Hydroponics http://ag.arizona.edu/PLS/faculty/MERLE.html
Single Truss Tomato Production http://nj-nscort.rutgers.edu/visitor/tps/index.html
Mississippi State University Truck Crops Research & Extension Center http://ext.MSSTATE.edu/anr/plantsoil/vegfruit/tomato/ghtomato/faq.html
Hydroponic Society of America http://hsa.hydroponics.org
Tomato Plant Problems FAQ by Kay Klier http://is.rice.edu/~shel/tomato.html
The Growroom http://www.thegrowroom.com
Virginia Hydroponics, Inc. http://www.hydro4u.com/
Growing Edge magazine http://growingedge.com
Practical Hydroponics & Greenhouses magazine http://www.hydroponics.com.au/
Hydro-gardens, Inc Colorado Springs, CO http://www.hydro-gardens.com
Bonita Nurseries, Inc Wilcox, AZ http://www.eurofresh.com
Crop King http://www.cropking.com
Cornell Univ. Biological Control: Guide to Natural Enemies in North America http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/ent/biocontrol/
Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Perspectives http://www.cas.psu.edu/docs/CASHOME/PROGPER/GREENHOUSE.HTML
Koppert Biological Systems http://www.koppert.nl/english/index.html
The Bugstore http://www.bugstore.com/
Beneficial insectary home page http://www.insectary.com/
Univ. of California Integrated Pest Management Project http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn002.html
Whitefly-Transmitted Geminiviruses http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu/nipmn/GEMINI/
Hydroponic Food Production, A Difinitive Guidebook of Soilless Food-Growing Methods. 5th Ed. by: Howard M. Resh 1995. Woodbridge Press Publishing Company, Santa Barbara, California, USA. The classic standard book for advanced hobby or novice commercial hydroponics. Covers all the information needed for the basic understanding of commercial hydroponic production.
Tomato Diseases: A Practical Guide for Seedsmen, Growers, and Agricultural Advisors. by: Brad Gabora and Wayne Wiebe, editors. 1997. Seminis Vegetable Seeds, Inc. Saticoy, California, USA. Provides descriptions and beautiful color photos of the more common tomato diseases and disorders, including symptoms, conditions necessary for development and control measures.
Hydroponic Nutrients - Easy Ways to Make Your Own, 3rd Ed. by: M Edward Muckle. Highly recommended as the source of current information on plant nutrition and nutrient formulation. Easy to read with a simple method of making your own plant food.
Protected Agriculture, A Global Review. by: Merle H. Jensen and Alan J. Malter. 1995. World Bank Technical Paper Number 253. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA. A wonderful source of general information about protected agriculture, including mulches, row covers, and greenhouses with an emphasis on arid and cool climates.
Soilless Culture for Horticultural Crop Production. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 101. 1990. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, Italy.
Greenhouse Crops in North America: A Practical Guide to Stonewool Culture. Douglas H. Marlow, 1993. Grodania A/S, 415 Industrial Dr., Milton, ON, Canada.
The history of mineral plant nutrition till about 1860 as source of the origin of soilless culture methods. Abram A. Steiner. 1985. Soilless Culture. 1(1) pp 7-21.
Improvement of greenhouse tomato fruit quality by manipulation of root size, nutrient solution composition, and fruit marketing. Asher Bar-Tal, Irena Rylski, the late Amos Feigin, and Etan Pressman. 1996. Acta Horticulturae 434 pp37-45.
Breeding greenhouse type tomatoes tolerant to the whitefly-borne tomato yellow leaf curl virus. M. Pilowsky, S. Cohen, S. Nahon, A. Shlomo, L. Chen, R. Ben-Joseph. 1996. Acta Horticulturae 434 pp191-193.
Maturity, ripening, and quality relationships of fruit-vegetables. A.A. Kader. 1996. Acta Horticulturae 434 pp249-255.
The Growing Edge. P.O. Box 1027, Corvallis, OR, 97339. Phone (503)757-0027. Published quarterly.
The American Vegetable Grower. Meister Publishing Company, 37733 Euclid Ave, Willoughby, OH, 44094. Phone (440)942-2000. Published monthly.
The Greenhouse Grower. Same address as above. Published monthly.