This website is the result of a demonstration project funded by the International Arid Lands Consortium to design and create a WWW site for information on soils of arid regions of the U.S. and Israel. It was designed to provide information to assist those who would manage their impact on the soils of arid regions for sustainability.


Introduction to Aridic Soils
Papers on soils of arid regions, how they develop, and how they are classified, with copies in Hebrew. In addition, there is a book chapter on managing soils for sustainable land use and a glossary of terms.
Classification of Aridic Soils
Classification of aridisols and other aridic soils, including slides. Some material in Hebrew. Based on the USDA classification.
Aridic Soils in Israel
Slides of soils from Israel, soil map of Israel, and a correlation between FAO and USDA soil classification systems, including some in Hebrew
U.S. Soil Surveys and Maps
Listings of published soil surveys and maps in the US, by state and county
Related Links
Links to other sites for information on soils
About the Site
Contact Email

   Last update: 3 January 2005