S., D. D. Breshears, T. E. Huxman, and P. D'Odorico.
2010. Land degradation in drylands: Interactions among hydrologic-aeolian erosion
and vegetation dynamics. Geomorphology 116(3-4):
Reiley, D. K., D. D. Breshears, P. H. Zedler, M. H. Ebinger, and
C. W. Meyer. 2010. Soil carbon heterogeneity in piñon-juniper
woodland patches: Effect of woody plant variation on neighboring intercanopies
is not detectable. Journal of Arid Environments
74: 239-246.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Royer, P. D., D. D. Breshears, C. B. Zou, N. S.
Cobb, and S. A. Kurc. 2010. Ecohydrological energy inputs in semiarid
coniferous gradients: Resonses to management- and drought-induced tree reductions.
Forest Ecology and Management 260: 1646-1655.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Urgeghe, A. M., D. D. Breshears, S. N. Martens,
and P. C. Beeson. 2010. On the ecohydrological optimality of herbaceous
capture of run-on. Rangeland Ecology and Management
63(5): 497-504.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Villegas, J. C., D. D. Breshears, C. B. Zou, and D. J. Law.
2010. Ecohydrological controls of soil evaporation in deciduous drylands: How
the hierarchical effects of litter, patch and vegetation mosaic cover interact with
phenology and season. Journal of Arid Environments
74(5): 595-602.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Wang L. X, K. K. Caylor, J. C. Villegas, G. A. Barron-Gafford,
D. D. Breshears, and T. E. Huxman. 2010. Partitioning evapotranspiration
across gradients of woody plant cover: Assessment of a stable isotope technique.
Geophysical Research Letters 37: L09401.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Zou, C. B., P. D. Royer, and D. D. Breshears.
2010. PDensity-dependent shading patterns by Sonoran saguaros. Journal of
Arid Environments 74(1): 156-158.![](images/reader_icon.gif)
Climate Change: Agencies Should Develop Guidance for Addressing the Effects
on Federal Land and Water Resources. Complete
Report (
GAO-07-863) |
- Henry Adams 2008 American Geophysical Union, Hydrology Section Outstanding Student
Paper Award
- Dr. David Breshears is one of 20 scients from across North American awarded a Leopold
Leadership Fellowship to participtae in a leadership program at Standford University's
Wood's Institute for the Environment
- Jennifer Davison 2007 ISPEFest Poster Award 2nd Place
- Chris B. Zou 2007 Outstanding Staff in research award for College of Agriculture
and Life Sciences
- Juan Villegas 2007 International Development Research Centre, Canada. Financial
assistance to attend the Fourth International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection
and Dew
- Juan Villegas 2007 Water Sustainability Program. Student fellowship Award ($18,000)
- Jason P. Field 2006
- David D. Breshears 2006 School of Natural Resources Scholarly Achievement Award
(video clip)
- Chris B. Zou 2006 Kel Fox Presentation Award 2006
- Jason Field 2006 Kel Fox Award 2006
- Jason Field 2006 ISPE Travel Awards 2006