 Frankie Coburn @http://swbiodiversity.org, Usage Rights Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) |  Frankie Coburn @http://swbiodiversity.org, Usage Rights Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) |  Flowers Frankie Coburn @http://swbiodiversity.org, Usage Rights Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) |  Frankie Coburn @http://swbiodiversity.org, Usage Rights Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) |  Leaf Frankie Coburn @http://swbiodiversity.org, Usage Rights Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) |  Basal leaves Max Licher @http://swbiodiversity.org, Usage Rights: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) |
Life Cycle:
General Desc:
An ungainly, spindly plant with large fleshy leaves near the base, stems sparsely leafy; white, pink or bright pinkish-purple, trumpet-shaped flowers scattered about widely branched stems. Identification notes: Flowers white, pink or bright pinkish-purple with lightly coiled, protruding, pink stamens, round, lobed, pinkish anthers. Flowers a long tube of petals and sepals. Seeds enclosed in persistent, fleshy, leathery, or woody sepals (anthocarp); leaves basal. Height:
1 foot or more
Habitat Description: Found in limestone soils or rocky soil containing gypsum at about 3500 feet.
Plant Communities:
Desert Scrub, Interior Chaparral, Semidesert Grasslands Elevation: 3000 - 4000 feet
White, pink or bright pinkish-purple
Irregular in elongated clusters
Flowering Period:
Jun - Nov
Flowers single or in ill-defined clusters of 2 to 5 on branches; flower is a long, greenish-bronze tube; white, pink or bright pinkish-purple petal-like lobes abruptly flare from tubes; 3 lightly coiled, projecting stamens; round, lobed, pinkish anthers.
Leaf Color:
Dull green
Leaf Type:
Leaf Shape:
Round or oval
Leaf Margin:
Leaf Attachment:
Basal and opposite
Leaves Clasp:
Leaf Description:
Stout stems usually with a broad, sticky band on each internode; the basal leaves opposite, with 1 to 3 pairs near the plant base, thick and fleshy, heart-shaped; upper surfaces dull green to pale green, lower surfaces grayish-green; both surfaces smooth.
Fruit Type: Achene Fruit Notes: Wedge-shaped and widened in the middle; 1/4 to 1/2 inch long and 1/16 to 1/4 inch wide; 10-ribbed, ribs narrow and wavy with well-developed, strongly wavy raised rims; fruits secrete mucilage when wetted. Seed Notes: Single seeds enclosed in persistent (remain attached), fleshy, leathery, or woody sepals.