About the Climate Science Applications Program (CSAP)

CSAP is a University of Arizona Cooperative Extension program focused on bringing climate science research and applications to the people of the state of Arizona and the broader Southwest region including New Mexico, southern California, and northern Mexico. The program works to develop and coordinate outreach activities and applied research between the climate research community at the University of Arizona and a wide group of climate science user groups throughout the Southwest. This includes providing support and working through Cooperative Extension offices throughout Arizona. Partnerships with federal agencies down to individual climate science users are forged to improve the production and delivery of climate information. Research activities within CSAP include new climate product development tailored to specific user group needs and exploration into novel climate data visualization, dissemination, and analysis techniques and tools.

CSAP is a Cooperative Extension program housed in the Dept. of Soil, Water, & Environmental Science. New projects and partnerships are being formed each week as the program continues to grow. A sample of groups that CSAP works closely with include:

Click the icon to download a brochure about Climate Science Applications Program

Click here to download a CSAP overview presentation (4/2005)


Last Updated: 6/26/05© 2005 The Arizona Board of Regents. All contents copyrighted. All rights reserved.