No. 49, May/June 2001
Linkages between Climate Change and Desertification
by Christopher M. Taylor
"The persistence of rainfall patterns during HAPEX-Sahel has provided the first observational evidence that the land surface influences rainfall in the region." |
Sahelian drought |
(Back to top) Since Charney published his hypothesis, there has been a great deal of argument about the efficiency of this feedback mechanism, and its actual role in the observed drought. Studies based on computer simulations of the atmosphere and land surface have been used extensively to explore the potential for the mechanism. For example, Xue (1997) has argued that land degradation, associated with processes such as the clearing of natural open woodland for agriculture, can result in climatic changes as dramatic as those observed in recent times. Whilst degradation at the local scale has been well-documented (Mabbutt and Floret 1980), it is rather more difficult to quantify the changes in land use over the entire region. The idea that severe degradation has occurred throughout the Sahel and caused the drought has been criticized by some (e.g. Nicholson et al. 1998). A complicating factor in understanding the influence of degradation on drought is that the climate system is itself highly variable. A number of studies (e.g. Folland et al. 1986, Rowell et al. 1995) show that rainfall in the Sahel is closely related to natural variability in the global climate system. Conditions favorable for wet or dry years are provided by sea surface temperature patterns in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Such "natural" climatic variability has a pronounced effect on the vegetation cover (Prince et al. 1998). In a single wet year, vegetation can thrive and the surface appears much greener than usual when viewed from satellite. Even after several dry years, vegetation can recover relatively quickly once adequate rainfall returns. From this perspective, it is difficult to determine whether changes in vegetation are a cause or a result of the drought. Observations from a land surface experiment(Back to top) | |
The HAPEX-Sahel experiment also provided a very detailed picture of rainfall in the region for the first time. Based on measurements at over 100 rain gauges (typically every 12 km), the data showed that very large differences in annual rainfall can occur even over small distances. The spatial patterns of precipitation over the study area during 1992 were quite complex. The long-term climatology of the region presents a decrease in rainfall of roughly 100 mm for every 1 degree north traveled. It is rather difficult to see this gradient in a single year, such is the variability of rainfall on spatial scales as small as 10 km. Only when one takes several years of data together does the decrease in rainfall with latitude become apparent. The largest rainfall gradient during 1992 occurred in the south-west of the study area, where one gauge received 295 mm more rain than its neighbor just 9 km away. What was extraordinary about this extreme variability was that during the first half of 1992, and in other years, these neighboring gauges received very similar amounts of rainfall. The gradient in 1992 developed as a result of a series of storms passing over in the final seven weeks of the wet season, each exhibiting the same spatial pattern (Taylor et al. 1997; Taylor and Lebel 1998). | |
Further analysis of the rainfall data revealed that this persistence of rainfall patterns from storm to storm occurred elsewhere in the study area. This can be demonstrated by analysis of rainfall for two consecutive events, on 20 and 22 July 1992. On 20 July, some short-lived local storms developed during the afternoon, producing rain in the center of the study area. The event on 22 July, on the other hand, was a typical tropical squall line. Squall lines are long-lived storms which tend to come from the east, producing intense rainfall in a swath which can be several hundreds of kilometers across. Whilst all gauges in the domain received at least 5 mm rain on 22 July, in some areas precipitation exceeded 55 mm. What is striking about the two plots is that over the central area, those gauges which had rain on 20 July were favored with much higher rainfall than their neighbors in the event on 22 July. Analysis of the statistics of these events confirms that, on average, when a squall line passes over, rainfall is likely to be heavier in an area where rain has fallen in the previous couple of days. This unexpected behavior points strongly towards a positive land surface feedback operating locally. Feedback mechanisms(Back to top) The final part of the positive feedback loop requires that the extra humidity above the wet surface can increase rainfall. It is hypothesized that the humidity gradients play an important role in modulating the dynamics of squall lines locally when they pass over. Squall lines derive their energy from moisture in the lowest layers of the atmosphere, and from a simple energetics perspective, more moisture being fed into the storm at low levels is likely to result in more vigorous convection, and hence rainfall. This hypothesis is currently being tested with a numerical model of a squall line, and initial results suggest that rainfall is indeed heavier over wet soils. The variability in seasonal rainfall can have dramatic effects on local communities. For example during 1992, generally low rainfall in the north of the study area was exacerbated by a persistent local minimum around several villages. As a result, the millet crop failed and all the adult males within a 10-15 km radius traveled hundreds of miles to the coast in order to make enough money to survive the dry season. Outlook(Back to top) From the many studies produced since the onset of the drought, a picture emerges of a rather precarious climate in the Sahel. We have seen that natural variability in the climate system can cause enormous differences in rainfall even between neighboring villages. At the larger scale, severe droughts can affect the entire region over not just years, but decades, and even centuries. At all of these time scales, land surface feedbacks play an important role, and large-scale changes in land use may only increase the climatic vulnerability of the region. For example, the conversion of savanna and natural forest to cropland is expected to accelerate in the coming years (Lambin 2001) under rising population pressures. Currently, there is no general consensus on the likely overall impacts of global climate change on the Sahel. Some climate centers predict increases in Sahel rainfall due to higher levels of carbon dioxide, and others suggest lower levels of rainfall. However, at least one thing seems clear: given the natural variability of rainfall in the Sahel, coupled with both unprecedented changes in regional land use and the uncertainties associated with global changes in greenhouse gases, climate stability in the Sahel is unlikely. References(Back to top) Claussen, M., C. Kubatzki, V. Brovkin, A. Ganopolski, P. Hoelzmann, and H.J. Pachur. 1999. Simulation of an abrupt change in Saharan vegetation in the mid-Holocene. Geophysical Research Letters 26:2037-2040. Folland, C.K., T.N. Palmer, and D.E. Parker. 1986. Sahel rainfall and worldwide sea temperatures, 1901-85. Nature 320:602-607. Goutorbe, J.P., T. Lebel, A. Tinga, P. Bessemoulin, J. Brouwer, A.J. Dolman, E.T. Engman, J.H.C. Gash, M. Hoepffner, P. Kabat, Y.H. Kerr, B. Monteny, S. Prince, F. Saïd, P.J. Sellers, and J.S. Wallace. 1994. HAPEX-Sahel - a large-scale study of land-atmosphere interactions in the semi-arid tropics. Annals of Geophysics 12:53-64. Mabbutt, J.A. and C. Floret, eds. 1980. Case studies on desertification. Paris: UNESCO. Nicholson, S.E. 1989 Long-term changes in African rainfall. Weather 44: 47-56. Nicholson, S.E., C.J. Tucker, and M.B. Ba. 1998. Desertification, drought, and surface vegetation: An example from the West African Sahel. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 79:815-829. Prince, S.D., E.B. De Colstoun, and L.L. Kravitz. 1998. Evidence from rain-use efficiencies does not indicate extensive Sahelian desertification. Global Change Biology 4:359-374. Rowell, D.P., C.K. Folland, K. Maskell, and M.N. Ward. 1995. Variability of summer rainfall over tropical North-Africa (1906-92) - Observations and modeling, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 121:669-704. Lambin, E.F. 2001. Personal communication with the author. Taylor, C.M., F. Saïd, and T. Lebel. 1997. Interactions between the land surface and mesoscale rainfall variability during HAPEX-Sahel. Monthly Weather Review 125:2211-2227. Taylor, C.M. and T. Lebel. 1998. Observational evidence of persistent convective-scale rainfall patterns. Monthly Weather Review 126:1597-1607. Xue, Y. 1997. Biosphere feedback on regional climate in tropical north Africa. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 123:1483-1515. |
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Christopher Taylor
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Oxon, OX10 8BB
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Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
HAPEX-Sahel Information system
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