A special, guest-edited issue of the Community Literacy Journal -- edited by Adela C. Licona & Stephen T. Russell
This special issue addresses sexual, gender, and cultural literacies across community contexts as well as efforts to impose restrictions on these literacies. Articles, co-authored between academic and community collaborators, reflect traditional and non-traditional approaches to youth-informed and action-oriented research as well as to arts-based inquiry, multimodal literacies, and critical community pedagogy that address youth vision and efforts to re-vision everyday spaces and practices.
The issue includes youth submissions, slam poetry (with a linked performance available online), photographic voice, poetic verse, and a zine collaboration that together demonstrate civic interest and engagement and that powerfully and creatively address youth experiences, community action, desires, and knowledges. Book and multimedia reviews introduce works that are timely and relevant and will be of broad interest to youth as well as to academic and community educators. Special Issue 8.1* challenges disciplinary divides and those too often imposed on the academy and community as well as between youth and adults.
CLJ subscriptions are available at the journal's website with rates for institutions, faculty, graduate students, community workers, and individuals. Individual articles are academically accessible through Project Muse and the journal is available for purchase online.
This is a project of the Crossroads Collabrative
* Articles
-- "Transdisciplinary and Community Literacies: Shifting Discourses and Practices through New Paradigms of Public Scholarship and Action-Oriented Research"
Adela C. Licona, Stephen T. Russell
-- "Education/Connection/Action: Community Literacies and Shared Knowledges as Creative Productions for Social Justice"
Adela C. Licona, J. Sarah Gonzales
-- "Empower Latino Youth (ELAYO): Leveraging Youth Voice to Inform the Public Debate on Pregnancy, Parenting and Education"
Elodia Villaseñor, Miguel Alcalá, Ena Suseth Valladares, Miguel A. Torres, Vanessa Mercado, Cynthia A. Gómez
-- "Addressing Economic Devastation and Built Environment Degradation to Prevent Violence: A Photovoice Project of Detroit Youth Passages"
Louis F. Graham, Armando Matiz Reyes, William Lopez, Alana Gracey, Rachel C. Snow, B. Padilla
-- "Paying to Listen: Notes from a Survey of Sexual Commerce"
Rachel C. Snow, Angela M. Williams, Curtis Collins, Jessica Moorman, Tomas Rangel, Audrey Barick, Crystal Clay, Armando Matiz Reyes
-- "Moving Past Assumptions: Recognizing Parents as Allies in Promoting the Sexual Literacies of Adolescents through a University-Community Collaboration"
Stacey S. Horn, Christina R. Peter, Timothy B. Tasker, Shannon L. Sullivan
* Poetry
"Public Speaking"
Niki Herd
Sammy Dominguez, Zach Taylor
Zach Taylor
* Zine
-- Project Connect Zine
* Book and New Media Reviews
-- Slam School: Learning Through Conflict in the Hip-Hop and Spoken Word Classroom, Bronwen E. Low
Amanda Fields
-- Valuing Youth Voices and Differences through Community Literacy Projects: Review of Detroit Future Youth Curriculum Mixtape and Freeing Ourselves: A Guide to Health and Self-Love for Brown Bois
Londie T. Martin
-- Respect Yourself, Protect Yourself: Latina Girls and Sexual Identity, Lorena Garcia
Jenna Vinson
Community Literacy Journal Website: www.communityliteracy.org
Community Literacy Journal Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Community-Literacy-Journal
Crossroads Collabrative Website: mcclellandinstitute.arizona.edu/crossroads
Crossroads Collabrative Facebook: www.facebook.com/CrossroadsCollaborative