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Classification, Properties, and Management of Aridisols

Final Considerations

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Calcareous and gypsiferous soils can also be improved by the incorporation of organic materials. In some cases deep plowing may be helpful where the gypsum or carbonate rich layers occur within reach of the plow.

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When petrocalcic horizons occur close to the surface they present major constraints for agricultural development. One of the oldest, simplest and most successful management techniques for the use of these soils is illustrated here. Holes are dug through the cemented horizon and filled with soil material. These sites are then planted to tree crops.

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In many desert areas wind erosion is a serious problem. This slide shows an effort by farmers in Morocco to combat wind erosion and prevent the encroachment of sands onto agricultural fields.

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Soils of arid regions comprise an important global resource because of their wide extent, high natural fertility and potential for multiple cropping. With proper management and water for irrigation many Aridisols can be highly productive. If irrigated, their primary limitations for agriculture are soil horizons with concentrations of soluble salts, sodium, calcium carbonate, gypsum and cemented pans.

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Taxonomic class names in Soil Taxonomy convey important information about these soil conditions to trained soil scientists, agronomists and land use planners. For the efficient use of our land resources, soils should be classified and mapped so that the best sites may be selected for agricultural development.

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We have to think about future generations. Are we doing enough to develop the technology for them to feed themselves? Are we conserving our soil resources so that they too can have comfortable lives?

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It is hoped that an understanding of the taxonomic classes of the Aridisol order, the logic of their classification, and an appreciation of their management characteristics have been conveyed in this presentation.

Introduction to Aridic Soils | Soil Taxonomy | Introduction to Soil Horizons | The Horizons | Suborders and Great Groups | Argid Suborder | Orthid Suborder | Subgroups | Families | Non-Aridisols | Irrigation | Saline Soils | Sodic and Saline-Sodic Soils | Final Considerations

Last revised: 29 August 2001
Site created and maintained by the Office of Arid Lands Studies