Early Relationships and Children’s Development
Project Title: Child Care Factors that Influence Parental Engagement: Understanding Longitudinal Pathways to Children’s School Readiness
Dates of Project: 9/30/2015-2/28/2017
Funder: Administration for Children and Families (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
Principal Investigator: Melissa A. Barnett (Co-PI: Christina Cutshaw & Ann Mastergeorge)
Project Title: How Does Climate Change Adaptation-Related Stress and Coping Impact Family Functioning and Adaptation-Related Behaviors?
Dates of Project: 8/2014-12/2015
Funder: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona
Principal Investigator: Melissa Barnett
Co-Principal Investigator: Melissa Curran, Sabrina Helm and Zelieann Craig
Project Title: Evaluation Services
Dates of Project: 11/22/2010 - 10/18/2013
Funder: Arizona Department Of Health Services
Principal Investigator: Dr. Michele Walsh
Project Title: Parenting Together
Dates of Project: 2010-2012
Funder: University of Arizona Foundation
Principal Investigator: Melissa Barnett
Project Title: Young Children & Families
Dates of Project: 2010-2012
Funder: National Center for Family and Marriage Research
Principal Investigator: Melissa Barnett
Project Title: CYFAR Sustainability Community Project: Strengthening Families Dates of Project: 5/15/2010-5/14/2014
Dates of Project: 5/15/2010-5/14/2014
Funder: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Principal Investigator: Dr. Ann M. Mastergeorge
Dates of Project: 7/1/2011-6/30/2012
Funder: Arizona Early Childhood Development & Health Board
Principal Investigator: Dr. Michele E. Walsh
Project Title: Statewide Needs and Assets Data Tables
Dates of Project: 6/15/2011-9/30/2011
Funder: Arizona Early Childhood Development & Health Board
Principal Investigator: Dr. Michele Walsh
Project Title: The Professional Development Center: Children Autism Spectrum Disorders PDA Dates of Project: 1/10/2011-6/30/2012
Funder: US Department Education: University of California- Davis
Principal Investigator: Dr. Ann M. Mastergeorge
Project Title: First Things First Regional Partnerships Council Boundary Review
Dates of Project: 5/1/2011-9/30/2011
Funder: Arizona Early Childhood Development & Health Board
Principal Investigator: Dr. Michele Walsh
Project Title: Raising Children Together
Dates of Project: 7/1/2010-6/30/2011
Funder: UA Foundation
Principal Investigator: Dr. Melissa Barnett
Youth Development and Resilience
Project Title: Mapping Q.
Dates: 07/2018-06/2019
Funder: Alliance Foundation
PI: Russell Toomey and Chelsea Farrar
Project Title: Identifying Risk and Protective Factors to Inform Interventions for Sexual and Gender Minority Youth of Color at Risk for Disparate Health Outcomes.
Dates: 07/2017-06/2019
Funder: National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities Loan Repayment Program Award Renewal (L60 MD008862)
PI: Russell Toomey
Project Title: Mapping Q: Examining the Effectiveness of and Arts-Based Suicide Prevention for Sexual and Gender Minority Youth.
Dates: 07/2017-06/2018
Funder: Alliance Foundation
PI: Russell Toomey and Chelsea Farrar
Project Title: No Longer at the Margins: Envisioning the Integration of an Intersectional Lens in Developmental Science.
Dates: 02/2016-01/2018
Funder: Society for Research on Adolescence
PI: Russell Toomey and Carlos Santos
Project Title: Strengths and Supports in the Lives of LGBT Youth: An Examination of Suicide Attempts and Thriving.
Dates: 10/2015-09/2017
Funder: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (SRG-1-146-14)
PI: Russell Toomey and Amy Syvertsen
Project Title: Pilot Study of a Family-Focused Intervention to Support Transgender and Gender Creative Youth
Dates of Project: 2015-2016
Funder: University of Arizona Transgender Studies Initiative Faculty Research Grant
Principal Investigators: Russell Toomey
Project Title: Meta-Analyses of Contextual Correlates of Peer Victimization
Dates of Project: 2015-2016
Funder: National Institutes of Justice
Principal Investigators: Noel Card (Co-PI: Russell Toomey)
Project Title: A Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention on a Large Southwest Urban Campus
Dates of Project: 2011-2014
Funder: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration
Principal Investigators: Stephen T. Russell and Adela Licona
Project Title: The Crossroads Collaborative: Youth, Sexuality, Health and Rights
Dates of Project: 9/1/2010-12/31/2014
Funder: University of Arizona Foundation
Principal Investigators: Dr. Stephen T. Russell and Adela Licona
Project Title: Sexual Orientation, Race and Gender Disparities in Discipline.
Dates of Project: 2012-2013
Funder: Indiana University
Principal Investigators: Shannon Snapp
Project Title: (YEAK) CYFERnet SEARCH: 4-H Youth Engagement, Attitudes and Knowledge Survey
Dates of Project: 09/01/2011-10/31/2013
Funder: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National 4H Council
Principal Investigator: Dr. Lynne M. Borden
Project Title: The Emergence of Cyber-Bullying from Middle Childhood Through Adolescence: A Prospective Longitudinal Study
Dates of Project: 9/2010 - 8/2013
Funder: National Science Foundation
Principal Investigator: Dr. Sheri Bauman & Dr. Noel Card
Project Title: CYFERnet Evaluation
Dates of Project: 5/15/2009-8/14/2013
Funder: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Principal Investigator: Dr. Lynne M. Borden
Project Title: CYFERnet Clickers
Dates of Project: 9/1/2010-8/31/2012
Funder: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Principal Investigator: Christine B. Wiggs
Project Title: Who Aggresses Against Whom, and How?: Forms and Functions of Aggressor-Victim Relationships During Early Adolescence
Dates of Project: 8/1/2010-7/31/2012
Funder: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Principal Investigator: Dr. Noel A. Card
Project Title: Multi-Disciplinary Partnership for Strengthening Child-Care & Youth Development
Dates of Project: 4/1/2010-9/30/2012
Funder: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Principal Investigator: Dr. Lynne M. Borden Project
Title: Family Acceptance Project
Dates of Project: 7/1/2009-6/30/2012
Funder: San Francisco State University
Principal Investigator: Dr. Stephen T. Russell
Project Title: Stealth Health: Youth Innovation, Mobile Technology, Online Social Networking and Informal Learning to Promote Physical Activity
Dates of Project: 1/1/2009 - 12/31/2012
Funder: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Principal Investigator: Scott B. Going
Project Title: Zona de Promesa Baseline Assessment
Dates of Project: 2011-2012
Funder: Helios Education Foundation
Principal Investigator: Andrea Romero
Project Title: Explaining the Sexual Orientation Disparity in Adolescent Suicide Risk
Dates of Project: 1/2009-12/2010
Funder: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Principal Investigator: Dr. Stephen T. Russell
Project Title: Gender, Sexuality, and Conformity at School
Dates of Project: 12/31/2008-12/31/2010
Funder: Ford Foundation
Principal Investigator: Dr. Stephen T. Russell
Project Title: Professional learning and it's impact on student outcomes: Growth in teachers' social emotional cognitive competencies and it's impact on student SEL capabilities
Dates of Project: 7/2018-6/2022
Funder: Institute of Education Sciences
Principal Investigator: Dr. Emily Butler (PI Dr. Rodriquez, New York University)
Project Title: Examining Social Rhythms and Sleep as Mechanisms for Weight Gain After Job Loss
Dates of Project: 09/2014-8/2019
Funder: National Institutes of Health
Principal Investigator: Dr. Emily Butler
Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Haynes
Project Title: Computational Temporal Interpersonal Emotion Systems (CompTIES)
Dates of Project: 08/15/2013-7/31/2016
Funder: National Science Foundation
Principal Investigator: Dr. Emily Butler
Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Kobus Barnard
Project Title: Workshop on Computationally Intensive Modeling of Dynamic Social Interaction
Dates of Project: 09/2014-8/2015
Funder: National Science Foundation
Principal Investigator: Dr. Emily Butler
Project Title: Surviving Breast Cancer: The Dynamics of Inflammation, Emotion, and Family
Dates of Project: 1/01/2013 - 12/31/2015
Funders: American Cancer Society
Principal Investigator: Dr. Emily Butler
Project Title: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Whole Body Hyperthermia (WBH) as a Rapid Antidepressant Modality
Dates of Project: 9/15/2013-9/14/2015
Funder: Brain & Behavior Research Institute
Principal Investigator: Dr. Charles T. Raison
Project Title: Whole Body Hyperthermia (WBH) for Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder
Dates of Project: 1/1/2013-12/31/2014
Funder: Depressive and Bipolar Disorder Alternative Treatment Foundation
Principal Investigator: Dr. Charles T. Raison
Project Title: Antidepressant Effects of Whole Body Hyperthermia
Dates of Project: 8/26/2013-8/26/2014
Funder: Institute for Mental Health Research
Principal Investigator: Dr. Charles T. Raison
Project Title: The Brain on Whole Body Hyperthermia: A Neuroimaging Study
Dates of Project: 1/1/2014-12/31/2014
Funder: Internal Funding
Principal Investigator: Dr. Charles T. Raison
Project Title: Mechanisms of Meditation
Dates of Project: 5/1/2009-4/30/2015
Funder: NCCAM
Principal Investigator: Dr. Charles T. Raison
Project Title: Relationships, Emotion, and Eating: A Dynamic Systems Investigation of Weight Gain
Dates of Project: 5/01/2012 - 04/30/2014
Funders: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Principal Investigator: Dr. Emily Butler
Project Title: The Sounds of Compassion: Testing How Specific Elements of Meditation Change Daily Life
Dates of Project: 5/1/2012-4/30/2015
Funder: NCCAM
Principal Investigator: Dr. Charles T. Raison
Project Title: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Funder: Mechanism of Meditation
Principal Investigator: Dr. Mehl
Project Title: The Daily Interactions of Couples Coping with Breast Cancer: With Whom, About What, and Links to Adjustment
Funder: National Cancer Institute
Principal Investigator: Dr. Mehl
Project Title: Genetic Moderators of Divorce Adjustment
Funder: NIH Exploratory/Development Grant, National Institute on Aging
Principal Investigator: Sbarra
Project Title: Identifying EEG Indices of Neural Systems Underlying Risk for MDD
Funder: NIMH
Principal Investigator: Allen
Project Title: Vagus Relaxation: An Android App Developed
Funder: BIO5 Fellowships to Develop Collaborative Life Sciences Projects
Principal Investigator: Lane
Project Title: A Randomized Clinical Trial of Transcranial Ultrasound for Mood Enhancement
Funder: Thync/Neurotrek
Principal Investigator: Raison
Project Title: Vagus Relaxation: An Android App Developed
Funder: BIO5 Fellowships to Develop Collaborative Life Sciences Projects
Principal Investigator: Lane
Fathers, Parenting, and Families
Project Title: Examining the Influence of Cultural Values on Pathways to Strengthen Healthy Marriages and Responsible Fatherhood Among Mexican-Origin Fathers.
Dates of Project: 9/2014 -9/2016
Funder: Administration for Children and Families (DHHS), Family Strengthening Scholars Dissertation Fellowship.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Melissa Barnett for Trainee Dr. Henry Gonzalez
Project Title: Different Forms of Family Instability: Key Mechanisms Linking Family Strengthening Interventions, Family Functioning and Child Wellbeing
Dates of Project: 9/30/14 to 9/29/16
Principal Investigators: Dr. Melissa Curran and Dr. Meilssa Barnett
Project Title: Different Forms of Family Instability: Key Mechanisms Linking Family Strengthening Interventions, Family Functioning and Child Wellbeing
Dates of Project: 9/2014 – 2/2016
Funder: Administration for Children and Families (DHHS)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Melissa Barnett, Co-Principal Investigator: Melissa Curran
Project Title: Collaborative Research: Impact of Fathers on Risky Sexual Behavior and Decision-Making in Daughters.
Dates of Project: 2013-2016
Funder: National Science Foundation
Principal Investigator: Bruce Ellis, Co-Principal Investigator: Sarah Hill
Project Title:
Dates of Project: 2012
Funder: University of Arizona, Online Education Project Grant
Principal Investigator: Horst Dieter Steklis
Project Title: Military Family Readiness Training System
Dates of Project: 9/01/2011-8/31/2013
Funders: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Principal Investigator: Dr. Lynne M. Borden
Project Title: UAF Small Grant
Dates of Project: 9/16/2008-9/15/2010
Funder: UA Foundation
Principal Investigator: Dr. Melissa Curran
Latinx Families'
Project Title: Immigrant Families’ Stress During the 2016 Presidential Election
Dates of Project: 5/2017-6/2018
Funder: University of Arizona Seed Funding
Principal Investigator: Katie Zeiders
Project Title: Equality and Civic Participation: Examining Profiles and Critical Social Analysis of Inequality
Dates of Project: 5/2017-4/2019
Funder: Spencer Foundation
Principal Investigator: Andrea Romero
Project Title: Immigrant Families’ Stress During the 2016 Presidential Election
Dates of Project: 5/2017-4/2019
Funder: University of Arizona Seed Funding
Principal Investigator: Katie Zeiders
Project Title: ASPIRE
Dates of Project: 2015-2018
Funder: Virginia G. Piper Foundation
Principal Investigator: Andrea Romero
Project Title: POSTER (Positive Out of School Time Enrichment Resources)
Dates of Project: March 2018-March 2019
Funder: Extension Strategic Investment Program
Principal Investigator: Andrea Romero
Project Title: A Telenovela Intervention to Increase Mexican American Elders & Home Care Use
Dates of Project: 5/15/2009-4/30/2010
Funder: NINHR
Principal Investigator: Dr. Andrea Romero
Project Title: A Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention on a Large Southwest Urban Campus
Dates of Project: 8/1/2011-7/31/2014
Funder: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration
Principal Investigator: Dr. Peggy J. Glider
Project Title: Sexual Orientation, Race, and Gender Disparities in Discipline Dates of Project: 9/01/2012 - 07/31/2013
Funders: Indiana University
Principal Investigator: Dr. Shannon Snapp