A Student's Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis for Natural Resources
Lesson 1: Introduction
This website was developed to assist students in the College of Agriculture at the University of Arizona develop a better understanding of cost-benefit analysis particularly as it applies to natural resources issues. This website is an outgrowth of two courses taught by Prof. Ed de Steiguer. Those courses are: 1) RNR 485 - "Natural Resource Management and Economics," and 2) RNR 565 - "Advanced Natural Resource Management and Economics."
The topics covered in this website are as follows:
References which were particularly helpful in developing information on cost-benefit analysis are as follows:
Anderson, David R., Dennis J. Sweeney and Thomas A. Williams. 1997. An Introduction to Management Science: A Quantitative Approach to Decision Making. 8th ed. West Publishing Co. Minneapolis/St. Paul.
Boardman, Greenberg, Vining and Weimer. 1996. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Concepts and Practice. Prentice-Hall. Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Loomis, John B. 1993. Integrated Public Lands Management. Columbia University Press. New York.