Grace Aroz-Moscoso
Graduate Student, Human Development & Family Science Student Member, Norton School Council of Alumni and Friends- Pronouns: she, her, hers
Melissa Barnett, Ph.D.
Professor, Human Development and Family Science Norton Endowed Chair in Fathers, Parenting and Families Director, Frances McClelland Institute for Children, Youth & Families- (520) 621-4738
- Pronouns: she/her
Sherry Betts, Ph.D.
Professor and Extension Specialist Emerita, Family Studies and Human DevelopmentNicholas Bishop, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Science Faculty Affiliate (by courtesy), Sociology, University of Arizona- Pronouns: he, him, his
Krystle Calles
Program Coordinator, Take Charge America InstituteSelena Carbajal
Graduate Student, Human Development and Family Science- Pronouns: she, her, hers
Mike Celaya
Norton School Advisory Board, Director of Development, Alumni, Advocacy & Corporate Relations, College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences- (520) 621-2393
- Pronouns: she,her,hers
Adam Clark, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Practice, Human Development and Family Science- (520) 621-9573
- Pronouns: he, him, his
Melissa Curran, Ph.D.
Professor, Human Development and Family Science- (520) 621-7140
- Pronouns: she/her
Donna Hendrickson Christensen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Emerita, Family Studies and Human Developmentd
Jim Davis
Norton School Advisory Board, Senior Director, Alumni, Advocacy & Corporate Relations, College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental SciencesMadeleine DeBlois, Sc.D.
Research Scientist, Community Research, Evaluation & Development (CRED)Melissa Delgado, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Sciencee
Lance Erickson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Practice and Program Chair, Retailing & Consumer ScienceJessie Erikson Pyarelal
Postdoctoral Research Associate I, Human Development and Family Science- 520-621-1644
- Pronouns: she, her, hers
Terrace Ewinghill
Scientific Analyst I, Community Research, Evaluation & Development (CRED)f
Felicia Frontain
Assistant Professor of Practice, Retailing & Consumer Scienceg
Priscila Gámez Hernández
Graduate Student, Human Development and Family Science- Pronouns: she, her, hers
Alyssa Garcia
Graduate Student, Human Development and Family Science- Pronouns: she/her
Rachel Gildersleeve
Research Professional II, Community Research, Evaluation & Development (CRED) TeamEllen Goldsberry
Professor and Director Emerita, Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Terry J. Lundgren Center for Retailingh
Marissa Hettinger
Graduate Student, Human Development and Family ScienceElizabeth Heuisler
Assistant Professor of Practice, Fashion Industry's Science & TechnologyJames Edward Hunt, Ph.D.
Professor of Practice, Human Development and Family Science Associate Dean, Career and Academic Services, College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences- (520) 626-3631
- Pronouns: he, him, his
Associate Professor of Practice and Program Chair, Fashion Industry's Science & Technology- (520) 621-8143
- Pronouns: she, her, hers
Maggie Keef
Associate Professor of Practice, Fashion Industry's Science & Technology- 520-621-1132
- Pronouns: she, her, hers
Maureen Kelly, Ph. D
Professor Emerita, Family Studies and Human Development, Family and Consumer Sciences EducationKathleen Kennedy
Associate Professor of Practice, Retailing and Consumer Science Chair, ALVSCE Faculty CouncilPayal Khosla, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Practice, Human Development and Family Science Postdoctoral Research Associate, Human Development and Family ScienceSoo Hyun Kim, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Practice, Retailing and Consumer ScienceDarin Knapp, Ph.D.
Associate Director, Norton School of Human Ecology Professor of Practice, Human Development and Family Science- (520) 621-7141
- Pronouns: he, him, his
Thomas Korankye, Ph.D., CFP®
Assistant Professor, Personal & Family Financial Planning- (520) 621-7572
- Pronouns: he, him, his
Sheila Kressler- Crowley
Associate Director, Terry J. Lundgren Center for Retailingl
Rachel Leih
Research Scientist, Community Research, Evaluation & Development (CRED) TeamBianca Levario
Program Manager, Frances McClelland Institute for Children, Youth & Families- (520) 621-8067
- Pronouns: she, her, hers
Victoria Ligon, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Practice, Personal and Family Financial Planning- (520) 626-5376
- Pronouns: she, her, hers
Angie Liljequist, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Practice, Fashion Industry's Science and Technology- (520) 621-0281
- Pronouns: she / her/ hers
Jeannette Maré
Director, Science of Kindness Community Collective Research Professor, Frances McClelland Institute for Children, Youth and Families- 520-621-1075
- Pronouns: she, her, hers
Beth Martin
Outreach and Events Coordinator, Norton School Council of Alumni and Friends, CALES Alumni Board RepresentativeStefanie Martinez-Fuentes
Postdoctoral Research Associate I, Human Development and Family Science- Pronouns: she/her/hers
Daniel McDonald, Ph.D.
Director, Take Charge America Institute for Consumer Financial Education and Research Extension Specialist, Financial Literacy Fundraising Chair, Norton School Council of Alumni and FriendsMatthias Mehl
Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Arizona- (520) 626-2374
- Pronouns: he/him
Reason Meyer
Graduate Student, Human Development and Family Science- Pronouns: she/her/hers
Caroline Monica
Adjunct Instructor, Human Development & Family ScienceJoel Muraco, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Practice, Human Development & Family Science Affiliate Faculty, Psychology- (520) 621-7946
- Pronouns: he, him, his
Rajni Nair
Associate Teaching Professor, Arizona State University College of Integrative Sciences and Artso
Kayla Osman
Graduate Student, Human Development and Family Science- Pronouns: she, her, hers
- 520-621-7748
- Pronouns: she, her, hers
Timothy Ottusch, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Practice and Program Chair, Human Development and Family Science- Pronouns: him, him, his
Thaddeus Pace
Associate Professor, University of Arizona College of Nursing, Community & Systems Health Science DivisionLinda Pallock, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Practice, Human Development and Family Science- (520) 621-1724
- Pronouns: "she, her, hers"
Patrick Payne
Associate Professor of Practice, Personal and Family Financial PlanningNorma Perez-Brena, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Science- (520) 621-0402
- Pronouns: she, her, ella
Cory Quailes
Associate Professor of Practice, Retailing & Consumer Science- (520) 621-3063
- Pronouns: he/him/they/them
Elena Rodriguez
Student Activities and Engagement Coordinator Terry J. Lundgren Center for RetailingAndrea Romero, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Professor, Human Development and Family ScienceJohn M. Ruiz
Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Arizona- (520) 621-2177
- Pronouns: he/him/el
Dave Sbarra
Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Arizona- Pronouns: he/him
Laura Scaramella, Ph.D.
Director, John and Doris Norton School of Human Ecology Professor and Fitch Nesbitt Endowed Chair, Human Development and Family ScienceJoyce Serido
Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Family Social Science, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities- Pronouns: she/her/hers
Hope Simpara
Associate Professor of Practice, Fashion Industry's Science & Technology- 520-626-9243
- Pronouns: she, her, hers
Kate Speirs, Ph.D.
Associate State Specialist for Early Childhood, FCS Cooperative Extension Associate Professor, Family and Consumer Sciences- (520) 621-1691
- Pronouns: she, her, hers
Scott Styrmoe, CPA, CFP®
Adjunct Lecturer, Personal & Family Financial Planningt
Kara Haberstock Tanoue
Data Scientist IV, Community Research, Evaluation & Development (CRED) Team- (520) 621-2983
- Pronouns: she, her, hers
Shirley Jo Taylor, Ph.D.
Legacy Leader and Extension Specialist Emerita, Youth Development and Cooperative Extensionu
Richard Wahl
Professor of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, University of Arizona, College of Medicine- (520) 626-6303
- Pronouns: he/him/his
Andrew Waldum, M.B.A., CFP®
Associate Professor of Practice, Personal and Family Financial PlanningKealie Walker
Graduate Student, Human Development & Family Science- Pronouns: she, her, hers
Kimberly Walsh
Adjunct Lecturer, Personal and Family Financial PlanningMichele Walsh, Ph.D.
Associate Director, Cooperative Extension Family, Consumer and Health Sciences Professor, Human Development & Family Science Specialist, Evaluation, Cooperative Extension- (520) 621-8739
- Pronouns: she,her,hers
Kenneth White, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Personal and Family Financial Planning- Pronouns: he, him, his
Noel Wilkinson
Program Coordinator, Take Charge America InstituteAda Wilkinson-Lee
Associate Professor, Department of Mexican American Studies, University of ArizonaLela Rankin Williams
Professor, ASU School of Social Work - Tucson, Arizona State University- (520) 884-5507
- Pronouns: she, her, hers