No. 48, November/December 2000
Linkages between Cultural Diversity and Biodiversity
The cover photograph for this issue shows Margarida De Mori Cesário (on the right) and Alice Andrade de Matos (on the left), standing in a field on Alice's family farm in the drylands of Brazil. This field has been planted according to a polyculture cropping system developed for this area of Brazil (see accompanying article by Marsha Hanzi, Director, Bahian Permaculture Institute). Alice's family farm, called "Fazenda Maravilha," is approximately 40 hectares (100 acres) in size, mostly the native "Caatinga" brush, with cattle and goats. Last year, Alice planted roughly 1 hectare (or roughly 3 acres) of the farm using this polyculture system. Alice is a rural schoolteacher, and Margarida is an extension agent for the state agricultural service. |
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