Explore queer youth-driven participatory media projects that produce (and are produced by) remixed stories and bodies.
Consider the possibilities of coalitional gestures at work in these corporeal and narrative remixings and how such gestures might intervene in rhetorical appeals to "exceptional" youth with: Dr. Adela C. Licona at her talk Stories and Bodies-So-Far: Queer/ed Relational Re/Mixings as Coalitional Gestures.
Stories and Bodies-So-Far: Queer/ed Relational Re/Mixings as Coalitional Gestures
Tuesday, October 1st at 4:30pm
Troy Moore Library Rm 939 of Langdale Hall (Formerly known as the General Classroom Building)
Presentation for Institute for Women’s Gender, and Sexuality Studies, the Department of Communication, Faces of Feminism, and SPEAK at Georgia State University. Atlanta, GA.