
The newsletter Aridus was published from 1989 to 2010. The purpose of the newsletter was to stimulate interest in desert legumes, to inform our readers of DELEP's activities, and to encourage support for DELEP. The issues are indexed below. Beginning with Volume 16, back issues are available in PDF format. Printed copies of each issue are available upon request. Donations to cover postage costs are appreciated for printed copies of Aridus. 

Volume 22(1): April 2010
Legumes and Their Exudates

Volume 21(3): November 2009
Unique Legumes on the University of Arizona Campus Part IV

Volume 21(2): August 2009
What is in a Name? Legumes of Arizona--An Illustrated Flora and Reference

Volume 21(1): May 2009
Arizona Mesquite Company

Volume 20(3): November 2008
Unique Legumes on the University of Arizona Campus, Part IV

Volume 20(2): August 2008
Twenty Years Later--DELEP at Two Decades

Volume 20(1): March 2008
Palo Verde Trees for the Urban Landscape

Volume 19(2): November 2007
Mesquite Trees for the Urban Landscape

Volume 19(1): July 2007
The January 2007 Freeze – Effects of Cold on Plants in DELEP’s Fields

Volume 18(3): November 2006
Unique Legumes on the University of Arizona Campus Part III

Volume 18(2): August 2006
Legumes of Wallace Desert Gardens

Volume 18(1): April 2006
Legumes of the Texas Rio Grande Region

Volume 17(3): November 2005
Unique Legumes on the University of Arizona Campus

Volume 17(2): August 2005

Volume 17(1): April 2005
Collecting Legumes in the Largest Remote Region Remaining in the Lower 48 States

Volume 16(3): November 2004
Survival and Performance of Cultivated Perennial Legume Species in Arizona

Volume 16(2): August 2004
Effects of the December 2003 Freeze on Plants in DELEP’s Tucson Fields

Volume 16(1): April 2004
Cassia fistula and Delonix regia

Volume 15(4): November 2003
Australian, South African and South American Legume Species at Boyce Thompson Arboretum

Volume 15(3): August 2003
Why do Prosopis Species Invest Expensive Resources in Sexual Reproduction?

Volume 15(2): May 2003
Jacaranda mimosifolia - The Faux Legume

Volume 15(1): February 2003
The Desert Legume Garden at Boyce Thompson Arboretum - Ten Years Later

Volume 14(4): December 2002
Germplasm Collection in Turkmenistan

Volume 14(3): August 2002
Mesquite Species Growth at Page Ranch

Volume 14(2): May 2002
Distribution, Biology, and Potential Horticultural Uses of Big Bend Bluebonnet (Lupinus havardii)

Volume 14(1): February 2002
Mysterious Wisteria

Volume 13(4): November 2001
The IPPS: Inviting, Informative, and Instructional
Species of Interest: Acacia aroma

Volume 13(3): August 2001
Summary: Reunión Nacional de la Asociación Argentina de Prosopis - National Meeting of the Prosopis Association of Argentina

Volume 13(2): May 2001
The Taxonomy of North and South American Mesquites

Volume 13(1): February 2001
Legume Highlights of the November 2000 Delep/BTSA Trip to Argentina
Species of Interest: Ammodendron conollyi

Volume 12(4): November 2000
The U.S. National System for Germplasm Conservation

Volume 12(3): August 2000
Ironwood National Monument Established in Arizona
Species of Interest: Olneya tesota

Volume 12(2): May 2000
Invasion of the Pod Plants: Notable Legumes on The University of Arizona Campus

Volume 12(1): February 2000
The Evolutionary Relationship Between Drought Tolerance and Distribution of Mesquites

Volume 11(4): December 1999
The Fever Tree: A Survival Story
Species of Interest: Pueraria lobata

Volume 11(3): August 1999
Legumes as Weeds
Species of Interest: Parkinsonia aculeata

Volume 11(2): May 1999
Some Legume Toxins
Species of Interest: Acacia haematoxylon

Volume 11(1): February 1999
Legume Safari - Delep/BTSA South Africa Expedition

Volume 10(4): November 1998
Delep: The Origin of a Vision, its status after Ten Years

Volume 10(3): August 1998
Delep Expedition to Southern Utah

Volume 10(2): May 1998
Natural Asexual Regeneration in Woody Desert Plants

Volume 10(1): February 1998
Chihuahuan Desert Bauhinias

Volume 9(4): November 1997
Mesquites and Algarrobos, Trees for Arid Lands
Species of Interest: Prosopis chilensis

Volume 9(3): August 1997
Cold Tolerance of Legumes

Volume 9(2): May 1997
Mesquite: Conservation through Gastronomy
Species of Interest: Geoffroea decorticans

Volume 9(1): February 1997
Legumes of the Monte and Chaco

Volume 8(4): November 1996
A Lifetime with Legumes
Species of Interest: Acacia pruinocarpa

Volume 8(3): August 1996
Palo Verde - A Review of the Genus Cercidium

Volume 8(2): May 1996
Delep - Eight Years of Progress
Species of Interest: Acacia jennerae

Volume 8(1): February 1996
Vanishing Legumes

Volume 7(4): November 1995
Delep Down Under
Species of Interest: Acacia aneura 

Volume 7(3): August 1995
Leguminosae in the Living Collections of the Boyce Thompson Arboretum

Volume 7(2): May 1995
Plants and People of Senegal
Species of Interest: Faidherbia albida

Volume 7(1): February 1995
The Genus Astragalus: a Phylogenetic Perspective

Volume 6(4): November 1994
Legume Morphology - an Overview

Volume 6(3): August 1994
Delep's Arizona Volunteers
Species of Interest: Lysiloma watsonii

Volume 6(2): May 1994
Collecting and Testing
Species of Interest: Bauhinia lunarioides

Volume 6(1): February 1994
The Enigma of the Relationships Between Seeds, Seed Beetles, Elephants, Cattle and Other Organisms
Species of Interest: Acacia tortilis

Volume 5(4): November 1993
Mesquite Habitat Conservation and Alternative Product Development
Species of Interest: Prosopis velutina

Volume 5(3): August 1993
The Taylor Family Desert Legume Garden at the Boyce Thompson Arboretum

Volume 5(2): May 1993
Delep's Lupin Nursery
Species of Interest: Lupinus pilosus

Volume 5(1): February 1993
Desert Smoke Tree

Volume 4(4): November 1992
Reflections on a Desert Legume Trinity
Species of Interest: Cercidium floridum

Volume 4(3): August 1992
Delep's Yuma Fields
Species of Interest: Pithecellobium dulce

Volume 4(2): May 1992
Seed Collecting: On the Trail of Legumes in Texas
Species of Interest: Balsamocarpon brevifolium

Volume 4(1): February 1992
Delep and the International Scene
Species of Interest: Bolusanthus speciosus

Volume 3(4): November 1991
Legumes and the Recovery of the Endangered Masked Bobwhite Quail
Species of Interest: Acacia angustissima

Volume 3(3): August 1991
Tropical Dry Forests and Legume Diversity
Species of Interest: Haematoxylum brasiletto

Volume 3(2): May 1991
Delep Information Data Bank
Species of Interest: Caesalpinia paraguariensis

Volume 3(1): February 1991
Salinity, Aridity and Legumes
Species of Interest: Prosopis tamarugo

Volume 2(4): November 1990
Lupin as a Crop
Species of Interest: Lupinus mutabilis

Volume 2(3): August 1990
From seed to (shining?) Seed
Species of Interest: Erythrina flabelliformis

Volume 2(2): May 1990
An Introdution to the Taxonomy of Legumes
Species of Interest: Olneya tesota

Volume 2(1): February 1990
Mesquite - A World Food Crop
Species of Interest: Phaseolus acutifolius

Volume 1(4): November 1989
Legumes as Landscape Plants
Species of Interest: Dalea frutescens

Volume 1(3): August 1989
Desert Legumes and Sustainable Agriculture
Species of Interest: Castanospermum australe and Alexa leiopetala

Volume 1(2): May 1989
An Introduction to the Sponsoring Organizations
Species of Interest: Astragalus gummifer

Volume 1(1): February 1989
The Logic and Nature of the Desert Legume Program
Species of Interest: Oxytropis riparia