These are the people who made this web site possible. This site grew from an 8 month demonstration project overseen by Dr. Merle Jensen and Dr. Pat Rorabaugh at the University of Arizona. Many thanks to all the people below, and any we may have neglected to list.
Anita L. Hayden, graduate student, Arid Lands Resource Sciences, University of Arizona. Created this site in an attempt to earn 3 measly credits of independent study.
Zyver9 Multimedia. Page design, graphic art, tomato photos and documentation of the project on videotape.
Dr. Merle Jensen, Assistant Dean, College of Agriculture, University of Arizona.
Dr. Pat Rorabaugh, Assistant Research Scientist, College of Agriculture, University of Arizona.
K. Tomlinson, watercolor tomato plant illustration used in Pruning Quiz. c/o GJ&S, Box 22048, Tucson, AZ 85734.
Dr. Oscar Minkenberg, who provided expert advice and guidance in biological pest control, and the photo of the Trialeurodes vaporariorum (greenhouse whitefly)
Photo thanks to Mike Rose for the photo of the Eretmocerus californicus. Biolab of Italy for the photo of Encarsia formosa (parasitic wasps). Veronica Angel for photos of the greenhouse supplies and nutrients.
Bonita Nurseries, Willcox, Arizona, for allowing our class to tour and videotape their impressive facilities.
And special thanks to all my classmates and Campus Ag Center staff who were part of this hydroponic tomato project and who graciously allowed us to videotape and document the entire process. Thanks!!