 Plant USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / Hitchcock, A.S. (rev. A. Chase). 1950. Manual of the grasses of the United States. USDA Miscellaneous Publication No. 200. Washington, DC. |  Spikelets Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium, Usage Rights: Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) | | | | |
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Origin: Native   Season: Warm Habitat Description: Grows in open sites in often wet alkaline meadows, prairies, sandy arroyo bottoms, talus slopes, rocky flats and river banks. SEINET plant database shows 2 collections in pinyon-juniper. Plant Communities:Pinyon Juniper Woodland, Montane Conifer Forest, Riparian Elevation: 7000 - 8700 feet
Similar Species: Muhlenbergia repens
Loose mat-forming grass with stems growing along the ground branching from a common root, shooting upward periodically. Identification Notes: Seedhead stems nodular-roughened, decumbent, not creeping; blades are less than 1/8 inch wide, short and usually in-rolled; seedheads narrow; spikelets on short pedicels (stems); prominent rhizomes. Grass Type: Perennial mat or sod-forming Rhizomes: Y Stolons: N Large Dense Clump (> 2 feet): N Bushy (highly branched): N Height with Seedheads: Less than 12 inches Seedhead Structure: Branched - contracted Seedhead Droops: N Flowering Period: Aug - Oct
Number of Flowers per Spikelet: One-flowered Spikelets One-sided: N Awns: Absent Three Awns: N Awns Bent: N Flower and Seedhead Notes: Seedhead is 3/4 to 4 inches long, narrow, densely flowered, often interrupted, may be almost spike-like, branches short and appressed.
Blade Hairy:
Blade with White Margins:
Blade Cross section:
Flat or involute
Blade Notes:
Flat or edges rolled inward, <1/8 inch wide, <1/4 to 2 inches long, rough below.
Sheath Hairy:
Tuft of Hairs at top of Sheath or Collar:
Auricles (Ear-like lobes at collar area:
Forage Value: