First International Lygus Symposium
Second International Lygus Symposium
This conference brought together 52 entomologists from 6 nations and 11 states representing universities, public agencies, and private entities to discuss the latest research on Lygus species and their relatives. Symposium topics included Lygus biology, behavior and ecology, IPM, insecticides and resistance, and biological control. Papers and posters, 57 in all, dealt with Lygus as a pest of several crops, including cotton, strawberries, seed alfalfa, canola, dry beans, cucumbers, cereals, peaches, and new crops guayule and lesquerella. Intercrop movement of Lygus species was another important topic of many presentations. A field tour was conducted to introduce the participants to local agricultural settings and the influence of plant bugs on local agricultural production. In the capstone session, participants identified needs and priorities for ongoing Lygus research and education.
Paper abstracts are now available from the Journal of Insect Science.
Complete Symposium Program (PDF file, 1.1MB)
Peter B. Goodell and Peter C. Ellsworth
Scientific Committee:
Steve Naranjo and Peter Ellsworth, Co-Chairs
James Barbour, Héctor Cárcamo, Peter Goodell, Jeff Gore, Kim Hoelmer, Roger Leonard, Peter Mason, Charles Pickett
Keynote Speakers:
Peter C. Gregg, Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, Narrabri NSW and School of Rural Science & Agriculture, University of New England, Armidale NSW, Australia.
Gordon L. Snodgrass, Southern Insect Management Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Stoneville, MS, USA.
Frank G. Zalom, Department of Entomology, University of California, Davis, CA, USA.
Session Moderators:
Steve Naranjo, James Barbour, Héctor Cárcamo, Peter Ellsworth, Al Fournier, Peter Goodell, Jeff Gore, Kim Hoelmer, Roger Leonard, Charles Pickett
Local Arrangements:
Peter Goodell, Jennifer Thayer and Jennifer Claassen (UC Davis Campus Events and Visitors Services), Sean Swezey, Charlie Pickett, Frank Zalom

USDA-CSREES, Risk Avoidance and Mitigation Program (RAMP) grant (CRIS# 0207436), Developing and Implementing Field and Landscape Level Reduced Risk Management Strategies for Lygus in Western Cropping Systems. Ellsworth, P., P. Goodell, M. Parajulee, S. Bundy, S. Naranjo, J. Bancroft, J. Blackmer, Y. Carriere, A. Fournier, L. Godfrey, J. Hagler, J. Palumbo, J. Rosenheim, D. Kerns.
An evaluation conducted at the meeting indicated a high level of satisfaction with most program elements and provided suggestions for the timing and location of the Third International Lygus Symposium. View the Meeting Evaluation Summary. (PDF, 121KB)
First International Lygus Symposium, Jan 30 - Feb 3, 2005, Ottawa, Canada.
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