Life Cycle:
Biennial or perennial Similar Species: Centaurea diffusa General Desc:
This invasive plant grows from a basal rosette in its first year into a bushy plant in its second year, blossoming with a profusion of small flowers for months and generating new rosettes for future growth. Identification notes: Spotted knapweed is distinguished reliably by its "spots" or blackened bract ends. Pink to purple disc flowers only. Leaves divided into very narrow lobes, grayish-green. Height:
8 inches to 4 feet Habitat
Habitat Description: It prefers dry, coarsely textured soils that drain well, especially in south facing locations. It readily invades disturbed sites, choking out native vegetation, once established, it moves into surrounding more pristine areas. Plant Communities:
Disturbed Areas Elevation: 1900 - 10000 feet Flower Characteristics
Pink to purple, rarely white
Daisy or dandelion-like not in clusters
Flowering Period:
Jun - Oct Description:
The flower can be 3/4 to 1 inch wide and when fully open is disc-like. The flower emerges from a cone of bracts, which distinguish the plant with their black tips and coarse bristles.
Leaf and Stem Characteristics
Leaf Color:
Gray green to dark green
Leaf Type:
Leaf Shape:
Leaf Margin:
Leaf Attachment:
Basal and alternate
Leaves Clasp:
N Hairs:
Leaves and stems
Leaf Description:
Erect, wiry stems that are green or gray in color branch freely at mid-height, producing 15 or more flowering stems. Leaves, which may be 6 inches long near the stem, are dotted with resin, narrow and deeply lobed, lobes are toothed at their end. Fruit and Seed Characteristics
Fruit Color: Brown to black Fruit Type: Achene Seed Notes: Seeds are oval with pale lengthwise lines and short fringe on one end.
Arizona Cooperative Extension
Yavapai County
840 Rodeo Dr #C
Prescott, AZ 86305
(928) 445-6590