No. 49, May/June 2001
Linkages between Climate Change and Desertification
by Siri Eriksen
"The measures briefly outlined in this article represent a means of addressing global environmental concerns while also enhancing basic local survival." |
Introduction(Back to top) The policy relevance of linkages between climate change and desertification(Back to top) Many African countries are committed to the two international conventions aimed at these problems: the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Climate Convention) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (Desertification Convention or CCD). In this regard they are committed to reforming policies and drawing up plans and strategies to combat local manifestations of these two global phenomena. |
The need to coordinate measures to implement both conventions can be viewed from two perspectives. First, implementation of such measures may affect local welfare. Rural households represent a large majority of the population in sub-Saharan Africa. In Kenya, for example, 80% of the population live in rural areas (Republic of Kenya 1997b, p. 12). It follows that enhancing the social and economic viability of these households is crucial for the welfare of a large section of the population. Rural households are in many cases the managers of local resources, and their activities are critical with regard to, for example, combating desertification. In fact, both conventions are concerned with local resources and their use. The Climate Convention aims at preventing the causes of climate change (e.g. emissions), and mitigating the adverse effects of such change. The Climate Convention recognizes the need for humans to adapt to the impacts of climate change and commits Parties to prepare for such adaptation. The Desertification Convention aims both at combating desertification, or dryland degradation, and at mitigating adverse effects of drought, with a view to achieving sustainable development in selected areas. As long as both conventions are concerned with safeguarding local welfare and resources, their efforts should be coordinated. Second, in terms of implementation, developing countries lack resources to instigate costly programs. The need to link implementation of conventions in order to avoid duplicative or counterproductive measures is formally embodied in the convention texts. The Desertification Convention in particular explicitly states that its activities should be co-ordinated with other conventions, particularly the Biodiversity Convention and the Climate Convention. Joint programs that contribute to achieving the objectives of the agreements concerned are encouraged (CCD, Article 8). The Climate Convention, in its preamble, recalls previous UN resolutions concerned with climate change, sea level rise and desertification. There are several possible links between the physical processes of climate change and desertification. The links between these two issues become particularly strong, however, when the local-level social context of natural resource management is taken into account. The processes of climate change and desertification(Back to top) The effects that a global mean change in temperature may have on local and regional scales are extremely variable and uncertain due to the influence of atmospheric circulation and ocean bodies (Mitchell and Hulme 1999). In addition to changes in the mean climatic conditions (such as temperature and rainfall), the frequencies of irregular seasons and extreme events, including fires, hurricanes and droughts, are likely to change and in some places increase (Parry 1986; Peters 1992). Given the potentially dramatic effects on local climate, natural resources, infrastructure and economic activities, Africa may be particularly physically vulnerable to and at risk from climate change. Desertification relates to both the processes and the end state of dryland degradation, involving soil erosion, soil degradation, deforestation and degradation of the natural vegetation, as well as declining biological productivity of the land (Swift 1996). The term desertification has been associated with a number of physical manifestations, such as sand dunes, that have conjured up images of deserts expanding uncontrollably, fuelled by population growth and inappropriate resource use technologies (Mortimore 1998). However, the significance of such physical manifestations, the processes by which such manifestations are reached, and the extent to which the end state of degraded lands is temporary or permanent, have been the topics of much debate (Benjaminsen 1996; Mortimore 1998). The effect of vegetation change on climate(Back to top) Model studies of the interaction between land cover and climate, such as Franchito and Rao (1992) and Varejao-Silva et al. (1998) indicate that the climate is sensitive to vegetation changes (Kutzbach et al. 1996), though the extent of the effect is uncertain, and the scale of change very regional (Chase et al. 2000). Such model studies have also attracted criticism for inputting extreme changes in vegetation parameters, thus testing the sensitivity of the climate to hypothetical vegetation changes rather than realistic changes in vegetation (Allen et al. 1994). A second link between desertification and deforestation and the global climate system is the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere. DeFries et al. (1999) estimate that land use change has contributed at least one third of the total carbon released into the atmosphere from human activities. Deforestation also leads to a transient increase in atmospheric CO2 released by burning or decomposition of the forest biomass (Henderson-Sellers 1988). Hulme and Kelly (1993) point out that desertification reduces a potential carbon sink, in terms of carbon stored in vegetation. Though important for regional net carbon budgets, however, they suggest that land conversion in dryland areas is a less important contributing factor than tropical deforestation to carbon emissions. The effect of climatic changes on vegetation(Back to top) Social linkages between climate change and desertification(Back to top) Some authors have argued that the extent of the problem of desertification has been over-emphasized because of "insufficient investigation on the ground as to how environments, societies and food production systems respond to periods of drought" (Binns 1990, p. 107). Findings from a local level study by Binns (1990) suggesting little evidence of desertification in connection with the 1985 drought in Mali are corroborated by a study by Warren and Agnew (1988). Because of fluctuations in climate and vegetation, Warren and Agnew found it impossible to determine whether the condition of the Sahel at any time between 1968 and 1984 could be reliably attributed to long-term degradation or to drought. An important aspect of the desertification debate is that the difficulties of specifying human impact against a background of natural fluctuation and paucity of data imply a need to allow for surprise and uncertainty in planning for sustainability (Turner 1988). There is no simple relationship between declining vegetation, erosion and land productivity. Acknowledgement of these uncertainties has led to a shift towards assessing degradation in terms of reduced economic output, rather than physical changes in the soil (Swift 1996). Thus, it has been suggested that environmental degradation measures should be assessed on the basis of crop yields or return on investment. Degradation can then be most usefully defined in terms of farmer livelihoods, a locally based economic definition of environmental degradation. | |
The above definition links desertification to an important aspect of climate change: human adaptation to its effects. As part of the research reported on in this article, 50 household interviews were carried out in each of the two sites, located in Kitui District, Kenya, and Same District, Tanzania, regarding sources of livelihood and local resource use during selected time periods. Rural household responses to climatic events between 1997 and 1999 in both study sites suggested that local agro-ecosystems, in terms of on-farm and off-farm natural resources, played a crucial role in local coping with extreme events, including drought and flood. This has two main implications for linkages between climate change and desertification. First, alternative sources of livelihood are vital to climate change adaptation. Second, the extent of environmental degradation determined many people's livelihood options and ability to adapt to climate change. This relationship has important qualifications: Local coping mechanisms to climatic extremes do not directly translate into successful adaptation to climate change. Present coping mechanisms may be inadequate in dealing with future longer-scale changes. Further, some coping mechanisms, such as cutting indigenous forest for charcoal production as an income source during drought, may contribute to environmental degradation and potentially limit future resource access and livelihood options. Such coping mechanisms have, however, been crucial to survival for many people during climatic changes that have occurred over the past decades. This is likely to hold true in the foreseeable future. Few households are reached by government programs or are currently able to adopt solutions that are labor-, technology-, or finance-intensive. In particular, the informal sector and local natural resources are important sources of food and income during harvest failure for vulnerable households, including labor poor households, households with no member employed in the formal sector, and female-headed households. Implications for climate adaptation efforts(Back to top) |
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